Bees & cannabis


Well-Known Member
I found one single bee lurking around my ladies. I'm confused how he/she even got down here as everything is solidly sealed off and it's winter. That in itself threw me for a loop. Regardless, little guy found a warm home in my basement.

Are bees harmful to cannabis plants? I've done a small amount of research and haven't found any significant information.

Should I evict him or let him stay?


Well-Known Member
Aww man the play button was a lie
And such a wonderfully mature thread (hi riu)
Btw while some of the terps can attract bees they won't have any effect on your plants


Well-Known Member
Evict him as not a food source, possibly a solitary bee or somthing. Could be a good deed unless its mid winter in which case i think sugar water might keep him going and hope to f#@k he dosent sting you...


Well-Known Member
Wont hurt your crop non but there are carpenter bees and several species of wasps that burrow into wood structures and they can cause serious damage to a house it may not be the only one and i wouldnt personally let it live in my basement


Well-Known Member
I know farmers use them to help pollinate there trees .....I'd assume that if there were gardens close by with males they could bring an unwanted situation your way .....However in your case I wouldn't worry much about that since your sealed and in winter atm ....further more I have two hives at one of my lil ranches where I grow in nor cal and have never had an issue ......but it's also well off the beaten path and the closest grower to me is about 20 or so miles away ....I think you should name it and teach it how to sting you in the neck area just rite so you can enjoy the high .......happen to me once while deer hunting


bud bootlegger
one day, i was at this lake, located in the woods, fishing.. i had my hip waders on, and was about knee deep in the water when i felt something crawling up my neck.. i look down only to find a spider walking up my neck, towards my face.. i reach down, and grab mr spider, and decide i'll be nice, and walked him back to dry land, and i gently put him on some bushes near the shore..
i start to wade my way back out into the murky waters, when all of a sudden i feel a sharp pain in my neck, right where mr spider had been only moments before, when i start to realize that sucker bit me, even though i thought i was being nice and instead of squishing him in my hand, like i had first thought to do, i had walked him back to the safety of the shrubbery on the shore.. my neck broke out in a glorious color of red, and the itching was a real son of a bitch..

i have no idea what this has to do with a bee and cannabis, just thought that i'd share.