Best Soil Liquid Fert To Use


Well-Known Member
He already said hes a new grower, damn relax.

Remeber MG soil has slow release nutes in it so go easy on additional nutes from the bottle. less is more

ps AN nutrients are overpriced. No need for em.

Id just follow the directions on the bottle but diluted a little.

And to answer your question ~ the best liquid soil nute you can use is any kind of home brewed actively aerated compost tea. The best and the cheapest.


Active Member
This is one that you are going to have to figure out for yourself. Have you ever visited a HydroStore and seen all of the different brands of ferts and nutes? There are a lot of brands available, you have to choose the brand or brands that you want. Before I started growing I did a PreGrow using MG soil and fertilizers (grow and bloom), that is what I had so I used it. Then I found the MJ sites and people were talking about MG really bad, so I switched. I have grown MJ using MG, FoxFarm, and now I am using Jacks and DynaGro. It does not matter if it is liquid or powder as long as it has what your plants needs. You can spend as much money as you want on your grow room and grow some really nice plants. Or, you can do it cheaply and still grow some really nice plants. Try to keep it simple and read up on the brands that you think you might like. Your local HydroGrow store might have samples of some brands.


Active Member
ive seen some good ideas in this thread but some to stay away from only because of price and the amount of product you will have to buy to use the whole line up ( fox farm)

if you want a good cheap 2 part liquid fert i would go with floranova grow and bloom, its cheap, lasts long and its all you need in 2 bottles, also it is ph stable
where do you get floranova frow and bloom and can you use it for regular bud (not dro)?


Well-Known Member
The most expensive organic fertilizers on the market even though they have other ingredients(fillers) added to them still smell similiar to either molasses, seaweed, or fish; didn't notice?, take a whiff next time you open a bottle. All of which are far less expensive compared to the products that are derived from them. I've used raw seaweed that's washed up on beaches and out of the Detroit River on outdoor plants for years and I've used kelp meals and liquid seaweeds also, but they don't compare to the natural shit.
Kinda like a bodybuilder using protein shakes vs meat and potatoes.


Have you ever visited a HydroStore and seen all of the different brands of ferts and nutes? There are a lot of brands available, you have to choose the brand or brands that you want.
and this is the main reason I started this thread. I don't want to go a spend money on anything I know little about. I figured this would be the perfect place to hear why people chose the ones they choose and which ones to stay away from. I usually listen to every ones opinon and go with my gut feeling that has now been slightly educated by people who have been doing this longer than I myself. I appreciate every single comment on this thread. thnx to all who have contributed.