Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

Great site if I could ever get a product to load. I'm surprised the N turned out so high. Entire food is super complete though...15 elements.
0.3 - 0.0 - 0.3 for the A stock solution of aqua flakes is very low.

Is 0.3 - 0 - 0.3 the mass percentages after diluting the mix for the reservoir?
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0.3 - 0.0 - 0.3 for the A stock solution of aqua flakes is very low.

Is 0.3 - 0 - 0.3 the mass percentages after diluting the mix for the reservoir?
I remember this same issue he had with that member here, who is a part-time grow store employee, over Euro to Usa clearex? Or somethin like it. Was it decimal placement? Can't remember.
Anywho....not to put you on the spot church, but just curious what you have to say about something. Running DG foliagepro(or a similar formula from raw salts) all the way through flower:
Would you try/recommend it? I'm on the fence about this. Goes against everything i've heard and done.

My best bud, currently living here, majored in Ag @ UH Hilo(i can't remember what degrees)and I ran that Idea by him. Even he says why would you do that, and that plants nutrient needs change while flowering. I just can't see feeding a formula that high in N, all the way through, but willing to try it i guess:-)
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I remember this same issue he had with that member here, who is a part-time grow store employee, over Euro to Usa clearex? Or somethin like it. Was it decimal placement? Can't remember.
That was in regards to drip clean and wasn't just decimal placement. That was weird since even when 'fixing' the decimal it actually resulted in a different ratio. With the drip clean my eu version said "18%P and 6%K" (3x more P than K) while Mick's US bottle said 0.18 and 0.6 (which is 3x more K than P). Based on a simple ppm test both our bottles seemingly did contain the same amount in total. I never got an answer from H&G about that and at the local grow shop I clearly noticed some brains malfunction when I explained.

Here's the hijacked thread:

0.3 - 0.0 - 0.3 for the A stock solution of aqua flakes is very low.

Is 0.3 - 0 - 0.3 the mass percentages after diluting the mix for the reservoir?
I don't know. I've seen both variation in the ratios as well as the supposed amount for various reasons (w/v vs w/v for example). Also, in the (or some) states the minimum tested value is what has to be on the label.

My bottle says 4%N, 0%, 2%K. and specifically lists density as 1.14 Kg/Liter. I use a little more than 1 liter A+B in total, so I spent roughly $13 on H&G per run (600watt, 6 plants). I see the prices in US vary a lot, but this one is even cheaper than what I pay:

Actually, this is so cheap (75% discount) it may be a scam :lol:

The P K Mg S Fe Mn Mo Zn booster I use is GHE FloraDuo Bloom, also called "B" in some countries. I basically mix base nutes from two different nutrient brands to give me some ratio-freedom. I buy that one in a 500ml bottle at about $8, of which I use roughly half or less during a run.

Add to that ph down, and 30 ml of drip clean (had same 250ml bottle for nearly 2 years now) and it adds up to about $20 per run.
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That was in regards to drip clean and wasn't just decimal placement. That was weird since even when 'fixing' the decimal it actually resulted in a different ratio. With the drip clean my eu version said "18%P and 6%K" (3x more P than K) while Mick's US bottle said 0.18 and 0.6 (which is 3x more K than P). Based on a simple ppm test both our bottles seemingly did contain the same amount in total. I never got an answer from H&G about that and at the local grow shop I clearly noticed some brains malfunction when I explained.

Here's the hijacked thread:

I don't know. I've seen both variation in the ratios as well as the supposed amount for various reasons (w/v vs w/v for example). Also, in the (or some) states the minimum tested value is what has to be on the label.

My bottle says 4%N, 0%, 2%K. and specifically lists density as 1.14 Kg/Liter. I use a little more than 1 liter A+B in total, so I spent roughly $13 on H&G per run (600watt, 6 plants). I see the prices in US vary a lot, but this one is even cheaper than what I pay:

Actually, this is so cheap (75% discount) I'd may be a scam :lol:

The P K Mg S Fe Mn Mo Zn booster I use is GHE FloraDuo Bloom, also called "B" in some countries. I basically mix base nutes from two different nutrient brands to give me some ratio-freedom. I buy that one in a 500ml bottle at about $8, of which I use roughly half or less during a run.

Add to that ph down, and 30 ml of drip clean (had same 250ml bottle for nearly 2 years now) and it adds up to about $20 per run.

Are you using that drip clean with aeroflo style tubes? Which btw, what are we supposed to call aeroflo style tubes? Lol
I'm thinking about firing up some aeroknow tubes(lol) soon, and just wondering if that stuff is worth a shit. Periodic clogs of the piss holes were a bitch, especially when the tubes are full of buds.:-(
That is why you use it rite?
They didn't have a product like that back when i used to grow that way
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Hey, are you using that drip clean with aeroflo style tubes?
Yes. And yes it does what it's supposed to do. If I don't use it I get salt build up on my chiller and other connections. Need very little too (10ml per 100l is recommended, a little less does the trick too). Since a $20 250ml bottle last me more than a year (roughly 60 rez changes) I will probably get it again. If I had a large setup I'd probably look for a cheaper alternative or ask @churchhaze how to recreate it :)

Which btw, what are we supposed to call aeroflo style tubes?
Recirculation hydro (general), NFT (general), DFT (more specific if the film is not a film but a deeper flow), or Flooded Tubes (grow forum lingo in case the end is dammed, like mine). Or if you wish, an aero-nft hybrid. There's no true aeroponics in an aeroflo though, it aerates the flow and makes it look more fancy. I don't use sprayers anymore.
Yes. And yes it does what it's supposed to do. If I don't use it I get salt build up on my chiller and other connections. Need very little too (10ml per 100l is recommended, a little less does the trick too). Since a $20 250ml bottle last me more than a year (roughly 60 rez changes) I will probably get it again. If I had a large setup I'd probably look for a cheaper alternative or ask @churchhaze how to recreate it :)

Recirculation hydro (general), NFT (general), DFT (more specific if the film is not a film but a deeper flow), or Flooded Tubes (grow forum lingo in case the end is dammed, like mine). Or if you wish, an aero-nft hybrid. There's no true aeroponics in an aeroflo though, it aerates the flow and makes it look more fancy. I don't use sprayers anymore.
Cool, I think I'll be using drip clean when I fire the tubes back up:-)
I've never used sprayers(or real aeroponics for that matter), my name is just a play on aeroflo. Piss holes are just big enough for a metal coat hanger to unplug, if needed. 350ish gph per 9' length of tube.

I would add "SWC" to the DFT part of it. At least in my tubes, I would build/aim the angle of the piss streams rite at the nutrient solution level, where it meets the inner tube wall when no riser is in(lowest level). Some serious aeration going on rite there, as well as waterfall back to reservoir.
I'm soooo excited to start growing this way again.:-) Can't wait:bigjoint:

Ok, hijack over:-D
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And H&G "A".

It's not. Their base nutes are complete. If memory serves me correctly, of the nutes in H&G hydro and aqua flakes roughly 12% is Ca. It's in the A bottle. If additional Ca and Mg would be needed, they'd be happy to sell you another bottle.

I also found H&G to be fairly complete.. Of the "MJ Specific" foods I have tried I like H&G the most. AND, it is more affordable than most.
I did pretty well wth H&G.. but I didn't use all the additives..
That said, I did better with Dyna Grow.. No question..
why would anyone buy a nute that lacks cal or mag?? doesnt make sence to buy a nutrient that you have to buy suppliments to complete it,, just dont make sence to me...and why would any company make nutrients to sell that lack these elements requiered by plants?? unless its for groing in a soil or something that already has these in it, but even then it would eventually run out in the soil and ud have to ad it anyway right?? never grown in soil so i really dont know much about it..ive grown a couple plants in my yard but just put them in the dirt never added worm castings or bat guano, nothing just watered them and added gh nutes if they looked like they needed somthing and they turned out great!!! i can say growing outdoors they get waaay bigger tho my plant ended up near 8 ft tall and probably as wide as it was tall finished just before the frost up afraid to do it again w/ out a greenhouse, the laws here suck for outdoor grows..
Some serious aeration going on rite there, as well as waterfall back to reservoir.
Yeah that and the continuous flow is pretty much all it needs for aeration. SWC to me implies the use of air stones but in a wide shallow container instead of a typical DWC bucket.

I also found H&G to be fairly complete.. Of the "MJ Specific" foods I have tried I like H&G the most. AND, it is more affordable than most.
Yeah it is unlike some claim not that expensive at all especially if you don't waste money on the overpriced additives.

As for H&G being "MJ specific"... while H&G obviously caters products to cannabis growers, it's not like Canna or AN. The company is started by William Van Der Zwaan, member of a greenhouse farmer family that has been growing roses for 70 years in Aalsmeer, "the" greenhouse centre of the Netherlands. They started creating greenhouse nutrients. They also sell regular house plant nutrients.

The name is "plant nutrients". 1 bottle that rules them all. 100% organic, basis is extracted from plant seeds. Super concentrated (need 'drops').

Next week the senate here will vote over a new law that will make it illegal to facilitate mj grows, as in jail time-illegal... All grow shops will have to close (well, unless they stop selling cannabis specific nutrients and carbon filters etc). Obviously this won't make it harder for me to get the essential elements but I wonder if it will affect especially the bullshit mj specific nutrient companies and products. No regular garden center is going to run the line of for example "Canna".

One of my many house plants:

Another one, this is an ongoing experiment. It was never really happy in soil, so I took some cuttings and rooted those. It's in an unaerated solution that is topped off a little once a week but never refreshed, for about 8 months now. And yes, transparent 'container'.
hp1.jpg hp2.jpg
Mad Farmer's Mother Of All Blooms works great for me. I know people say bloom boosters are a ripoff, but I disagree. I have grown using only Base nutes and there was hella difference in the buds without using boosters...Now all that other stuff yeah, its not needed but I believe a good base nute and bloom booster for last part of flowering is all you need.
Dyna grow bases are decent but I'm telling you right now the stuff is weak and you will never get the yield or results that canna - H&G - or advanced will get you even I find that botanicare's pure blend pro grow/bloom is a much better all around fertilizer and top quality nutrients... I run botanic are for veg all day before switching to bio canna bloom with phenomenal results

Read this:
The reason MOAB has a "weird" NPK ratio is because it wasn't designed by mortals.

Monopotassium phosphate was around before humans showed up.

And see this:

From the MOAB site:
Ingredients Explained:
  • Mono Potassium Phosphate – a synthetic fertilizer that is processed by mixing phosphoric acid with potassium chloride and then heated to remove all traces of hydrogen and chloride. It is used widely as a fertilizer when high levels of phosphorous and potassium are needed.
  • Mono Ammonium Phosphate – a synthetic fertilizer formed when phosphoric acid is mixed with ammonia. It is mainly used in the blending of dry agricultural fertilizers. It supplies Phosphorous (52%).
  • Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B-1) – a B vitamin which helps plants resist transplant shock and assist in growth.
See comments about B vitamin in this thread.

30bucks for 250g.

Description from Amazon:
"M.O.A.B. can be used during the first week of flowering to help induce flowers. Add M.O.A.B. during the last two to three weeks of flowering for added levels of Phosphorus and Potassium. The amount of base nutrients may need to be reduced by as much as 50% when using M.O.A.B. Over feeing may burn plants."

The first thing is bullshit. The rest shows the whole point, it just fucks up the ratio. You replace part of a complete balanced mix with just two of the ingredients already in that mix.
You're all going to hate my answer to this... but if I were to use foliage pro (in DWC), I would add a "PK Booster" to get my N : P ratio to around 1:1

Monopotassium phosphate in particular!

Anywho....not to put you on the spot church, but just curious what you have to say about something. Running DG foliagepro(or a similar formula from raw salts) all the way through flower:
Would you try/recommend it? I'm on the fence about this. Goes against everything i've heard and done.

My best bud, currently living here, majored in Ag @ UH Hilo(i can't remember what degrees)and I ran that Idea by him. Even he says why would you do that, and that plants nutrient needs change while flowering. I just can't see feeding a formula that high in N, all the way through, but willing to try it i guess:-)
The problem with avoiding PK boosters at all cost is that "PK booster" is an ingredient to the base nutrients. They just happen to put that ingredient in its own bottle as well, and label it as an additive. MOAB just got lazy. They didn't even bother trying to make their product look better than straight up KH2PO4... they just hoped people would buy it anyway, and they were right. geniuses. They literally take one bag and dump it into a bucket and throw a label on it, and people will pay hundreds of percent markup.

If i didn't include monopotassium phosphate in my own mixes, i'd have 0ppm of phosphorous. People may abuse phosphorous, but that dosen't mean you can omit it. Plants need phosphorous for just about everything.
Look folks, the reality is that you can grow weed with just calmag+ and moab. I'm serious, it would work, and you could dial it in.

At a bare minimum, you need calcium, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, iron, and magnesium. calmag+ and moab together provide all of that, but why would you want to dial THAT in?

The real problem with boosters is that they overlap what you already have. The reason you have 3 part base nutes is so you can adjust the NPK. There's absolutely no reason to get a PK booster when you already have a 3 part mix. The whole reason 3 part mixes were invented is to have a PK booster in the base nutes!!
substitute the following:

Instead of green, use potassium nitrate
Instead of red, use monopotassium phosphate
Instead of brown, use calcium nitrate.

The rest of the salts are distributed between green, red, and brown.

The majority of what you use will be those 3 salts.
I remember this same issue he had with that member here, who is a part-time grow store employee, over Euro to Usa clearex? Or somethin like it. Was it decimal placement? Can't remember.
Anywho....not to put you on the spot church, but just curious what you have to say about something. Running DG foliagepro(or a similar formula from raw salts) all the way through flower:
Would you try/recommend it? I'm on the fence about this. Goes against everything i've heard and done.

My best bud, currently living here, majored in Ag @ UH Hilo(i can't remember what degrees)and I ran that Idea by him. Even he says why would you do that, and that plants nutrient needs change while flowering. I just can't see feeding a formula that high in N, all the way through, but willing to try it i guess:-)

Check out my new journal pix. Let me know what you think...
The only true boosters are leaves.

So the Mad Farmer has arsenic, lead and other heavy metals but no essential trace elements but Cu? WTF?
Next week the senate here will vote over a new law that will make it illegal to facilitate mj grows, as in jail time-illegal... All grow shops will have to close (well, unless they stop selling cannabis specific nutrients and carbon filters etc). Obviously this won't make it harder for me to get the essential elements but I wonder if it will affect especially the bullshit mj specific nutrient companies and products. No regular garden center is going to run the line of for example "Canna".

Really. Sounds like a feel-good stop measure to me.