Best Way To Clean A Bong!


Well-Known Member
Okay so i was looking what works the best and i have heard of the Formula 420 or whatever it is that there throwing at you but the best way is a toothbrush and a bottle of Goo Gone(formula 420 i think) and ya its cheap and redilly availible at your local Wal-Mart, Target, etc. So ya get some and post up pics of how clean you can get your pieces:D


Well-Known Member
I dont have to clean my bong but the pipe i just use a ear bud and just lift off all the gunk from the inside.


Well-Known Member
putting some rubbing alcohol and some salt in a glass bong works pretty well for a cheap price....then after you clean it warm water gets rid of the smell/taste pretty easy and its back to when you first fell in love with it all shiny and shit


Well-Known Member
putting some rubbing alcohol and some salt in a glass bong works pretty well for a cheap price....then after you clean it warm water gets rid of the smell/taste pretty easy and its back to when you first fell in love with it all shiny and shit
ya that works too but i like how shiny it is with the Goo Gone, all the resin is a biotch:D


Well-Known Member
Aussie here... after many a year ... the old trick still works best! .................
WASHING POWDER........ laundry... touch of hot water and shake..... alot...... it will come clean....... it falls off!
never fails me!


Well-Known Member
Aussie here... after many a year ... the old trick still works best! .................
WASHING POWDER........ laundry... touch of hot water and shake..... alot...... it will come clean....... it falls off!
never fails me!
wait, how again? i dont get it?:D


Well-Known Member
wait, how again? i dont get it?:D
SIMPLE - grab some OMO laundry powder... boil up some water.... place a heap of powder.... w\little water and shake (block holes).... keep putting in a litlle water...
It will come pretty clean but easly wiped if not...


Well-Known Member
metho or acetone
just empty or drain the bulk of it then tip in some acetone
just swirl it around till its got all the shit off the edges.

note if you got most of the shit out you can evaporate it and smoke whats left i have only ever been that hard up i did this once

p.s use brush if you want to clean it well


Well-Known Member
Alcohol straight works pretty well so if you use alcohol and salt im going to say thats going to work the best!!


Well-Known Member
yup just used alcohol and salt and wow works very well and not to tough just shake shake shake for a few minutes and presto clear as glass...


Well-Known Member
Damn! Can't believe that no one said boil til second page. Why in the hell waste money or add chemicals to your bong? I am very selective with the chemicals I put in my bong!
I didnt even want the cupcakes, but I my milk/cookie ratio was off the hook
my bongs are too big to boil so salt and rubbing alcohol works for me one time i bought chronic cleaner from a local shop and it ended up bieng rubbing alcohol and salt with a slight orange smell and color lol sucked payed way more forit:joint: