Best Way to Fall Asleep Fast?


Well-Known Member
if it has been going on for months, I doubt any tricks going to work. But I am surprised MJ doesnt do it. I dont like to have to use that every night but it sure as hells works for me, lol.

anyway I had the same problem for MONTHS, laying there on average 1 1/2 hours before sleep sometimes 2. Went to the doctor & asked for sleeping pills, of which I had NEVER taken nor asked for, nor every thought I would want to take (too barbaric in my opinion before that, for me at least is what I thought, lol). Try one script for a couple days, then another, then higher doses, nada, NOTHING. I was beside myself, how the HELL could a fing sleeping pill not work. All my life I thought you could actually take a pill & it WOULD knock you out; and none of them even made me tired.

Of course since I told my reg doctor at night I couldnt turn my mind off, pretty much (& I have been this way all my life anyway) he says oh, racing thoughts & sends me to a physc. Fine, no problem, well he puts me on Seroquel. I did my research on it before he prescribed it to me & knew u could pretty much take 25mg to 300mg dependant upon the need. So he is assured I have done my homework, tells me to take one, if it dont work take 2 or more. Thank GOD, & believe it or not when none of the other pills worked, this one did. Funny enough, it still doesn't "put me to sleep" or make me tired....directly, as I don't feel it. And I was only taking 25mg. Basically within an hour and a half to 2 hours after I took it, I felt agitated enough to want to sleep & I have not had a problem since. When I lay down, my mind is not "racing, working, thinking", I am now "normal" & laying down, few minutes later, sleeping. Now I am taking 50mg at night & 25 mg in the morn at docs suggestion. In his opinion, since it worked, it is because I have a "mood disorder".

I could care less what he thinks, all I care about is now I am getting SLEEP, & again thank GOD. Sorry so long but I feel ya, & understand & HOPE you soon find SLEEP!


Well-Known Member
nothing helping so far, im having the same racing thoughts, i think it all really started a few months ago when i decided to grow, since then ive been saving and buying things i need, got 2 tents and 300 in genetics, lights this weekend and i just need to get a seedling tray and im started. i feel like i dream about it all day and when its time to go to sleep, i got nothing but the same dreams, but IM STILL FN AWAKE. Im strongly against medicine unless i absolutely need it and loss of sleep isnt enough. i have big probs w pharma companies but thats for another thread. im currently smoking some purple voodoo and full melt hash. i can get sooooo toasted but i dont burn out i just become not high anymore.


Well-Known Member
What type of thoughts do you have running through your head? Might help get to the root of it.
2 main things, the grow setup and eventual daily operation, and then my day to day financial earnings that are financing the grow.
AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT....... all the damn knowledge ive soaked up from RIU since i joined. There's so many ways to grow, so much knowledge and experience on RIU that without it, i'd never have the confidence to start on my own.


Well-Known Member
ever since I found out turkey really does make you sleepy Ive been eating half a turkey before bedtime................sleep well now.........but I tip the scales at 500 lbs now and gaining...........sigh.