best way to preserve weed


Active Member
i have heard in the freezer, away from light, etc... i might be sitting on a bunch for quite some time because there was a 1.5 ton bust very close to where i live.

how do i keep it fresh? is the freezer okay? it seems odd to me i guess.


Well-Known Member
i store mine in those jars you get at wal mart with a tight seal. theyre a urine yellow color. i also re moisten mine sometimes, but it always seems to smoke fine. whats the story with re moistening?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
uhhh a lot of you guys are talkin bout freezing...i wouldnt suggest freezing it, the thc can freeze and easily break or fall off the buds more


Well-Known Member
i just put it in a sandwich bag and take pits from it throughout the night, i wouldn't recommend using a sandwich bag in the long run however because if i leave my bud in a sandwich bag for more than a day or two it soon becomes very very crumbly and i have to take it back to the jars (along with a cabbage)


Well-Known Member
I take that back. Zig Zag Zane is definitely correct on this. Freezer is actually a bad idea and even a refrigerator may be too cold. Ideal would be vacuum sealed in a place that stays cool, 40-60F, has low 30-40% humidity and stays in absolute darkness most of the time. Wine cellars would be a good choice.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yeah vacuum sealed the only way to go...ive never had to worry about this though weed never lasts that long