bgmike8 first grow ever. all comments welcome


Well-Known Member
bottom right corner of both pics is the mxa. i dont have it marked but it is grown in a clump of the really small mini rw that i hate so much. the rest have the nice little 1 inch cubes that come in a slab for starting seed.


Well-Known Member
Well, they look nice and healthy.....that being said, I am not sure what the leaf difference is between hps and cfl/floro. I would think you'd almost get bigger leaves with the cfl, but I hope I am wrong<---I was once before, haha! I literally picked off grocery sacks of leaf during 12/12: and I am from the school of never taking leaves off. You couldn't even see the buds(which were huge) there was so much leaf.
Between that and the thcb, I was questioning my own ability after trying new strains....thought for sure I was doing something wrong. And I hope I was! I am impatient when things dont run right and smooth. It(mxa) was I believe to be a 60 dayer, or there abouts....... I gave up at 100+ with the one I had in a dwc---it wouldn't finish. the others had to come down at 60 as they were holding up one of my systems......They all yielded nice though it was premature and got tossed to my compost pile....... Had I ran a complete flush for a couple of weeks, more than the one I ran, it probably would have finished okay and been decent bud. I will tell you it smells great! Like lemon cake(was our joke name for it). Smells like Pledge, very lemony, and cured out mild and in no way harsh smoke! But mine was the O'Douls of budzzzzzzzz-----and I say over and over....... I did something wrong....I hope.......

:bigjoint:They are looking good! How long do you plan to veg for? Are you staying cfl through the grow?



Well-Known Member
kinda like you said in your pm, i dont want them too big that my light doesnt penetrte. i guess the way to go is 12 inches then if they hit 24 inches i should still be okay, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
my big thc bomb is no more. it is now 40 little clones iin the aero tub.

i cleaned it out and sprayed with peroxide. i made little covers for all 40 out of b and w poly.
sure hope they are female. lol i figured what the hell all i can lose is the rockwool and if the 2 clones in flwr turn out to be fem then im that much closer.

here is a question. when i was making clones i would take a branch off and make about 3-4 clones. onn the main stem there were some leaves coming off instead of a branch. i got 39 clones and one that is just a leaf with thicker long stem. i am wondering if it hill root?


Well-Known Member
okay goood question ss, this will be day 3. i hope i dont fuck up the clones with the maxed out nutes . they are in the same tray that ihave going. i might have been quick to move them. they had roots showing outside the rw starter. i was thinking that i should just clone 35 right now in preperation that it is female. all i have to lose is my buzz and less than 12 bucks in rw. might do this today.

gman, that is huge leaf. you should save that fucker. press it or whatever they do to leaves. i bet someones grandma knows how to save

but what do you think of the plant gman? compared to yours. this is with t5 lighting and of course aero.

the mxa was the one in front its as big if not bigger than the thcb
careful if you are feeding the clones with full strength nutes.. you could run into the same problems that seedlings have with full strength nutes... gotta ease them onto them a little.. you could be ok if they have a solid root mass tho... crossing my fingers for you!


Well-Known Member
just hoping these clones make it. i just checked em its been about 12 hours and they are already shriveling a bit. sprayed them with water and put seran wrap over them. dont know if this is good idea or not. but it will suck if they dry out before they root.


Well-Known Member
just hoping these clones make it. i just checked em its been about 12 hours and they are already shriveling a bit. sprayed them with water and put seran wrap over them. dont know if this is good idea or not. but it will suck if they dry out before they root.
yeah that should help.. since the girls cant absorb moisture cause of not having roots and all they need all the humidity they can get... the only moisture they get is through their leaves... so keepin them wrapped up is good.. should help keep them happy


Well-Known Member
yeah that should help.. since the girls cant absorb moisture cause of not having roots and all they need all the humidity they can get... the only moisture they get is through their leaves... so keepin them wrapped up is good.. should help keep them happy
Totally agreed! Can you get a pic of your cuts? As long as there's a node in the medium(w/leaf cut off) and one where that leaf comes out you should do fine....and yes, keep the RH as high as possible but let them breath too.

I really think you'll do great this run if you just keep that algy out of there and keep all your wet/exposed surfaces covered......... but at the 1st sight of algey----get on it!:bigjoint: ......get a good feel of what the girls look/feel like when they need water....

Looking forward to some pics of what you got goin' on now:hump:

tried to get on here last night and the site was servers or something??--- that'd b-nice!



Well-Known Member
yeah new servers and there was a game called goldminer. id like to kick that little goldminer right in his balls. fucking game.

here are the clones about 12 hours ago. will check them today and hope they arent shriveled up. maybe take pics without seran wrap. i was in hurry .



Well-Known Member
..........what's this 'GoldMiner?' I 've seen it mentioned a few times and dont have a clue(Iam old.....).

Hey bg, I 'd really get that saran wrap or whatever that is off of there asap and let them breathe. Maybe make a frame of sorts to support that cover and keep it up off of those cuts a bit and vent it a tad or every couple of hours take it off for a minute-----something. That just looks like problems, imo-----and just my 2cent....

Have fun and be safe:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
the gold miner is what i believe they call a "flash game" how old are you? im not too bad with technology but then again im not too good either. tech really passed me by while i was on a forced government sponserd vacation if you know what i mean. anyway, the gold miner game was all you could play last night while they were installing new servers.


Well-Known Member
judging by my previous posts, i have been flwring since at least march 25. one of my plants hairs are starting to turn dark. so i have started to flush tonight. i didnt really clean the res. just emptied and filled with tap. my ppm is 100 and the ph is 8.4. i just wanted to see what changes occur in the next couple of days and then i will changge water again and ph correct. any info you guys have would be great.

i have a couple questions. 1 going straight water wont hurt the two clones will it? as far as getting them to show sex. i swore i saw female sex today but i know it is too early.:-P

2. i forget.

here are some pics of the clones without seran wrap. i think it did a good job.

gman>>> the wrap actually wasnt making a seal so i think they could breathe. it seems to be working so i just laid it back across them after the pic. when i took off the seran, i ended up pulling one clone out of the rw. lol so now i have 38+ a leaf that im trying to clone.

anyway, here are the pics. plus a pic of my ozone jr. i ran it a little because i was starting to get a bit of a greenhouse smell going on. im not too worried about it though but since i have an ozone gen i might as well use it a bit.

i really mean it when i say thank you guys for your input. it really is nice to have people who care enough to take time and help out.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
judging by my previous posts, i have been flwring since at least march 25. one of my plants hairs are starting to turn dark. so i have started to flush tonight. i didnt really clean the res. just emptied and filled with tap. my ppm is 100 and the ph is 8.4. i just wanted to see what changes occur in the next couple of days and then i will changge water again and ph correct. any info you guys have would be great.

i have a couple questions. 1 going straight water wont hurt the two clones will it? as far as getting them to show sex. i swore i saw female sex today but i know it is too early.:-P

2. i forget.

here are some pics of the clones without seran wrap. i think it did a good job.

gman>>> the wrap actually wasnt making a seal so i think they could breathe. it seems to be working so i just laid it back across them after the pic. when i took off the seran, i ended up pulling one clone out of the rw. lol so now i have 38+ a leaf that im trying to clone.

anyway, here are the pics. plus a pic of my ozone jr. i ran it a little because i was starting to get a bit of a greenhouse smell going on. im not too worried about it though but since i have an ozone gen i might as well use it a bit.

i really mean it when i say thank you guys for your input. it really is nice to have people who care enough to take time and help out.:bigjoint:
ok.. so you have a couple clones in with the flowering girls that you are flushing?? and the clones are just getting plain water right now?? hmmm.. i dont see this being a problem UNLESS the clones start acting like there is a problem.. then you have to figure something out.. but i would imagine a week on water wont do anything to bad to it... just keep an eye on them


Well-Known Member
yes. i threw them in my flower tray. they are doing okay. do you think it is important to adjust ph during flush? maybe it could free up some nutes? what do you think of the clones?


Well-Known Member
yes. i threw them in my flower tray. they are doing okay. do you think it is important to adjust ph during flush? maybe it could free up some nutes? what do you think of the clones?
always keep the PH adjusted... even during final flush.. just so the girls dont have lock out and use up all the nutes in them.. just to be safe.. it doesnt take much to adjust PH either... a small step to take for better results...

and your clones should be fine.. i would only keep them under the "humidty dome" for a day or 2 tho.. just till they sprout roots.. after that you can choke them out keeping them covered up...


Well-Known Member
thank you. i will adjust tonight and remove cover tomorrow. i guess i should be happy if i get 30 clones instead of 40.


Well-Known Member
hey, having a rough time with some things. but i leave that out for now. the practice plants are all thin with what i would call hairs instead of buds. im thinking of making butter with all the plants. do any of you do this or know if i can make quality shit whit a bunch of leaf and stem?


Well-Known Member
hey, having a rough time with some things. but i leave that out for now. the practice plants are all thin with what i would call hairs instead of buds. im thinking of making butter with all the plants. do any of you do this or know if i can make quality shit whit a bunch of leaf and stem?
no bud structure?? just hairs?? hmmm... did you have any light leaks at all?? as long as there are trichs you can make butter and shit from it.. if you are gonna scrap it like that i would try making honey oil... can you post any new pics of the girls by chance?? im curious to see if i can come up with any thoughts on things...
so whats been going on bro?? you doing alright for the most part at least?