BHO federally illegal?

First and foremost that I explained a little while ago that if the feds catch you growing weed, they can throw you in the slammer? Doesn't matter about locality you are medically enabled to grow or whether your state has legalized it. The point to get across to anyone is have legalization across the board. Meaning you can grow it any way you want, provided you pay a tax for it. Its the American Government; they dont want you to be able to do anything for free. Having a grow license would be for personal use, no sales or must give it away. This would be much like buying a fishing license, pay anywhere from 20-60 bucks depending on your grow and you're golden. Rules would apply to be environmentally friendly and stick to a regimen.

Hear me out when I say this that this is just a small proposed plan if legislation made its way through for national legality of marijuana, it would look like this. The federal government just trumps the local police and law but they won't send people to find it unless it is a copious amount.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think the majority of us on this site alone wants something like that legality, it puts money in the system and encourages us to grow openly and protects us on a federal level. I understand folks don't want to have to pay any tax on it but there must be a form of give and take honestly. I don't see the federal law just allowing the people just free pot but rather just tax it and be protected if you have a simple license to grow. They may set statutes but nothing is forever. Grow and smoke openly,
There is a market waiting to open up so wide, I can't wait to just sit in a cafe or outside and light up in the streets of seattle or boston and not be subject to removal and arrest.

Did you hear about that new bill about regulating in California. It just passed the state congress and going to the state senate next. I for get what the bill is called. I read about it earlier today on norml's site
So you want people to pay $$$ to be able to grow at home? why? you still cant sell it so why should you have to pay to grow for personal use? regulate it like alcohol. you can homebrew X amount gallons of beer a year for your personal use, no tax stamp required
So you want people to pay $$$ to be able to grow at home? why? you still cant sell it so why should you have to pay to grow for personal use? regulate it like alcohol. you can homebrew X amount gallons of beer a year for your personal use, no tax stamp required
Pot has more resale value. I didn't say this was going to be an easy set up, I just said this is a basic scenario. And pot isn't beer,and which is more under scrutiny? Feds don't give a damn about booze.
They got that shit wrapped around their finger pretty tight too.
Its pot which does not have a label on it that scares the Evian out of them.
I grow in Colorado. no registration needed, seems to be working. Why make it different? as far as the feds go the best we can hope for is a hands off approach and let states decide for them selves. you know states rights?
For some reason I can't find it on norml's site. I first saw it on a post norml linked to their site via facebook. Anyway it's bill AB 266. It basically enacts or sets the regulations was set in by prop 215 originally but never put into action.
Alright thank you hyroot. Ill try to look it up in a bit
I grow in Colorado. no registration needed, seems to be working. Why make it different? as far as the feds go the best we can hope for is a hands off approach and let states decide for them selves. you know states rights?
Then again. If feds wanted youd be locked up and all pot siezed.
I'd rather pay a fee and be exempt to the laws than pay for my 215 and still be able to be busted by feds
I can respect that. I still feel the hands off let states figure it out/states rights is the best way. the civil war was started over states rights. the fed telling states that its legal and deal with it does not sound like the best way to move forward
I agree that's not the best way lol I think the feds just needs to get over it and themselves and as you said let the states decide. But either way there's going to be an issue. Fed laws trump state laws......
Well put for any term that Cannabis has to go through to get anywhere. Nothing is forever which this article proves and if it does prove out, well the wheels will turn with more surety. For any substance that has gone through prohibition, there will be cautions and warnings. It is not without the sense of irony that alcohol went first in effect for legality, whilst the prohibition era for marijuana has been over 5 counts that of alcohol. For a plant that induces creativity, this means that "stoner" is a by-gone era and those who have radicalized the movements to get to this point are hardly lazy and non-productive. Just as I smoke a bowl and mow the lawn among other yard work, there is indeed a productive element those willing to motivate themselves, no different. If anything, it helps me focus on a job that requires less human involved.
I smoke everyday. I also have to deal with people 5 days a week and weed does nothing to make me any less productive. I also prefer to clean my house after I've smoked a bit. Its all about personal drive/ motivation/ and your tolerance.
Couldn't put it better myself. Im socially awkward around people, weed puts me at a decent remove where that satisfies my nerves and allows for less anxiety. In fact Ive taken measures where Ive preferred a strain over others because of its effect that I have been absolutely comfortable with in any setting I find myself in. Normally I am catching onto indicas but a specific strain because of the high has been the newest commodity: Blue Dream. Hits like a dream, clean fresh and euphoric down to last drop. May it be the subtle nuances that this strain holds but if i find a decent seed bank that has the same genetics, im growing it! This was a strain that i bought my fair share and smoked to reach such a conclusion.
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