Well-Known Member
First and foremost that I explained a little while ago that if the feds catch you growing weed, they can throw you in the slammer? Doesn't matter about locality you are medically enabled to grow or whether your state has legalized it. The point to get across to anyone is have legalization across the board. Meaning you can grow it any way you want, provided you pay a tax for it. Its the American Government; they dont want you to be able to do anything for free. Having a grow license would be for personal use, no sales or must give it away. This would be much like buying a fishing license, pay anywhere from 20-60 bucks depending on your grow and you're golden. Rules would apply to be environmentally friendly and stick to a regimen.
Hear me out when I say this that this is just a small proposed plan if legislation made its way through for national legality of marijuana, it would look like this. The federal government just trumps the local police and law but they won't send people to find it unless it is a copious amount.
Correct me if I am wrong but I think the majority of us on this site alone wants something like that legality, it puts money in the system and encourages us to grow openly and protects us on a federal level. I understand folks don't want to have to pay any tax on it but there must be a form of give and take honestly. I don't see the federal law just allowing the people just free pot but rather just tax it and be protected if you have a simple license to grow. They may set statutes but nothing is forever. Grow and smoke openly,
There is a market waiting to open up so wide, I can't wait to just sit in a cafe or outside and light up in the streets of seattle or boston and not be subject to removal and arrest.
Did you hear about that new bill about regulating in California. It just passed the state congress and going to the state senate next. I for get what the bill is called. I read about it earlier today on norml's site