Big J's LEGAL 1K Watt Mh/HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
your going to want to wait that extra little bit longer on that blueberry bro..... trust me ;)..... she says she is ready before she is..... yah know? Like real blueberries are sour if they aren't ripe enough ;)..... they look ready but they are not...... sure wish I could have given this one an extra two weeks before the chop..... it was chopped just a week after the pics..... still got a qp off the plant though :D

P.S. I will remove the pic from your thread if you want me to.

Edit: Im sorry it was chopped 16 days after these pics were taken.......



Well-Known Member
TLD you can post pics here brother.

I am going to let them go. I have finally decided. Unless something happens that really would make me change my mind.

I am going to continue to use nutes until the weekend of the 9-11 and then flush for 14 days!

This shit is going be to DANK! :hump:


Well-Known Member
I would think that a great plan....... and if they are done sooner then so be it ;)....... my guess is you will only get 10 days on flush before they are chop worthy ;)


Well-Known Member
I am so wishy washy.

After checking everything again today I have decided to start flushing now.

Here is my reasoning:

1. I already have amber trichs popping up everywhere, and growth has slowed considerably on the plants.

2. The seedlings (my new genetics) are starting to get stretched out slightly under the current CFLs and I can't imagine them in there another month almost.

3. The leaves are all yellowing up anyways. They will be 65 days from 12/12 when chopped on 10/10.

Then we can get started with the next rotation and really start vegging out my future moms!

Sorry I have been so indecisive. Really, you guys are right. Seven, twelve, perhaps even 14 days more than I will let them go will be PERFECT, but I have plenty of time to grow these genetics in the future.

Hope you guys aren't mad at me for changing my mind again!

I flushed the BB and Skunks 1 & 3 today. I used ph adjusted water and 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses per gallon, feeding 1 gallon to each plant. I got good runoff and am stoked to watch these babies ripen up! Let me know what you think!


Well-Known Member
yeah having the pressure of moving more in kinda weighs on yah huh?? its all good dude, they are your plants...... go with your best judgement ,:)


Well-Known Member
yeah having the pressure of moving more in kinda weighs on yah huh?? its all good dude, they are your plants...... go with your best judgement ,:)
Yeah for sure! I just can't justify making my next generation wait under crappy CFL'S, while the tent is PACKED with flowering plants that don't really have enough room, just to get it PERFECT.

To be honest, I could chop it all now and not be disappointed, the stuff is that good. It is so awesome, I barely ever even find pot this good, and now I am about to have my own supply of it!

Thanks for the support TLD!


Well-Known Member
Jesse, I just placed an order from The Attitude and picked up some of the same strains that you ordered recently. I grabbed four different 5 packs of feminized beans. I got the Dutch Passion Blueberry, the Barney's Farm Violator Kush, the Paradise Sensi Star and the Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze. I've had my eye on that Blueberry for quite some time because all the "Blueberry" going around in my area is actual Blueberry but none of it is the actual Dutch Passion award winning strain. It's all the knock off stuff like Nirvana or what have you. I'm sick of paying for knock offs, especially when I can just grow the real thing on my own. Then I looked up that Violator Kush based on your post and it just looked like something I had to have. It looked like the most badass indica they had so I figured I'd give it a try. The Sensi Star falls in the same category as the Blueberry here as it is going around, but only the generic version. The Super Lemon Haze was just on a whim. Greenhouse has been hit or miss for me thus far, but the Lemon Skunk is amazing so I figured I'd give it a try.

Choosing strains is really tough sometimes. I think I'm going to just try as many things as I can this year and pick the best and keep some mothers and quit fucking around with seeds over and over again. You have the right idea, my friend, and have already influenced me a few ways. It's going to be pretty cool just knowing that we'll be smoking the same strains as one another in a few months.


Well-Known Member
Jesse, I just placed an order from The Attitude and picked up some of the same strains that you ordered recently. I grabbed four different 5 packs of feminized beans. I got the Dutch Passion Blueberry, the Barney's Farm Violator Kush, the Paradise Sensi Star and the Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze. I've had my eye on that Blueberry for quite some time because all the "Blueberry" going around in my area is actual Blueberry but none of it is the actual Dutch Passion award winning strain. It's all the knock off stuff like Nirvana or what have you. I'm sick of paying for knock offs, especially when I can just grow the real thing on my own. Then I looked up that Violator Kush based on your post and it just looked like something I had to have. It looked like the most badass indica they had so I figured I'd give it a try. The Sensi Star falls in the same category as the Blueberry here as it is going around, but only the generic version. The Super Lemon Haze was just on a whim. Greenhouse has been hit or miss for me thus far, but the Lemon Skunk is amazing so I figured I'd give it a try.

Choosing strains is really tough sometimes. I think I'm going to just try as many things as I can this year and pick the best and keep some mothers and quit fucking around with seeds over and over again. You have the right idea, my friend, and have already influenced me a few ways. It's going to be pretty cool just knowing that we'll be smoking the same strains as one another in a few months.
This is exciting news Dill!! :clap:

I am stoked! Aside from your extra thousand watts we do things pretty much the same so I am so excited to see how your BB and VK turn out! It will be sweet to compare notes, tips, and little nuggets of information on strain variables and such with you!

I will post some pics here within a week of my VK and BB seedlings. I am quite ashamed of them. They have been growing under CFL'S and are all stretched out! I plan to do some trimming and bury some of the stalk to counteract this, but they look pretty ugly compared to my HID vegged girls!

Great news Dill! I am stoked brother! :peace:


Well-Known Member
throw some pics up man let us check them out ........ when are you going to start flushing ?
Thanks for dropping by Hulk!

I will try and post some pics, but in order to get good ones I have to haul them all out. My shitty camera takes crap pics under HPS.

I started flushing 7-9 days ago, so the plants will get a full 14 day flush and then some for a couple of them. I have about 20% amber trichs on average now, with some plants slightly higher and some slightly lower than that percentage.

My leaves have all gone puke green/yellow with the leaves of the BB going totally purplish/yellow. Thanks for your interest!


Well-Known Member
Hey jesse... I'm real excited for you. I can't wait for your harvest... hear how that stuff smoke. I'm sure it's gonna be just amazing.

Right on bro. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey jesse... I'm real excited for you. I can't wait for your harvest... hear how that stuff smoke. I'm sure it's gonna be just amazing.

Right on bro. :mrgreen:
Thanks Jig.

I did harvest 3 of the Barb plants early as they started kicking out a bunch of pollen all of a sudden. I got 35 grams from them dried. Not bad, considering they were chopped early. That was done a few days ago and is now curing.

I think the yield is going to be a disappointment, but I hope the quality with outweigh that. We shall see. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Wassup Jesse? :eyesmoke:

Just stopping by... mid trim session... to say hello! :razz:
Chop time huh!?

Have I missed your thread? Whatcha trimmin?

Glad you stopped by, everything is going great. The big bushes are all getting their final flush today.

I found some great new organic molasses. It has double the amount of potassium, iron, calcium, etc. Expensive, but I am excited about it.

My leaves are all turning light green, brown, purple, etc and the plants are doing great. They are still bulking up a bit, but their growth has slowed and they are mainly done but ripening.

I am not happy about my vegging BB and VK and Powerkush and Moby Dick seedlings. They are all stretched out due to their CFL upbringing. I can't wait to get them under HID.

Anyways, everything is going well overall thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
Have I missed your thread?
Nope... you heard it here first...:razz:

Chop time huh!?
Whatcha trimmin?

Got all the tops off and drying...:mrgreen:

There is still a considerable amount of VERY small buds left on the plants...

Hopefully they will get a little fatter in a week or so of direct light..


And I am not getting anywhere near what I hope for...:cry:

Not by a HUGE margin...

But oh well... it's been fun anyways...:roll:


Well-Known Member
its that chop time of year.... :)

your seedlings will strengthen up in no time doing under HID lamps :)
Yes indeed, I LOVE fall/early winter! :hump:

They aren't hardly seedlings anymore, most of them are 8" tall or more now.

I just watered them all and boy do they need some mh. I can't believe I used to grow under CFL'S like this...

Nope... you heard it here first...:razz:
Ok well good. Sometimes my subscriptions just vanish and I never hear from them until I realize how long its been, and then I have to go and track them down.


Got all the tops off and drying...:mrgreen:

There is still a considerable amount of VERY small buds left on the plants...

Hopefully they will get a little fatter in a week or so of direct light..


And I am not getting anywhere near what I hope for...:cry:

Not by a HUGE margin...

But oh well... it's been fun anyways...:roll:
Well even if you don't hit an elbow per 600, I bet you will get 1.5 or more overall.

I am not going to hit 15 z's for the 5 big girls total, either, I don't think. Only time will tell. :peace: