BIG problems with HTG Supply


Well-Known Member
yeah thats true did you try it before you took it apart. i mean the outside looks new and why do so if no problems it comes with a warranty, or did before you took it apart


Well-Known Member
sorry i took so long to reply people. the only time i can use a computer is at school. when i got the second unit, i could tell something was really wrong because thew ballast was rattling around inside its housing. if you read my first post, and look at the pics, you can see the screw holes that attach the ballast are ripped wide open and wont hold it down.


Well-Known Member
that sucks man. seriously. but as someone said maybe it was a bad shipment from the supplier. I hope they resolve it for you and id just make them pay for shipping thats what I do when companies fuck up. Oh you want me to use my money for your fuck up nope if you want it that bad you email one of those click it and ship it stickers. Thats that. Wish you luck man (i am surprised with this though cause Ive had good results - guess you cant always have grade A service all the time - shame)


Well-Known Member
yea im sure they will make it right with you so that your pleased and if they dont its as simple as calling your credit card company or if u used paypal contact them get your money back and keep the light


Active Member
Damn. I've never had any bad experiences with HTG at all. They've always been great to me and I would recommend them to anybody. I'm sure that if you call the store and talk to them in person they will resolve your issue.


Well-Known Member
yea call the guy directly and he seems cool enough to always make things right he does alot of buisness based on referals and im sure he would like to make you happy so u refer someone to him and then that person refers someone. so trust me he wants to make you happy


Well-Known Member
I just receive my 250 watt hps set Floralux.. They upgraded me to this version because they were out of stock of the other ones.. Within 5 hrs have pass, one of the bulbs burnt out. I will be calling them tomorrow, because I'm pretty confident that it was the bulb and not the ballast itself because there wasn't one dent or mark on it. The packaging was really good except that the bulb itself looked used. I'm not to pissed about it due to the fact that I'm using these lights for illegal activity but I'll take it for what its worth...


Well-Known Member
I figured it was the bulb that didn't work went out and bought a new one and to only find out that it was the ballast itself... Yep brand new 250 watt floralux system and already broken down within 5 hrs, HOORAY!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello, Can I get some moral support here or a little attention, Jeez... I've waited with anticipating for something like this and to only get results of failure, AWWWW!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected & am currently eating my words,it appears that you did get fuked,not once but twice,my skepticisim was not out of spite it was born from countless threads with no proof backing up claims.

You showed proof & i was wrong,end of story from my end.
real shit, pan! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the flack. A lot of people say " bullshit " just because they haven't had a problem....yet. Maybe you did, maybe's nobodies right to out and out call you a liar. There are some here no matter what you say you're an asshole (watch what gets said to me ) . They don't realize that what THEY think or say is just as suspicious.....1 or 2,000 posts means ZERO.....If you feel screwed buy any REAL (not a forum rat) Real as in sent Real money to a Real address for a Real item go at them with both barrels....Shit look at the nasty stuff being directed at you for what ? A statement... imagine if they PAID to read that post.....Fuck you'd have a hit put on you.....................Even the honest and sweet girl guides sell broken cookies every once and awhile....
they always say "real recognizes real"...fuck the haters, twisty. some people come to these forums looking for opportunities to make themselves feel...BIG. pan is real, and made a good point, but these haters are all over looking to antagonize and frustrate dialogue that they have no need for. FUCK!!! :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
i also got the 400 watt floralux system from HTG...excellent condition tho bulb and ballast is still working after 3 weeks of use...........i called them over the phone to order my stuff and recieved it in 3 days....(they didnt have to ship that far away).

but anywho im kinda scared to order from those guys now.......:sad:

i think they use fed-ex, and to say the least, i have worked in their building washing their trucks and you guys should see how they slam shit around and drop shit out of their trucks right before they leave to deliver merchindise,...they dont give two shits....the one time i was behind a truck washing it and a guy dropped a box off the cat walk, that goes behind the truck, onto the concreate floor (about 5 foot drop) and i just heard shit loads of glass shattering, anyhow they kick it around and then put it right back into the joke either.:evil:


Well-Known Member
I worked at ups b4 and i know what u mean. I once got a 6"x6" box that full of bolts(weighted like 50lb) all four broke when I slam them on the ground, but I loaded right over it. :-)


Well-Known Member
i ordered a 150w floralux from htg, n got it in a week, i live kinda far away, so i was quite pleased w/tha fast shipping :D


Active Member
ordered a T5 from them. Had a broken bulb with the shipment. they were prompt and courteous to me. I personally think the OP is full of shit but even if he is not he shouldnt be slandering HTG, they are great