
Well-Known Member
meh, always fightin with da wife

super gay:neutral::neutral::-|:?:cry:
Its because you aint treatin the pussy right ,, you play with it , you lick it and suck it till they cum a few times . then fuck them a few different ways . let them cum a few more times ,, and there will be no fighting , cause you would "BE THE MAN "


Well-Known Member
Its because you aint treatin the pussy right ,, you play with it , you lick it and suck it till they cum a few times . then fuck them a few different ways . let them cum a few more times ,, and there will be no fighting , cause you would "BE THE MAN "

you talk about sex SO MUCH. holy shit you are probably an expert


Well-Known Member
korvette - Nice.

DFunk - the intention of your advice was thoughtful, but the advice given may not have been. how can you learn to get through things when weed is your crutch?


Well-Known Member
If you keep a woman happy in the bedroom she will forget about what she was bitching about ... women LOVE attention . GIVE IT TO THEM.. take a solid 3 hrs and make them feel like melted butter when your done ..... They wont bitch as much... try it ....


Well-Known Member
He was saying he drinks when they fight & I recommended herb as an alternative because I can't envision how alcohol would help.