
New Member
Never was a fan of violence.. but did do the karate thing and took judo from an ex japanese soldier, that plus weighing what I do if someone decided to "pay a visit" they'd get a rude awakening....... its been a while since I fed someone their own face........
they must have really been hungry....


Well-Known Member
so you dont want your money?
Hell yes I want the money it is mine. That is when i have to stop.... If i get into it with them i go all ballistic...They are fucked and my buisness is damaged. The rich guys hire layers to do there stuff. this all takes my time and money. I take cash upfront as a policy now, but when I see those who owe me it burns my ass and my blood pressure spikes for days.......This the best for me to let that stuff go.

I provide a confidential service and collecting in open court could be considered a breach of confidieantallity.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in NYC I dont trust people .. It seems that whatever you have ,, Someone else is trying to take it .. Protect whats yours at any cost

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
If they are stealing your weed they probably know you and I don't think I would kill someone I've probably known my whole life over weed---but hit them with a bat with nails in it---will do :)


Well-Known Member
If they are stealing your weed they probably know you and I don't think I would kill someone I've probably known my whole life over weed---but hit them with a bat with nails in it---will do :)

I dont grow weed at home .. I use a friends closet .. I dont smoke with anyone .. If someone was to come into our home . They are dead . done deal .. If you dont knock on the door you will meet your maker , I have a very short fuse..


Well-Known Member
I would think about all the hassle of it---even if it was a humane-legal killing of a thieving bastard---there's going to be paper work and court time.

Thats ok ,, To protect my family I dont think about court ,, Our guns are LEGAL and registered .. If your in the house your getting shot. In the barn you stand a chance of just a few knocks to the head and body with a ball bat ( I love the sound of a head splitting open) sounds like cracking a coconut