Oh, almost forgot....Sorry about last night guys!! I went swimming and then laid down and watched a little tv, which turned into me waking up this morning...sorry.

I get that..last night I got into the Criminal Mind season ender.. pretty gruesome one... :shock:

I'd Be In THe Pool If Temps Were THat High!!!! No. Fuck That. Id Be Inside Smokin A Bowl In My Grow Room!

Don't smoke near plants.... I get that though.. I've turned into my smiley below..... I just stand there staring at them....:hump:
Well If You Only Smoke Occasionaly Around Them It Can't Hurt Them That Bad. I Also Have A Automated Rain Maker In The Room. Washes The Leaves.
Well im coming over to Florida in February. A rainmaker? Never heard or seen that. My girls are now in week 9 flower!
No You Weren't You Were Making A Valid Point. Smoke Can Clog The Leaves And Lead Them To Wither And Die.

Well Its Not A Mister. But It's Similar. Not A Mist But A Brief Shower. Kinda Like What They Have In Grocery Stores.

I think most know smoke isn't good for any living thing... except the people selling it...

I wish I had a place that could handle a set up like that...
Not Expensive. But I Do Have Alot Of Cool Gadgets I've Aquired Over The Long Period Of Time I've Been Hobby Growing (Indoor). I Grow A Nice Plot Outdoors. I Grow Some Good Kinda-Kine Out There.