Bill Maher shytes on Obamacare...again.

"Than", not "then". Still the same state laws.


"Still the same state laws". Really, Did Gruber tell you that? Or is miss spelling an infraction now?

I never have understood why you continue to try and have a meaningful discussion with this idiot.

He's either never read the ACA or has chosen to ignore pertinent facts. Nearly 50% of working Americans pay no federal income tax. These are the same people who qualify for the ACA subsidy; and more importantly, really like the law! Qualification for a subsidy, is a function of not only your income, but how many rug rats you squirt out and can't afford. If the "short bus" rider has read the law, he could tell you all about it.

The majority of people with gold and platinum plans had the cost of their plans go up; in 2015 the cap on the increase is a function of income; the percentage is what is limited by the ACA; it's not a cap on the magnitude of the increase. If the "short bus" rider has bothered to read the plan he could tell you all about it.

It's the "redistribution" part clearly spelled out in the ACA. Somebody has to pay for those that can't ... it's just a fact; the ACA is predicated on "redistribution".

The ACA is about access, not cost.

If the "short bus" rider was truthful, he would also mention all the other taxes the upper middle class will have to support in order to pay for those that can't. But of course he won't.

The bottom line is that, the "short bus" rider can yap all he wants about the meaningless magnitude increase in the ave cost of premiums, but he knows full well that this single metric alone doesn't tell the whole story ....... and more importantly, he lies!

Hope you're enjoying yourself in Hawaii.


Thats a good question. If it wasn't for that fact that I think he makes an excellent conservative campaigner every time he opens his pie hole. I probably wouldn't be talking to the idiot. Otherwise I would be just helping people grow weed like I did when I came to RIU.

I appreciate the sensible discussion , and I am having a good time in Hawaii. Thanks.

"Still the same state laws". Really, Did Gruber tell you that? Or is miss spelling an infraction now?

I'm sorry, I am confused, are you implying that President Obama was not born in Hawaii? Are you a fucking birther? Seriously? Please tell me you meant another island ON Hawaii.
I'm sorry, I am confused, are you implying that President Obama was not born in Hawaii? Are you a fucking birther? Seriously? Please tell me you meant another island ON Hawaii.


I think it is you that is implying that. I believe if you go back and read it again you will find that only you and buck are implying that. And while you are reading it again you will see that I mentioned "on a different Island. I guess Gruber has you all fucked up too.
I never have understood why you continue to try and have a meaningful discussion with this idiot.

Starts immediately with an insult. Off to a bad start.

These are the same people who qualify for the ACA subsidy; and more importantly, really like the law!

You say that as if people in need are scum? You are not helping yourself here.

Qualification for a subsidy, is a function of not only your income, but how many rug rats you squirt out and can't afford. If the "short bus" rider has read the law, he could tell you all about it.

Clearly you've read the law, so can you please quote the passage in the law stating exactly what you just said. I don't mind paraphrasing.

The majority of people with gold and platinum plans had the cost of their plans go up; in 2015 the cap on the increase is a function of income; the percentage is what is limited by the ACA; it's not a cap on the magnitude of the increase. If the "short bus" rider has bothered to read the plan he could tell you all about it.

This is simply not true. Please provide citation.

It's the "redistribution" part clearly spelled out in the ACA. Somebody has to pay for those that can't ... it's just a fact; the ACA is predicated on "redistribution".

You say this as if people in need are scum? You are not helping yourself here. Deja vu?

The ACA is about access, not cost.

Well at least you can tell decent half truths.

If the "short bus" rider was truthful, he would also mention all the other taxes the upper middle class will have to support in order to pay for those that can't. But of course he won't.

You say this as if people in need are scum? You are not..... gosh I feel as if I have said this before.

The bottom line is that, the "short bus" rider can yap all he wants about the meaningless magnitude increase in the ave cost of premiums, but he knows full well that this single metric alone doesn't tell the whole story ....... and more importantly, he lies!

Followed up with some more insults.

Hope you're enjoying yourself in Hawaii.

Finally mask the whole thing with a friendly exit.

You are transparent.

I just moved to Hawaii four months ago. And I am getting ready to go back to oregon soon to help get the boat ready for shrimping, so I go back and forth.

So you go from a hippy pot state to the birthplace of President Obama, and you claim you aren't a progressive? Paying homage?


Luckily they say he was born on a different Island then the one I am on.

"Than", not "then". Still the same state laws.


"Still the same state laws". Really, Did Gruber tell you that? Or is miss spelling an infraction now?

Umm, yes, Hawaii is made of many island, but those islands adhere to the same Hawaii state laws. That's how state law works. C'mon man, you're not really this fucking dumb are you?

I'm sorry, I am confused, are you implying that President Obama was not born in Hawaii? Are you a fucking birther? Seriously? Please tell me you meant another island ON Hawaii.


I think it is you that is implying that. I believe if you go back and read it again you will find that only you and buck are implying that. And while you are reading it again you will see that I mentioned "on a different Island. I guess Gruber has you all fucked up too.

Yea. You are just dumber than a bag of rocks. Ok. Glad that is settled.

I wanted so badly for you to be somewhat intelligent nitro, really I did. With the avatar of that dying dog and all, I figured you for somewhat of a free thinker. I was clearly wrong.
Umm, yes, Hawaii is made of many island, but those islands adhere to the same Hawaii state laws. That's how state law works. C'mon man, you're not really this fucking dumb are you?

Yea. You are just dumber than a bag of rocks. Ok. Glad that is settled.

I wanted so badly for you to be somewhat intelligent nitro, really I did. With the avatar of that dying dog and all, I figured you for somewhat of a free thinker. I was clearly wrong.


Where did you come up with the state laws? I wasn't talking about laws that were different from one county to the next. You will have to tell someone when you want to turn the page or the correct spelling is not going to help you out in life.

Where did you come up with the state laws? I wasn't talking about laws that were different from one county to the next. You will have to tell someone when you want to turn the page or the correct spelling is not going to help you out in life.

It was quite clear, the inference.

You told me you moved to Hawaii, I told you that you live in the same state President Obama was from. You said, yes, but not the same island. I then said, but it's the same state laws. Then you went all dumb-dumb on me.

Don't blame me for your dumb.
It was quite clear, the inference.

You told me you moved to Hawaii, I told you that you live in the same state President Obama was from. You said, yes, but not the same island. I then said, but it's the same state laws. Then you went all dumb-dumb on me.

Don't blame me for your dumb.


When someone takes for granted that all states have laws that are the same throughout out the state , its called common sense. When an idiot has to remind someone that the state laws are the same that kinda makes you sound like an idiot. I can't dummy down enough to get to your level of gruber dumbness. sorry.

And I know you are a good speller, I will try to get you a gold star for that.

When someone takes for granted that all states have laws that are the same throughout out the state , its called common sense. When an idiot has to remind someone that the state laws are the same that kinda makes you sound like an idiot. I can't dummy down enough to get to your level of gruber dumbness. sorry.

And I know you are a good speller, I will try to get you a gold star for that.

Your circular logic is profound. You honestly can't see past your stupid.

It clearly was not common sense to you, as it took me explaining it to you for you to figure it out.

Honestly nitro, I had hope for you, I thought you might have been someone on the other side that I could at least engage in civil discourse. I was clearly wrong.
Your circular logic is profound. You honestly can't see past your stupid.

It clearly was not common sense to you, as it took me explaining it to you for you to figure it out.

Honestly nitro, I had hope for you, I thought you might have been someone on the other side that I could at least engage in civil discourse. I was clearly wrong.


No big loss. You are who you are and I don't believe we would of agreed on much anyway as long as you believe the 4% bull shit. You may have to talk to school kids to believe much of what the dems are preaching. good luck.

No big loss. You are who you are and I don't believe we would of agreed on much anyway as long as you believe the 4% bull shit. You may have to talk to school kids to believe much of what the dems are preaching. good luck.

You are very narrow minded.

I don't see it that way. I kinda look at the big picture with out having my head stuck up some politicians ass. If that is narrow minded I am afraid that Gruber has miss led you again.

You have me all wrong dog. I too don't like Obamacare all that much, personally I wish it were more universal. But get this! I also think we should have a strong military, we should have a smaller government, we should also have better immigration reform. I own a lot of guns, I hunt and blow shit up. I also own a lifted pick up truck. Im what you would call a liberal red-neck with conservative values.

My head at no point in time, ever, is stuck up anyone's ass. Your narrow-mindedness has got you twisted dog.
You have me all wrong dog. I too don't like Obamacare all that much, personally I wish it were more universal. But get this! I also think we should have a strong military, we should have a smaller government, we should also have better immigration reform. I own a lot of guns, I hunt and blow shit up. I also own a lifted pick up truck. Im what you would call a liberal red-neck with conservative values.

My head at no point in time, ever, is stuck up anyone's ass. Your narrow-mindedness has got you twisted dog.


It sounds like you would fit right in with people on the big island. Thats cool. I can almost feel the olive branch.

When someone takes for granted that all states have laws that are the same throughout out the state , its called common sense. When an idiot has to remind someone that the state laws are the same that kinda makes you sound like an idiot. I can't dummy down enough to get to your level of gruber dumbness. sorry.

And I know you are a good speller, I will try to get you a gold star for that.
He just copy/pastes your posts into a spell check. He doesn't even have to read them. Do you really believe an unemployable drunken sot who shits himself in public is even semi-capable?

I never have understood why you continue to try and have a meaningful discussion with this idiot.

He's either never read the ACA or has chosen to ignore pertinent facts. Nearly 50% of working Americans pay no federal income tax. These are the same people who qualify for the ACA subsidy; and more importantly, really like the law! Qualification for a subsidy, is a function of not only your income, but how many rug rats you squirt out and can't afford. If the "short bus" rider has read the law, he could tell you all about it.

The majority of people with gold and platinum plans had the cost of their plans go up; in 2015 the cap on the increase is a function of income; the percentage is what is limited by the ACA; it's not a cap on the magnitude of the increase. If the "short bus" rider has bothered to read the plan he could tell you all about it.

It's the "redistribution" part clearly spelled out in the ACA. Somebody has to pay for those that can't ... it's just a fact; the ACA is predicated on "redistribution".

The ACA is about access, not cost.

If the "short bus" rider was truthful, he would also mention all the other taxes the upper middle class will have to support in order to pay for those that can't. But of course he won't.

The bottom line is that, the "short bus" rider can yap all he wants about the meaningless magnitude increase in the ave cost of premiums, but he knows full well that this single metric alone doesn't tell the whole story ....... and more importantly, he lies!

Hope you're enjoying yourself in Hawaii.

i like how you racists try to stick together, but the fact remains.

premiums are going up slower under obamacare than they have in the previous two decades before obamacare, and by a significant margin.

parroting bill o'reilly and screaming "FREE SHIT!" until you're blue in the face won't change the fact that 59% of americans want to keep obamacare, and only 11% want the (non-existent) republican alternative.

go be dumb elsewhere now, sock puppet.
if gruber met you, do you think he would call you smart?


That would never happen, me meeting Gruber the leader of idiots. You might be impressed but the leader of idiots is way down on my bucket list. And I don't think he is that smart, maybe a smart ass is more like it.

That would never happen, me meeting Gruber the leader of idiots. You might be impressed but the leader of idiots is way down on my bucket list. And I don't think he is that smart, maybe a smart ass is more like it.

in other words, you are too much of a coward to answer a simple question. that goes well with your massive sexual insecurity and bitter racism.

has anyone you've met ever called you smart in your entire life?
in other words, you are too much of a coward to answer a simple question. that goes well with your massive sexual insecurity and bitter racism.

has anyone you've met ever called you smart in your entire life?


Some people have called me a genius . Like the state of Oregon when I pioneered a new fishery back in the eighties. And people in the racing world when I won almost half the races I went to and became western division champion and second in the nation. I have done a lot of cool shit Buck. And I am still doing cool shit to this day. sorry about your luck Buck.

Oh and I started playing guitar about five years ago and my mentor that was teaching me said I was a genius. He had me doing gigs with his band in less than a month. So I have heard the word genius a few times in my life. How about you?