Blaze & Daze

Depends how sad they look, but photos definitely bounce back better than autos because they have the time to do so.
They should bounce back that's the good thing with photos and veg they can take a good amount. Especially if it's fld strain good genetics.

here they all are, same age, transplanted 10days apart, 7G pots for autos with HF mixIMG_1717.jpeg

That Springtime stiffness is real. LOL. My entire body aches...but it's different than the normal stuff. "Accessory pain" options on yer car. Yeah...that's it.

I used the MC for a bit. They kept changing it. Every bag would be a different "formula". That was one thing that put me off. The guy running the show was the second thing. I asked simple "WTF is this oily stuff floating on top of the water?" (and will it burn?) the WRATH and was told I knew nothing...was a hack..blahblahblah. Never bought the MegaCrap since. Good on you if you love it. I thought it was dirty/sketchy...and there are better chems out there if that's yer game. To each their own though. Everybody sees it differently...especially me.

Gonna be another 65F day here...then we cool down to seasonal 40'-50's for 3-4 days before heading back into the upper 60's. Time to start fertilizing/watering some stuff. We go from wet to dry in ya gotta be on it or you'll be playing catch up...if you can. Still too cold to fire up the big sprinkler system. The hole where the pump sits creek side was 1/2 full of ice yesterday so it will be a bit before I can fire that up....but the portable pump is a go anytime it's above freezing. (only hit 35F for a low last night) Here we go again...

I hope yer day is groovy......
Agreed, but it's probably the least expensive of any of the others and I am quite the cheapest of cheapskates.
The other runner ups I've considered is power grow and jacks (which is still a considerable jump) and could see where being treated poorly I'd tell em to pound sand too. My only negative experience was buying two 3lb packages and they only sent one - I sent a picture of the shipping label to show the weight, and the reply was OK - sorry and I had it 3 days later.
Sorry to hear you were treated poorly, that's enough for anyone to walk away.
Cheap and simple is the attraction for me.
Hope you have a great day too!

The barometer is kicking my whole body uphill today but it's better than the 29.03 I saw a day ago.
And this was about a week ago. Pilots create lots of lines in the sky, usually done before heavy rains.. Dunno if there's any correlation or if these are regular flight patterns (counting 8 separate paths), but definitely seems plausible these have an influence on the weather..
Few moments* later..

Edit: timestamped 40min from each other. I've seen contrails dissipate after a few seconds, these linger for hours eventually covering the entire sky..

2/14 "X - Lovers"
20240214_104834 (1).jpg

Found an older local news report..

A recent article, 4/4/24. "Testing" has been going on since I can remember ~2010..
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I can still hear "sploosh sploosh sploosh" from walking in slush all day yesterday. Had nightmares, woke up hearing it.
Everwhere you stepped, there was 2" of water underneath. Then it rained or snowed on the rest of you, ick!

Had to change my work schedule around and go to the coast where they have power, too many places inland without power.

A meager rain/snow mix out there this AM...37f. Only 40 for the high so we're going nowhere fast on temps. Was super windy yesterday/last night as the air masses fought it out. Ahhh...Springtime in the Rockies.

HSC replaced my dud pack of seeds after showing proof of purchase. Of course I bought a few extras. :D Hopin' to see some tails on the 2nd pop today...but not holding my breath. Something tells me I'm gonna end up with more plants than I planned...per the norm.:o

playlist is all over the place this AM....."Gotta Stay High"......

Mid 30°s and cloudy. Traffic started picking up yesterday. I think I'm gonna hide in the woods.

How's everyone today?
We let a new member join us on the back 9 yesterday. Mistake! He never shut up, wanted to show me his selfie with Alice Cooper at some Arizona course. Talked to his ball, your ball, the guys on the next hole, walks on the green to mark his ball while I'm still chipping on. Like he went to a school for hacks. I mentioned him to the bartender afterward, her expression told me everything I needed to know.Screenshot_20240406_112850_Messages.jpg