That Springtime stiffness is real. LOL. My entire body aches...but it's different than the normal stuff. "Accessory pain" options on yer car. Yeah...that's it.
I used the MC for a bit. They kept changing it. Every bag would be a different "formula". That was one thing that put me off. The guy running the show was the second thing. I asked simple "WTF is this oily stuff floating on top of the water?" (and will it burn?) the WRATH and was told I knew nothing...was a hack..blahblahblah. Never bought the MegaCrap since. Good on you if you love it. I thought it was dirty/sketchy...and there are better chems out there if that's yer game. To each their own though. Everybody sees it differently...especially me.
Gonna be another 65F day here...then we cool down to seasonal 40'-50's for 3-4 days before heading back into the upper 60's. Time to start fertilizing/watering some stuff. We go from wet to dry in ya gotta be on it or you'll be playing catch up...if you can. Still too cold to fire up the big sprinkler system. The hole where the pump sits creek side was 1/2 full of ice yesterday so it will be a bit before I can fire that up....but the portable pump is a go anytime it's above freezing. (only hit 35F for a low last night) Here we go again...
I hope yer day is groovy......