Blm, the next level

The people you speak of are not the enemy, the are a mixed bag of human beings, some of whom are driven by greed, there are liberals and philanthropist among them as well as greedy sociopaths. They have an economic interest and their POV is tied to it, workers have a different attitude than management with different prerogatives. They don't really need a conspiracy however, their economic interests at least coincide, there are many if not most billionaires against Trump. These people are also the engine that drives the economy and must be treated fairly, the include a spectrum of citizens from small business owners to the founders of tech companies. Some made it on their own by skill, determination and sheer greed, others sleazed their way to the top, others inherited a fortune from daddy and that helps a lot with all of the above.

These are ancient and complex social issues, even a hundred thousand years ago their were alpha males and chiefs in our hierarchical social structures, there is also a struggle to get to the top of that hierarchy, works like that for monkeys too. If ya got brains, skill or even a big cock, everything counts in the game of social statues and egos. Human nature and social evolution of humans 101, it why we got where we are as a species, sometimes we're pricks.

Yea thats where i think you are wrong. Or not entirely wrong, but you are missing some key points. Some of which i already mentioned like with bush jr and john kerry being both skull & bones members and being against each others in presidential elections. Skull & bones is not the only such society which breeds leaders. There are plenty of them and people mistakenly call them as the illuminati as a collective, even tho its actually many different branches of different secret societies running on similar ideologies. Yes some of them are trying to make good and some are greedy bastards who start wars for profit and sacrifice children. But the thing is that the "good" that those some want, is likely not what you would see as the good, but different variations of the new world order for example.

You are stuck on the low level theatre that is only there to make people think there is actual democracy. Yes there are good actors in the political field, but like i earlier mentioned, they never get to positions where they would make real change. Tell me when was the last time real change happened in USA? Obama promised tons, but what did he deliver? Yes he made the economy go back to its tracks again after bush wrecked it(like i mentioned this is the typical thing with republicsn and democrats switch leadership usually every second terms).

And yes the system has been already set up so that there doesent have to be a huge conspiracy behind everything. Lobbying is legal form of bribery and this is a common practise that for some reason is not HEAVILY criticised by the people. It has been made into a norm for them and no one makes anything about it for that reason, they have been brainwashed into believing that its ok, when its a legal form of bribery and nothing more. Not to mention all the loopholes they left or make new ones if the old ones dont work good enough anymore.

And yes there are tons of billionaires against trump, not everyone of them likes the way he handles things and not all billionaires are part of some elite. Some might be part of the elite, but still would like things to be done the hillary way.

These different sides of the elite accept each others because "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"..

Watch this interview fully and you will have a better idea of some of the stuff going on with the elite. I timestamped on one particular spot, but watch the whole thing:

Someone from the CIA apparently accidentally started to investigate this group called the council of 300. Here is a link to the CIA document, its really fucked up stuff:

Here is a youtube video going throgh some of that document:

This is what the real elite is about. im sure not even the most politicians in USA really know whats the deal, even those doing the bidding for the elite dont always know, they just follow the money or do like they are told to by their advisors and colleague friends.

And no this is not an old issue. In the old world it was good that there was this elite who would run things, because common people could not even read. It would had been impossible for proper societies to flourish etc. But today there isnt such need for the elite running things anymore, so things have changed and what used to be for the good has shapeshifted and turned bad. Also the elite has been moving more and more towards views accepting sociopathy etc. Look up how OTO and many of its branches changed after crowley and how crowleys ideas differed from earlier masons etc and you might get an idea of what has really changed behind the scenes.
The song remains the same and the repertoire has been limited by events and reality.

Live your life
Not the way they taught you
Do what you feel
Survive the jungle
Give me blood
Give me Pain
These scars won't heal
Can you take it
Can you take it
Can you take it
What were you thinking
What a wonderful world
You're full of shit
Leave it behind
They don't care if you cry
All is left is pain
I won't take it
I won't take it
I won't take it
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
The song remains insane
I remain insane
Yea thats where i think you are wrong. Or not entirely wrong, but you are missing some key points. Some of which i already mentioned like with bush jr and john kerry being both skull & bones members and being against each others in presidential elections. Skull & bones is not the only such society which breeds leaders. There are plenty of them and people mistakenly call them as the illuminati as a collective, even tho its actually many different branches of different secret societies running on similar ideologies. Yes some of them are trying to make good and some are greedy bastards who start wars for profit and sacrifice children. But the thing is that the "good" that those some want, is likely not what you would see as the good, but different variations of the new world order for example.

You are stuck on the low level theatre that is only there to make people think there is actual democracy. Yes there are good actors in the political field, but like i earlier mentioned, they never get to positions where they would make real change. Tell me when was the last time real change happened in USA? Obama promised tons, but what did he deliver? Yes he made the economy go back to its tracks again after bush wrecked it(like i mentioned this is the typical thing with republicsn and democrats switch leadership usually every second terms).

And yes the system has been already set up so that there doesent have to be a huge conspiracy behind everything. Lobbying is legal form of bribery and this is a common practise that for some reason is not HEAVILY criticised by the people. It has been made into a norm for them and no one makes anything about it for that reason, they have been brainwashed into believing that its ok, when its a legal form of bribery and nothing more. Not to mention all the loopholes they left or make new ones if the old ones dont work good enough anymore.

And yes there are tons of billionaires against trump, not everyone of them likes the way he handles things and not all billionaires are part of some elite. Some might be part of the elite, but still would like things to be done the hillary way.

These different sides of the elite accept each others because "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"..

Watch this interview fully and you will have a better idea of some of the stuff going on with the elite. I timestamped on one particular spot, but watch the whole thing:

Someone from the CIA apparently accidentally started to investigate this group called the council of 300. Here is a link to the CIA document, its really fucked up stuff:

Here is a youtube video going throgh some of that document:

This is what the real elite is about. im sure not even the most politicians in USA really know whats the deal, even those doing the bidding for the elite dont always know, they just follow the money or do like they are told to by their advisors and colleague friends.

And no this is not an old issue. In the old world it was good that there was this elite who would run things, because common people could not even read. It would had been impossible for proper societies to flourish etc. But today there isnt such need for the elite running things anymore, so things have changed and what used to be for the good has shapeshifted and turned bad. Also the elite has been moving more and more towards views accepting sociopathy etc. Look up how OTO and many of its branches changed after crowley and how crowleys ideas differed from earlier masons etc and you might get an idea of what has really changed behind the scenes.
Where are you from, where do you live? It may be true there locally where you live, Putin is not exactly running a liberal democratic society, it is an oligarchy, I can understand your discontent.. If not liberal democracy, what?
Where are you from, where do you live? It may be true there locally where you live, Putin is not exactly running a liberal democratic society, it is an oligarchy, I can understand your discontent.. If not liberal democracy, what?

Somewhere from europe where weed may or may not be illegal.

Also i dont think putin is a good guy, he is very fucked up tyrant ex KGB agent. Not all enemies of the enemy are your friends you know
Somewhere from europe where weed may or may not be illegal.
Telling folks your country will not threaten your security, as will telling us your ethnic group, europe is full of weirdos and fascist xenophobes too. Some ethnic groups hold ancient prejudices even today, the crimes against humanity committed by the Serbs being a recent example.

So be a bit more specific, so that I and others don't think you are a Russian troll, build some trust without taking much of a risk. What is your native language for instance, since you appear to have difficulty with English at times.
Telling folks your country will not threaten your security, as will telling us your ethnic group, europe is full of weirdos and fascist xenophobes too. Some ethnic groups hold ancient prejudices even today, the crimes against humanity committed by the Serbs being a recent example.

So be a bit more specific, so that I and others don't think you are a Russian troll, build some trust without taking much of a risk. What is your native language for instance, since you appear to have difficulty with English at times.

Im a white male with blue eyes and quite light hair, you know the ideal type according to nazis. Why is that important to you? Im not a xenophobe or a racist as you can see me trying to point out how systematic the shit, including racism is in USA and how i point out that its not a good thing and that there should be changes to it. Im just pointing out the difficulties in it and how and why the government is trying to keep change away. I also dont speak russian or any of the east european languages if that makes you feel better.

I think these folks who doesent want to let in immigrants are heartless idiots, but i see also some stupidity in how some dont have any sense of it and dont focus on resolving any problems about it(or properly help the immigrants in other than giving them free money). Like how USA is causing these immigrants to come here by terrorising the whole middle east and not taking any refugees themselves. Imo EU should put heavy sanction for USA for this crap and make USA pay for the immigrant problem of the whole EU, but ofc they wont because they play the game together and that would lead into weakening of the ruling powers of the world.

When it comes to money politics, i lean more on the left. Single payer healthcare is the way to go and im lucky i live in such a system. Same for free higher education. etc that the DNC and republicans together call far left ideologies that cannot work in any way and american media wants to make the same point, being the puppets of the elite. I also support basic income, which sadly i do not have.

Im quite a leftie, but i have started to accept the idea of capitalism more as well, but it should be handled very differently than it is done today. I am definitely not for free market capitalism, but more in supporting small businesses, partly through basic income.

If you want to argue against some of these values i have, feel free to challenge me and ill defend them like no russian troll ever could, or he would not be a russian troll anymore after realising my points :D Im pretty sure i know more about how russia works than most americans and how their propaganda machine functions etc. They constantly make up all sorts of weird stuff about other countries to make russia look better. Trump is actually copying putin quite well, its just that it doesent work all of a sudden to allamericans like it does to russians, because russians have been conditioned to it for much longer and are in more desperate position, so they take what ever hope sound sthe most wonderful and putin says some great things, which ofc are all lies or propaganda
he goes from posting top secret youtube videos about the illuminati child sacrifice scheme to telling us how he's just a reasonable left leaning extremely normal dude

this is a pathetic display of ineptitude, but we are used to it
how horrible for all those people losing their jobs just for [checks notes] calling people by offensive racial slurs
he goes from posting top secret youtube videos about the illuminati child sacrifice scheme to telling us how he's just a reasonable left leaning extremely normal dude

this is a pathetic display of ineptitude, but we are used to it

Yea well some of the stories they tell about the so called illuminati are true, but as i earlier mentioned a lot of it is fake news and that there are many separate groups.

I recommend you to check out if that guy talking on the video is legit and if he has a point, instead of just calling it bullshit because it says the word illuminati.

I could talk tons of this subject, but i would rather not because there are also some legit good groups i dont want to put a bad rep on by telling only half of the story and i dont even know for sure which ones are for sure legit good and which are not. These elite folks know so much more about the nature of reality and everything average people dont even get. Masses are fed with silly stories like bible, when the truths behind it has been hidden by the church when it was first formed. I have studied the same stuff, but there are many variations of it and this is where the different groups come into play. And yes, as weird as it might sound, the general idea is not too far from all this new age hippie stuff, actually closer to it than to bible, even tho biblical ideas are often used, but they are used in their true form. The elite are not theosophers, but the ideas of theosophy are almost the same.

And yes even tho i know that we live in a society that is based on lies. That doesent mean that im automatically some far left or far anything.

Its not really my problem if you cant see the truth yourself now, everyone will learn the truth one day. Life is all about learning, so dont close your eyes
Im a white male with blue eyes and quite light hair, you know the ideal type according to nazis. Why is that important to you? Im not a xenophobe or a racist as you can see me trying to point out how systematic the shit, including racism is in USA and how i point out that its not a good thing and that there should be changes to it. Im just pointing out the difficulties in it and how and why the government is trying to keep change away. I also dont speak russian or any of the east european languages if that makes you feel better.

I think these folks who doesent want to let in immigrants are heartless idiots, but i see also some stupidity in how some dont have any sense of it and dont focus on resolving any problems about it(or properly help the immigrants in other than giving them free money). Like how USA is causing these immigrants to come here by terrorising the whole middle east and not taking any refugees themselves. Imo EU should put heavy sanction for USA for this crap and make USA pay for the immigrant problem of the whole EU, but ofc they wont because they play the game together and that would lead into weakening of the ruling powers of the world.

When it comes to money politics, i lean more on the left. Single payer healthcare is the way to go and im lucky i live in such a system. Same for free higher education. etc that the DNC and republicans together call far left ideologies that cannot work in any way and american media wants to make the same point, being the puppets of the elite. I also support basic income, which sadly i do not have.

Im quite a leftie, but i have started to accept the idea of capitalism more as well, but it should be handled very differently than it is done today. I am definitely not for free market capitalism, but more in supporting small businesses, partly through basic income.

If you want to argue against some of these values i have, feel free to challenge me and ill defend them like no russian troll ever could, or he would not be a russian troll anymore after realising my points :D Im pretty sure i know more about how russia works than most americans and how their propaganda machine functions etc. They constantly make up all sorts of weird stuff about other countries to make russia look better. Trump is actually copying putin quite well, its just that it doesent work all of a sudden to allamericans like it does to russians, because russians have been conditioned to it for much longer and are in more desperate position, so they take what ever hope sound sthe most wonderful and putin says some great things, which ofc are all lies or propaganda
Ok you are a western european who is a liberal with left leaning economic views, you are pro democracy and liberalism and for human rights for all.

However there is the matter of posting conspiracy videos and people here stand by their words and deeds, or admit their mistakes. This is a place of serious adult discussion, but also of humor and comradery. Many people do not consider such sources worthy of consideration and many theories fail the most basic logical tests, much less are in concordance with the facts. They sell a narrative, not the truth.
Oh man I didn’t watch the vidz. How many seconds was it before it mentioned Kissinger, Soros and Queen Beatrix?

I dont think they were mentioned. On either video. The one where the guy is being interviewed did not mention any names and he told there why. If you had looked it for a moment, you would realise that where he talks first of all is pretty legit. He talks for the council that tries to fight against child trafficking that is made up of pretty high profile people. You can also look the guy up yourself.

This does not help:

he goes from posting top secret youtube videos about the illuminati child sacrifice scheme to telling us how he's just a reasonable left leaning extremely normal dude

this is a pathetic display of ineptitude, but we are used to it
Why lie?
Why just blatantly make shit up when you know fine well I'm gonna tell you to prove it.
Otherwise you'll just look like a twat.


To anyone who wants to listen to him. The video he is referring to can be found by searching the term "UFO footage" on Google.
You will see that pretty much every major news agency on earth shared the same video.
The US Govornment and military leaders admitted it was genuine footage from an American military jet.
I never said a word about it being aliens.
Only that it had been officially approved as being genuine footage of something the US military doesn't recognise.
That's it. But Mr tin foil hat like to blow everything out of proportion so let's just pre pop that wee bubble.

Also, I've 100% never posted anything about iluminati or child sacrifice as he puts it.
Just search the site bar for my name and those words in the content bit.

You'll have to try much harder than that to make a cunt of me Bucky lad.
I can smash Bucky all day long.
And I have been :) 15963109693881599992801.jpg
Yea well some of the stories they tell about the so called illuminati are true, but as i earlier mentioned a lot of it is fake news and that there are many separate groups.

I recommend you to check out if that guy talking on the video is legit and if he has a point, instead of just calling it bullshit because it says the word illuminati.

I could talk tons of this subject, but i would rather not because there are also some legit good groups i dont want to put a bad rep on by telling only half of the story and i dont even know for sure which ones are for sure legit good and which are not. These elite folks know so much more about the nature of reality and everything average people dont even get. Masses are fed with silly stories like bible, when the truths behind it has been hidden by the church when it was first formed. I have studied the same stuff, but there are many variations of it and this is where the different groups come into play. And yes, as weird as it might sound, the general idea is not too far from all this new age hippie stuff, actually closer to it than to bible, even tho biblical ideas are often used, but they are used in their true form. The elite are not theosophers, but the ideas of theosophy are almost the same.

And yes even tho i know that we live in a society that is based on lies. That doesent mean that im automatically some far left or far anything.

Its not really my problem if you cant see the truth yourself now, everyone will learn the truth one day. Life is all about learning, so dont close your eyes
just stop, your act is pathetic and your accent is atrocious. no one is gonna watch your shitty, stupid videos and we're all voting for biden

go away now
Ok you are a western european who is a liberal with left leaning economic views, you are pro democracy and liberalism and for human rights for all.

However there is the matter of posting conspiracy videos and people here stand by their words and deeds, or admit their mistakes. This is a place of serious adult discussion, but also of humor and comradery. Many people do not consider such sources worthy of consideration and many theories fail the most basic logical tests, much less are in concordance with the facts. They sell a narrative, not the truth.
Ehm....excuse me?
Are you saying I've posted conspiracy videos with the intent of convincing people of my beliefs ?
Please show me where I done that mate cos that ones eluding me....
Holy fuck this got out of hand a bit lol.
Just realised I'm a bit behind with the thread so I may have to apologise for some of that. Off to find out for myself though.