Blue cheese ph problems.


Hi all its my first grow and im doing blue cheese from cuttings with hydro clay balls. Having real problems with the ph and ec levels. Could anyone please help me? I need to no what the ph and ec should be set at. Im 7 weeks in to veg and they are still quite small about 7" roughly but there is new growth. My system is a 50l reservour wilmma. im using 400w light to veg on a 18 -6. Could any tell me what the best ph level and what amount of feed to give.


Well-Known Member
hey man ,your ph should be in between 5.1 and 5.9 ,so 5.5 say.
Your ec is really determind by hungry your plants are ,anywhere from 1 to 1.5 for veg and 1.5 to 2 for flower

kenny ken 77

Active Member
You have to flush your clay pebbles, in ph5.5, let them soak for a bit, basically clean them, aparently they make your p.h. Keep sky rocketing. As matey says about e.c. 7 weeks? 7" that's not good bruv. Mine, once rooted, get a week week and a half under cfl's, til roots our plenty out of the bottom of my larger block, then transfere to hydro, 2 weeks veg, by then they're about 16/18" time for flower, which is when they explode.. Goodluck.
ideal p.h. Hydro is between 5.5-6.2, I deal is 5.8. .K.K


From what I've learned Marijuana plants like a SLIGHTLY acidic medium. I use soil so maybe it's different with hydro, but I personally PH at around 7.0-7.5.


Thanks all for your reply. I will re set the ph and see how i go from there. Can any tell me if they are worth carrying on with them as they are so small after so long. Will they be small all the way through because of the life they have had so far. Thinking maybe start again from seed now i no a bit more about it. If i do carry on will i get much out of it. They are around 9inc today still got new growth. I can put pics if that will help.


Well-Known Member
i've grown blue cheese before, they are flimsy plants. check if your ph meter is properly stored and calibrated. poor calibration causes problems. best pH 5.5-5.8 for hydro. EC- less than two, and depends on ur nutrient regiment. from my experience blue cheese dont tolerate very strong nutrient levels like most other indicas.


Yeah thats what i found with mine. I got a trident meter does both ec and ph and came already calibrated but did check it first and seems to be reading fine. I started the ph on 6.2 ec was 1.2. I will set it between 5.5- 5.8 ec at 1 and see how i go. Just dont if im wasting my time with it cuz i dont think im going to get much at the end.


Well-Known Member
blue cheese is a fast finisher and a good yielder if you scrog/lst. but dont plan on yielding too much if you dont do lst or scrog. you need to calibrate your meters bi-weekly, at least thats what i do with mine. i am using a hannah combo ph, ec, ppm meter. and the ph falls off the wagon every 2 weeks by about .2- .4. always good to be dead on, than to over ph/ under ph your weed


So what your saying is i have to pick it then train it with a scrog to get a good yield? what is lst never heard of that before?


Well-Known Member
lst is easier than scrog imo. you simply keep tieing the plant down until it forms a full circle around the pot. it will promote your lateral branches to grow, hence, more buds.


Where can i find some pic of this so i can see what you mean? Also how long did you flower them? I was told 10 weeks?


Well-Known Member

i cant tell you a definitive amount of time to flower your blue cheese. but by the time they are done, the calyxes should have been swollen, and the trichomes are either white or amber... based on your personal preference of highs. normally 8 weeks for blue cheese. 10 weeks is possible


Ok so i lst it and i am going to do a flush at 5.5 for 24h. Im still not shore if i should carry on though. They dont have many leaves and there not very big. Does anyone think they can be saved?