Bonsai Nano Sog?


Well-Known Member
Damn, I've got lots of crazy ideas today. The latest is a nano scale sog. 6 plants in a 6x4x10in space with a single large cfl in 2in square pots. Grown from 2in clones straight to 12/12 and harvested at 6 weeks. The mother sits in an area the same size, bonsai'd, and puts out one tiny clone a week. Feasible? I'd be happy with a 2-3g yield per plant. Like waay happy! I could scale it up slightly if that's what needs to happen for 2-3g yields. What do you think? I can draw up some plans with materials, costs, light details, electricity usage, everything. I am not sure what strain would sog well so tiny, is there a fast flowering Lowryder? It needs to be about 6 weeks (I don't mind harvesting a bit early, lighter high anyways) to keep the sog from screwing up.