bottom leaves yellowing and dying(pics)


Active Member

having it with all my plants.they are about 3 feet.put them 12-12 just two days ago.had the same prob at veg. stage.but not that serious.
ı thought about nitrogen def and added some amonium nitrate but couldnt fix.also used revive from advanced nutes. both foliar and add to feeding water,nothing watering ph is 6.0..used dolomit lime for soil ph.
dont know wtf is that and to do more.
thank ya for any help.



Active Member
That is totally weird looking.... Id say its a slight nitrogen deficiency, but it only is happening to certain leaves...... Try giving it a bit more Nitrogen in your Nutrient mix for a few days and see what happens.... I had the same problem with a couple Deadhead OG's (but during like the 2nd week of Veg), and it was definitely a Nitrogen Deficiency, because they greened right up within a few days. Im only a beginner, but that is what I think it looks like....


Active Member
its finishing certains ad jumping the next set mate.ı lost 3 sets since growth.addem some amonium nitrate with 32-0-0 also revive has 1.5-0-0 nitro in it.was tried 6-2-4 from certain nutes.water ph is adjusted and ı thought its about soil ph.flushed and add some dolomit lime.slowed yellowing but got back about 15 days.
thanks for the reply.


what nutrients and how much are you giving them? If your in soil, which it looks like, i'd raise the Ph a little to about 6.5. With your soil PH off it will lock out various nutrients and then manifest itself in a variety of ways. You'd have to flush with 6.5 ph water. I'd def try that first and go from there if you've already attempted adding Nutrients. Good luck man



Well-Known Member
I'd say just up your food, from that ratio it seems really light. One feeding with a stronger food isn't gonna be enough, gonna take a few


Active Member
using hesi tnt for nitro 6-2-4.flushed with canna flush about 6.0-6.1 will give it a try about ph.thanks for the advice mate.


Active Member
I am going to approach this from a different angle. While I do think you have a nitrogen deficieny, I think your problem could be your lighting. It seems like the leaves that are dying are the older fan leaves. If these leaves are not getting enough light, the plant will draw the nutrients from them and effectively kill them off. What lights do you have?


Active Member
:wall:Myself I think it is your PH level locking out other Nutes get it adjusted to 6.5 I have a chart will look for it and get back to you .Happy Farming,Cajun


Well-Known Member
I am going to approach this from a different angle. While I do think you have a nitrogen deficieny, I think your problem could be your lighting. It seems like the leaves that are dying are the older fan leaves. If these leaves are not getting enough light, the plant will draw the nutrients from them and effectively kill them off. What lights do you have?

I kinda agree with you, if you look at the side branches then you can see that they look a bit stretched which usually means lack of light or light is just too far away.


Active Member
I am going to approach this from a different angle. While I do think you have a nitrogen deficieny, I think your problem could be your lighting. It seems like the leaves that are dying are the older fan leaves. If these leaves are not getting enough light, the plant will draw the nutrients from them and effectively kill them off. What lights do you have?
that makes more sense to me also.have 400 watt hps high pressure.about 30-35 cm away from 5 plants.but not have much space and bottom leaves are getting in to in.have a hydrostar with a 520m3 much should ı get the lights closer without heat stress?


Active Member
It can be a combination of things. But if its nitrogren def. Which is a common problem. Use a product called green stay as a foliar feed.. It will green your plant right up. foliar feeding is the fastest and most effective way to get nutrients to your plant. Just make sure you don't spray with your lights on. Like 20 min before. Also keep in mind, its only natural for your plant to be stressing during flowering, it thinks it dying. But if you keep those leaves green, they keep producing and keep putting more to the bud!