Boveda 2 way Humidity Pack Methods


Well-Known Member
This thread is intended to share peoples thoughts and experiences with the boveda 2 way packs. they come in several sizes, micro, medium, large, and more. They also can be bought in large quantity and you get them cheaper.

I use the 62% 2-way packs; i hear thats the norm. i hear 62rh is the MAXIMUM you can have your buds be at, it's on the edge of mold zone.
I hear the trick here is to dry it too much rather that not enough then use the packs to raise it back up, reducing chance of any mold.
I was gonna buy a bunch but then someone told me they are reusable!! just always keep it in a closed container, and once in a while put it in with some distilled water.
once the pack is stiff it's no good. i'm sure every couple moths it's good to check the RH in the jar you store them with a hygrometer or something

keep in mind this is all stuff i've read and thought about, not specifically referenced from anywhere just what i understand from reading.

I hear after a month or two you gotta be careful because mold CAN form..
good thing i grow just enough to smoke before the next is ready!

things you can do... re-moisten dry buds or leaves prior to hash making. Is this good? From what i've read, the secret in getting great quality hash is not to crush the trichomes, but to knock them off or agitate them by some means (not talking about BHO or anything like that, just easy forms of hash)
main thing i'm wondering here is after curing the scraps, does it matter how moist it is when you do say, a bubble hash extraction?
~I know people freeze the bud prior to agitation, would the extra moisture help this process or is dry bud preferred?

also to make hash you want a proper cure. This will hopefully let me take my trim and put it in an open bag as i do it. As i trim the buds the stuff on the bottom is dry and more moist stuff goes on top, and its somewhat of a game but you don't want the leaves to mold, but you want somewhat of a slow dry and then a nice cure, to help the decarb process (or whatever)
then i put em in a jar. The leaves lock the chlorophyll in and another secret for good hash is properly cured product. Maybe next chop, i'll be able to cure the trim and get better product, maybe do a side-by side hash run

any input at all hope people have some good stuff to chime in with!

Colorado Sam

New Member
Using two plastic tubs, made holes in one tub bottom fitting it on top of other tub with distilled water in the bottom tub. Put cover on top tub. Stiff one is softening. One week into test. I happen to use two smart balance margarine tubs. Will advise. Thinking more holes in bottom of top tub. Used the small Phillips screw driver on multi tool foldout thingy. Lighter warmed the little screw driver just fine. First time using product period.
Hang until you can snap the branch (~68°RH), throw a 62° Boveda in the jar and in 2 weeks you have priemo cured bud. Other than opening the jars once every 48 hours to move the nugs around to avoid moisture pockets in the jar it really is that easy.


New Member
Hang until you can snap the branch (~68°RH)
I hope your not drying at 68 percent humidity........ LOl

I hear the trick here is to dry it too much rather that not enough then use the packs to raise it back up, reducing chance of any mold.
- Complete bullshit!


Well-Known Member
I like them!

I put 6 dry ounces in jars with Boveda 62% packets.

two weeks later I emptied it all and checked the weight, I gained an ounce.

After a month I took the packets out of the jars, I burp once a week for 5 minutes.

the packets are still in good condition so I stored them together in a jar till my next batch.

The Bud is from my first plant ever and I got that out of one heavily trained Bagseed.


Well-Known Member
I dried in a room with a dehumidifier first I brought the room to 60% RH for 72 hours then I lowered humidity to 55% till I got a good snap on a stem and then into the jars with the Boveda packs.

68% sounds like a pretty high humidity to dry....

My flower tent is at 63% RH.


Well-Known Member
- Complete bullshit!
can you further on this?
what i'm saying is what i hear its safer to go down to something like 55% and raise it back up to 62% with the packs, it is safer than going from above 62% and bringing it down to 62%
am i misunderstanding how to do this?

also thinking about using big jars and figuring out some sort of humidor pack type holder make for ball mouth lids.
I don't want to use adhesives because i feel like it may somehow transfer and effect the buds


Well-Known Member
Using two plastic tubs, made holes in one tub bottom fitting it on top of other tub with distilled water in the bottom tub. Put cover on top tub. Stiff one is softening. One week into test. I happen to use two smart balance margarine tubs. Will advise. Thinking more holes in bottom of top tub. Used the small Phillips screw driver on multi tool foldout thingy. Lighter warmed the little screw driver just fine. First time using product period.
One of us is too high. I did not understand a word of this after reading 3 times. Peace - AIM


Well-Known Member
I've been reading about these things as I'm close to harvest. I'm gonna try it on some of my bud.

The thing that seems crazy to me is people suggesting to over dry your shit then re moisten it with the packs. Goes against the basic principals of curing. The goal is to EVENLY and SLOWLY remove moisture from the product. Not add it back in.

aussie originals

Active Member
ok so this is the low down. 62% is too low for curing. you are simply drying and storing your buds. 62% is right at the point that curing stops. if you really want to experience properly cured bud you should be curing with the 70% or 65% boveda packs.

dry your buds until they are crispy on the outside dont worry about the stems snapping you actually dont want to over dry. once your buds are dried curing is finished and it can not be restarted. likewise going down to 55% and bringing the humidity back up will not restart curing it will simply increase risk of mould.

place the buds in a jar with the 70% humidity packs, you still want to burp your jars daily at this stage to avoid mould but the humidity packs will keep your buds right in that curing zone.keep them like this for around a month. if you are doing it right you will actually be able to see the difference in your buds, they will start to lose there green as the curing process breaks down the chlorophyll into sugars. after a month you can drop down to the 65% humidity packs and stop burping for another month. after that curing should well and truly be completed and i suggest dropping down to the 60% humidity packs for long term storage.

trust me if your doing this right your buds will all look golden brown and be sweeter and smoother than you have ever experienced before

my thoughts on bubble hash are that you are better off using fresh trim frozen than dry trim. i have tried both and i get a much cleaner product using fresh and frozen because dried trim crumbles up too easy and you end up with too many fine particles of plant matter getting into your hash. the cure has little effect on the flavour of hash because there is no chlorophyll in the resin heads.

go and get yourself 2 x 5 gal buckets and a set of good 5 gal bubble bags. place a tap in the bottom of one of the buckets. in the bucket with the tap set up your bubble bags starting with the finest screen and finishing with the coarsest screen. set each bag a good distance apart so that the screens are not touching each other. place your frozen trim in then cover with ice and fill with water until it just covers the ice.

agitate it using an electric drill with a paint mixer attachment, agitate very slowly for around 5-10 minutes then let t settle for around 5 mins. once it is settled open the tap in the bottom of the bucket and let the water run into the other bucket. using the water you have kept repeat the whole process 4 times adding more ice each time to ensure you get a complete extraction, you dont want to waste any hash do you?

once you have done this 4 times remove the bags one by one and you should have some nice big puddles of hash in the bottom of each bag. use the cleaner blonde looking stuff for smoking and use the other grades for cooking. remember hash is like the cream of your crop dont waste it and its worth the extra time to do it right.


New Member
ok so this is the low down. 62% is too low for curing. you are simply drying and storing your buds. 62% is right at the point that curing stops. if you really want to experience properly cured bud you should be curing with the 70% or 65% boveda packs.

dry your buds until they are crispy on the outside dont worry about the stems snapping you actually dont want to over dry. once your buds are dried curing is finished and it can not be restarted. likewise going down to 55% and bringing the humidity back up will not restart curing it will simply increase risk of mould.

place the buds in a jar with the 70% humidity packs, you still want to burp your jars daily at this stage to avoid mould but the humidity packs will keep your buds right in that curing zone.keep them like this for around a month. if you are doing it right you will actually be able to see the difference in your buds, they will start to lose there green as the curing process breaks down the chlorophyll into sugars. after a month you can drop down to the 65% humidity packs and stop burping for another month. after that curing should well and truly be completed and i suggest dropping down to the 60% humidity packs for long term storage.

trust me if your doing this right your buds will all look golden brown and be sweeter and smoother than you have ever experienced before

my thoughts on bubble hash are that you are better off using fresh trim frozen than dry trim. i have tried both and i get a much cleaner product using fresh and frozen because dried trim crumbles up too easy and you end up with too many fine particles of plant matter getting into your hash. the cure has little effect on the flavour of hash because there is no chlorophyll in the resin heads.

go and get yourself 2 x 5 gal buckets and a set of good 5 gal bubble bags. place a tap in the bottom of one of the buckets. in the bucket with the tap set up your bubble bags starting with the finest screen and finishing with the coarsest screen. set each bag a good distance apart so that the screens are not touching each other. place your frozen trim in then cover with ice and fill with water until it just covers the ice.

agitate it using an electric drill with a paint mixer attachment, agitate very slowly for around 5-10 minutes then let t settle for around 5 mins. once it is settled open the tap in the bottom of the bucket and let the water run into the other bucket. using the water you have kept repeat the whole process 4 times adding more ice each time to ensure you get a complete extraction, you dont want to waste any hash do you?

once you have done this 4 times remove the bags one by one and you should have some nice big puddles of hash in the bottom of each bag. use the cleaner blonde looking stuff for smoking and use the other grades for cooking. remember hash is like the cream of your crop dont waste it and its worth the extra time to do it right.
More complete bs and a recipe for molds as well as no bag apeal


Well-Known Member
well how about you throw in your 2 cents?
no need to throw around remarks, just let us know what method you know works the best


New Member
Ok lets cut the bs which is so rampant here.

1. The number one cause for poor smell is going into a jar to wet.
2. curing zone should never be more than 65% ever and will cure down to about 57 or 58 percent
3. hanging the plant with the leafs on helps absorb moisture from the inner bud
so the dry is more even as many of you have noticed your placing what you think is dry
in a jar or whatever and the next day its to wet.
4. I shoot for 60 and bring it down to 57 for storage.
5. storage for very long above 60% will make it brown
6. place it in your container jar mylar bag turkey bag etc. with a humidistat
if it rises above 65 take it out for a couple hours and try again to wet is hay smelling shit
bring it down to 58 and wait 2 weeks but make sure its stable at 58 now its got some cure.
7.taking it in at out of jars fucks up the Christals try pleated bottom mylar ziplocks from usa emergency supply.
8. drying is 10 times more important than curing
9 placing the "dryed bud in paper bags filled a few inches can help bring it down to the final dryness more evenly especially for those who wet trim.
10 dry trimming is actually faster if you have trimmed a few pounds each way you know this.
11 70 % is a recipe for mold


New Member
trust me if your doing this right your buds will all look golden brown and be sweeter and smoother than you have ever experienced before
If my patients wanted brown weed they would by some mexi schwag...LOl


Active Member
One of us is too high. I did not understand a word of this after reading 3 times. Peace - AIM
LOL...I was thinking the same thing...what the hell is he talking about? i had to put my blunt out and read that a couple of times...