brainstorm stoners, read it or die!!!!


Well-Known Member
i tried looking up "Mycorrhiza Fungi" on ebay and i got no results.

and thanks for the rep, you were the one who got me to think about why one of my plants actually did better after the re-plant. :)

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Well-Known Member
alright...I have another variation that just came to mind....her it is...and bear with me cause I dont know these systems well at all...just seen them.
I am talking about the aero or hydro setups that mist the roots on a timer. what if you were to divide the roots and mist in zones like a lawn....each leg of the apparatus goes off at different times. as far as I can think it would supply water to the roots on a more regular schedule that if you were misting one tube full of roots....any is my lame ass paint sketch



Well-Known Member
technically nobody knows if it's possible, yet, ;). i'd imagine you would have to introduce some kind of hormone to the tips of the roots coming upward to make them start ACTUALLY growing a new plant, but we'll see. maybe next year i can risk one of my plants, maybe do some more research and find out if it is. :blsmoke:

and honkeytown, i can see how your version could work for an indoor grower, no doubt it would make the plant grow wider topside.

See,this what posting threads like this are all about. maybe pushing the 45 degree angle a bit higher might not hurt,, but as far as i know, the 45 degree should do the trick nicely.

I was thinking of maybe drilling some holes in the top of the PVC pipes to let in more water, but i figured that if i poured my H2O right around the base of the plant, it should distribute the water evenly throughout all of the pipes going down.

I'm going to post pics of the application of my operation, and apparatus, once i am able to unglue myself from my computer. Most likely, tonight or tomorrow.

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Well-Known Member
technically nobody knows if it's possible, yet, ;). i'd imagine you would have to introduce some kind of hormone to the tips of the roots coming upward to make them start ACTUALLY growing a new plant, but we'll see. maybe next year i can risk one of my plants, maybe do some more research and find out if it is. :blsmoke:

and honkeytown, i can see how your version could work for an indoor grower, no doubt it would make the plant grow wider topside.

See,this what posting threads like this are all about. maybe pushing the 45 degree angle a bit higher might not hurt,, but as far as i know, the 45 degree should do the trick nicely.

I was thinking of maybe drilling some holes in the top of the PVC pipes to let in more water, but i figured that if i poured my H2O right around the base of the plant, it should distribute the water evenly throughout all of the pipes going down.

I'm going to post pics of the application of my operation, and apparatus, once i am able to unglue myself from my computer. Most likely, tonight or tomorrow.

yeah man...i am actually growin in soil in five gallon buckets inside so I am limited by that...but what if I split the roots above three buckets...maybe 3 gallon pots...then connected the pots with pvc so I have even nutes and watering still...this could be interesting...i need to think some you know what I am talking about?


Well-Known Member
HAH, that sounds wicked man!!

I'd imagine it would look ROUGHLY like this,, but much cleaner looking in real life.

i was actually going to make it have 4, maybe 5 pieces of PVC, but for your application, 3 should do the trick nicely.

keep in mind, this method isn't tested YET, but the results look good on paper so far :blsmoke:

ha ha ha...that's exactly the shit I am talking about...the question it more effective to produce a big plant like that or plant three plants in the buckets...but maybe for a could possibly be a way to produce more clones on her. this has really got me thinkin


Well-Known Member
i would think as long as your mother is properly topped and FIM'd, i don't see why you shouldn't have a much bigger plant in one pot, rather than three separate in smaller pots.

you just can't forget that the point is to make one plant much wider with a more solid root structure.



Well-Known Member
alright...I have another variation that just came to mind....her it is...and bear with me cause I dont know these systems well at all...just seen them.
I am talking about the aero or hydro setups that mist the roots on a timer. what if you were to divide the roots and mist in zones like a lawn....each leg of the apparatus goes off at different times. as far as I can think it would supply water to the roots on a more regular schedule that if you were misting one tube full of roots....any is my lame ass paint sketch
now this one makes sense for aeroponics, as you can get a massive tangled root ball forming, with this it separates out your roots and loosely holds them in place.

can't see how it would really be worth the effort of tripled planting area...


Well-Known Member
but that's the point in test and guess isn't it? to see what the possibilities are? find out if it really does make your plant that much better/healthier/bigger.

the reason i brought it up was because I'm outdoors, I'm not going to put it in 3 separate pots, but AGAIN, i can't see this not working out in my favor. whether someone else wants to make this idea their own, is his/her business.



Well-Known Member
wicked idea. mine was to add styrofoam balls or some wierd shape in my dwc bucket. and put them in between the water from the resevior and the bottom of the basket. now obviously you would have to seperate out the roots on my way because the roots will still come out of the bottom of the basket. so i would have to thread them the the basket to the styrofoam so it spreads out and all. but that was how i was thinking of spreading out the root system.

speaking of making one root system grow more than one plant i have an idea to make one plant to have two root systems. i think i will try it sooner or later, but to try it correctly you have to kill a plant. here are pics. now with my idea there is the possibility that even if you got to grow two roots for one plant that each root might only grow to 50% of it's potential? but it was an idea of mine that when i feel like wasting a plant i would give it a try.

i really like the pipe idea to spread the roots. but in a dwc you would have to drill holes in the pipes because you want the roots exposed to the oxygen from the bubble disk in the water. but i do agree if you do it in soil then no drilled holes, because then the holes will allow the soil in the pipes to compact on itself from the soil outside of the pipe. but you also have to think everytime you water the wywtem in the pipes the soil will compact some.

please keep this thread posted with your results. i am not going to start a thread on my two rooted single plant system until i have successful results. oh but i forgot to mention the reason why you have to cut it wierd is because i am not sure if the plant will grow a secondary root system if it has a first one. so cutting it like this and planting each end at the same time may instigate both to root?



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Well-Known Member
i tried looking up "Mycorrhiza Fugi" on ebay and i got no results.

and thanks for the rep, you were the one who got me to think about why one of my plants actually did better after the re-plant. :)

On Ebay search for Organic Fertilizer or Organic Plant Tonic. Blue Mountain Organics - Super Plant Tonic - is on there sometimes. It says something like "Plant Tonic, more than a fertilizer". Comes in a bottle - concentrated. Cost about $ 10 and makes 8 to 16 gallons. I bought some just the other day. I think there were 3 or 4 more listed.
I swear this stuff could make a plant go rootbound in a 55 gallon barrel. It if full of the friendly fungi. I heard about it through, a friend, who is an agri student at ASU (ARK). They tested the stuff & it has like 250,000 of these little fungi per ounce. Had all 72 trace minerals, about NPK 5-2-3 when mixed as directed. He said at that fungi count, it was well above what even the best of soils have in them.


Well-Known Member
Just go hydro and improve the oxygen/nutrient uptake. Once I set my res lid back in place, my girls' roots spread back across the water horizontally and float in a sea of oxygenated, nutrient rich water.

I'm interested in your topic to increase yield through bushing the plant more, but that isn't a problem that I've had yet.

I'll follow this thread. Brainstorming is like Russian Roulette, you never know which spin is a winner.



Well-Known Member
yeah knally yours are branching out just fine and have a nice bush going with em. i would suggest seperating them a little more but that is really determined by your particular grow space so...

what strain are those?


Well-Known Member
yeah knally yours are branching out just fine and have a nice bush going with em. i would suggest seperating them a little more but that is really determined by your particular grow space so...

what strain are those?
I would love to expand my 30 inch by 30 inch flower area. To at least half of the basement and put in 100+ plants. Convince the wife and I'll share the grow info.

I can only flower two at a time with the limited grow space and the fullness of my girls. They are Dutch Dragon clones from my 1st successful harvest a few weeks ago.

Here's a pic of her just before harvest. She was grown from seed from Paradise Seeds feminised.

