bringing a baby into this world while growing. opinions please?


Well-Known Member
Your grow will have to be put on hold. A baby is very demanding and so will be a flowering garden. You also have many people who will be over to see the baby and there will be no hiding the garden in an apt. That will cause a big fight with those who are not 420 friendly (parents of all sorts).
On a happier note, My daughter is now 5 but when she was 3 she was going with me to work a garden for a client and there was 5 1k hps and 4 plants per bulb. I would take her some coloring books etc, turn on several green lights and go to work. Now she is still active in my gardening and asks how different strains are doing and never opens her mouth outside of the house and never did. We don't hide the truth from our children but we do let them know that a lot of people are not for Medical Marijuana.
That's fantastic. Every parent should be open with their kids, especially about this kind of thing. It offers a conduit through which to build a strong unbreakable trust.

Haha sorry just had to comment on that. This thread probably died long ago. Can't be bothered to read all 10 pages :P


Active Member
Who are you telling? Dont tell anyone use proper air filtration and people finding out wont be an issue. But I bet, I would seriously put money, that you or at least your boyfriend is telling people about this op, in which case fuck the law its ROBBERS you need to worry about. Safety of your family first......come on

EDIT* Dont lie to your kid about your stuff. I let mine spray daddys "zoogas" (youll need to teach him another random name) and he loves it.


Well-Known Member
If you're growing in a closet, just install one of those knobs where you can lock it from the outside. Problem solved


New Member
If you have minors in the house.... you should not be growing in the house or on the property....unless you are legal. are putting yourself before your children. No one thinks anything is going to happen..... until it does.

Children first.... or don't have any.


This is silly, this sounds like a scene from "16 and pregnant" on MTV. He has some growing up to do and hopefully he does it soon. Do not expect a young ignorant boy to change or take care of you in his current state in life. Take care of you and your baby and secure your futures. If he comes around then great, if not then at least you knew better. You can still be happy and so can your child, definitely do not take physical or emotional abuse.

4 bag seed plants in a noob closet grow LOL! I bet that $100 is gonna be enough to go to jail for... if he even finishes without being snitched on. If his friends know about your grow then 10x more people have heard of or know of that grow. What if someone gets wind that you are harvesting 100 plants through the grapevine and raids your house with shotguns and face masks and comes to find 4 plants. There's a pretty situation for you to think about and picture for a moment.

I know my comment is blunt but you asked and this isn't something to bullshit about. Good luck BB420, be well. :)
haha. sooo far, he is all talk. but the talk is good. hes gonna move it to outdoors in a couple weeks, i think? but then again, i said its all talk, so we'll see what he actually does. he's famous for doing really bad & shady things behind my back. so we'll see what he's up to this time around.

420 swede

Active Member
Sorry, but is there reports, or is there no proof?

I think you already DONE gone and smoked yourself stupid son. Go somewhere else with your lies. I couldnt even be fucked multi quoting the rest of your stupid unproven personal theories on pot use...but i can guarantee that theres no literature on weed altering brain development. (however alcohol and caffeine do!).

In fact, while we couldnt find websites that said "pot makes your kids clever". We found a LOT that said "i smoked pot while i was pregnant (not breast feeding), and my child is very intelligent. Kids talking and walking 8+ months before normal and stuff...If you even TRIED to look up ANY of your "facts" you would have instantly realized it was all bullshit...just go TRY to find real proof..find me a mother who said she regrets smoking weed because her kids are slow or something...

look forward to you finding what my fiancee and I couldnt in weeks, and others in this very thread also couldnt. (Someone else mentioned they had researched similarly to us)

From the 1500eds and forward saying something that is imposible to happen or outside this world was called seeing a "black swan" bcuz there where no black swans..... From what is scientificly posible to give answears for and against today is far from final...Right now its word against word. There is research for & against both sides done by partial ppl on each sides and totally independant who have no lobbying or reasons to be partial in play. Back to the expression, a couple of hundred years later, some explorer found some black swans deep in australia.. My point is u take one answear for granted because you want it to be so and it fits you and your lifestyle. This discussion will not end anytime soon because the final answear is yet to be found. Its like debating about if 9/11 was a false flag operation or not........

All i'm saying: "BETTER BE SAFE THEN SORRY", its a kid we are talking about here. If theres even a 1% chance pot would increase the chance of autism or some other mental it worth risking it to be able to smoke while u got a baby in you...I have no idea about if it would transfer to the milk or not so i'm not gonna touch that subject, if anyone would worry about it theres always milk to buy instead of breastfeeding.

If u still think im retarded for saying this, added i do respect other opinions and all that but if u start calling names (stupid, liar etc) beacuse im comming with stuff u dont like to hear, then i guess u're just some of the stereotypical dumbass americans who holds on to the answear that fits them best and sticks to it no mather what.
haha. sooo far, he is all talk. but the talk is good. hes gonna move it to outdoors in a couple weeks, i think? but then again, i said its all talk, so we'll see what he actually does. he's famous for doing really bad & shady things behind my back. so we'll see what he's up to this time around.
Wow, this truly is sad (no offense) because NOTHING should come in front of HIS child or you. It's time to grow up and realize that he has a newborn coming up. I know this is an old thread but I really feel that I should speak up on the situation even though it really is none of my business. How are y'all doing now anyways?