broke a limb off 5 weeks into flower... what do i do with it?


Active Member
So I got a nice branch with quite a bit of buds on it that broke off while I was trying to tie it back :(. I stuck it in a cup of water last night just to keep it a live for the meantime. Should. I go ahead and dry and cure it, or I was maybe thinking edibles. Not really sure if I can do too much with it. But it does have a good amount of cryistals so I know it can be use for something! Any ideas would be highly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Hell I would take it down trim it up and take off whatever is there and then do whatever with it...smoke it, or eat it, or make it into hash...doesn't matter...immature still works, just not as well, or for as long...seems to me.


Well-Known Member
it will likely die if you try to replant it but you can try and the worst thing that will happen is the nugs will dry on the stick while its planted lol....i would likely have just trimmed dried and cured it as long as ther was at least an eighth any less and id make a muffin or sumthin real small and eat it all at once...might do sumthin


Well-Known Member
dry it and smoke it.. nothin wrong with that.. I have a plant that knocked itself up and a branch was full of seeds.. at 4 weeks it was covered in trichs, so i just chopped the main cola off (since it was the most seedy) and hung it up.. it shrunk to half its size overnight. and i'm just gonna let it dry and smoke it.. gonna use the rest of the plant once its done to make brownies.. mmmm.


Global Moderator
Staff member
You can clone it at 5 weeks flower - it will take some time for it to grow roots, but it will if done properly.


Well-Known Member
idk your good if you can do that....5 week old plant should have good sized nugs already and a plant system that large should not be able to survive for a week or so while roots grow...if it did work it sure would be looking like crap possibly hermie and wouldnt your flowering cycle be pretty screwed up....


Global Moderator
Staff member
idk your good if you can do that....5 week old plant should have good sized nugs already and a plant system that large should not be able to survive for a week or so while roots grow...if it did work it sure would be looking like crap possibly hermie and wouldnt your flowering cycle be pretty screwed up....
I just finished cloning 6 double bubble @ 8 weeks flower.
They took 4 weeks to root & revert to veg, but now look just as good as the mom did when she was in veg.


Well-Known Member
but then dont you have to clip some buds reveg and start all over?? as opposed to having been a few weeks from finished?...sounds like pretty much a reveg with simultaneous cloning and harvesting lol sounds a little counter productive idk lol


Global Moderator
Staff member
but then dont you have to clip some buds reveg and start all over?? as opposed to having been a few weeks from finished?...sounds like pretty much a reveg with simultaneous cloning and harvesting lol sounds a little counter productive idk lol
Agreed, it does take some time, at one point this was a 1 - 1.5 gm almost mature bud. She's about 2 months since clipping, but she is showing a lot of the signs of her mom & I couldn't resist.
Sometime back Cannabiner put a bug in my ear asking if I ever felt remorse for growing out a great plant & not saving it. . . See where this goes?
So this Double bubble ended up being the bomb - giant fat buds, trichs everywhere & she smelled like fruit & skunk shit.
Who could resist that ? Not me, so thats the story & I'm sticking to it.
Can't wait to see a bunch of these gals in the SCROG.


Clone (1).JPG


Well-Known Member
haha thats awesome one nug just sticking out of the dirt..looks cool..makes sense that way though i had envisioned like a longer branch with maybe about 5 gs on it sticking way out of the soil which would be muuuuch harder to keep alive and do properly i thinik...and i no what ya mean you flower a plant that didnt look epic and find out it is only way too late!! always sucks...ill sometimes take a small side branch i may have missed that isnt even showing any bud really but ive never tried anything larger


Active Member
If you acted immediately, you could have grafted the branch back on...just tape it back where it was and mist with a sprayer once in a while ntil it heals...had this happen to my of the two tops broke off in the middle of flowering...only held by the skin...I taped it together, and two weeks later it was growing just fine. Now, i would suggest you smoke the top nug and try to root the rest...


Active Member
Re-vegging it would be ideal if you wanted to make a mother plant.

I took a cutting from a plant that was 4-5 weeks into flower and it turned into a thick bush.