Browning Roots-PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures after I washed the brown stuff off. It just washed right off no problem. Does that mean that it's just stained?

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Yeah dude the same thing happened to me during week 3-4 of Veg .Ugly Roots.jpg here's a pic it washed right off i soaked them in Flora-Kleen for 24 hrs ... yeah dude its not root rot . What Nutes are you using .. Mine got like that from using Florablend and Floralicious Plus.


Active Member
Fox farm Big bloom leaves a bit of residue I've noticed also... I just fill a spray bottle with rez water and spray them off from time to time and they stay nice and pretty.


Well-Known Member
This is what I want to hear. That everything is alright. I'm using Technaflora Plant Products.....B.C. Bloom, B.C. Boost, B.C. Grow, Thrive Alive B-1 Green, Thrive Alive B-1 Red, MagiCal, Awesome Bloom, Sugar Daddy, and Root 66. I use a mix of the stuff, the company's recipe.


Well-Known Member
If i took a pic of my roots in DWC they would BE BLACK.. wouldnt know if i had root rot if i wanted. Cause the Sea Kelp, Guano, B1 Thrive ferts i use are all black or really thick and dark. so I figure if your Using DWC properly your water shouldnt be clear anyway. =/ uhm also, Not having Net Lids* over your medium & around your stem is asking for the Light,Foliage,Moisture to breed your own Farm of Organisms !!!


Just seen ur post I had some brown spot grow on roots ( using AG 200) ,looked up a lot of info & videos
I seen were people just cut them out (just the brown! ) , mainly near the top, so anyway I have trim mine twice
& no problem's@ all. Its just like when u discover u have males & females together , u sometimes need to untangle the roots
doing that ,especially in hydros , Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info. Tstone, I don't think cutting your roots will fix the reason your roots are brown.


Active Member
hi ray, i found a product from fox farms its called bush doctor, its liquid mycorrizae er spellck. i used it after i used flora shield to get rid of root slime problem i had, stuff is awesome, roots are still white after 3 days with water temps of 72 an 71 degrees and there is new root formation


Well-Known Member
I'm in my 2nd week going on my 3rd in water, I took it from soil. It's a pretty old clone, I took it from a flowering lady, so it took about 4-5 weeks for new growth. The roots are growing rapidly. they are starting to stain again. I'm going to take a photo of them to the grow shop and see what they think. Thanks for the products, gives me more of an idea of what I need.