bubblicous/narkush/ata-tundra gro


Well-Known Member
bummed about dio!!!

boy those k-trains are stretching. are all greenhouse seeds stretchers? maybe they are made for big containers and big lights?

i killed a few more fungus gnats. i know it's not fair to blame it on the ROOTs potting soil but i'm not going to use it again. maybe i'm just used to dealing with the fox farm stuff but it just seems like the top of my soil is drying out super fast and the bottom of the containers remain wet. it's not uniform like before. i'm just not happy with this mix.



Well-Known Member
yea i think my buddy is using shit soil too, dries out in a fucked way

and i heard the church by greenhouse is a big stretcher, i wouldnmt kno im never gonna try there stuff


Well-Known Member
just watered again. got my sticky traps for the gnats and put them up. i'm a bit over my head on this grow. i guess it's always a learning experiment. i have too many plants. the k-trains are 2 feet tall and haven't begun to flower yet. i have a bubble thats 2 feet tall plus the 2 fat narkush.......all start to look limp and want water every other day. maybe i vegged too long for my containers and space. maybe i should move them to 5 gal pots but then i have the space issue: 9 plants in a 4x4 space. i guess i could chop half of them and move the remainder to 5 gal containers. or...i can just leave it all be, do a little pruning and water more often than i'm used to. i guess if the soil poops out i can just feed more often...... crazy! maybe i think too much! i should just stop worrying about it.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Dance whats going on. Haven't been on riu lately...still smarting from subcool deleting my journal.

You can chop those big babies right in half if hight is an issue. For that matter you can trim and prune them into any shape you want :) . also if you wanted to, you could replace the top few inches of soil with something better....they like it when you topdress with fresh soil. And one more tip....watch out for spider mites. They like heat and multiply fast

Good growing man!!

HookedOnChronic. hows it going brother?


Well-Known Member
yeap everything cave said is also pretty good advice

im doing good cave, still truckin along, got a skunk going thats lookin really sativa but not at my pad so no pics

how are you doin? doin any outdoor or indy?


Well-Known Member
WHAT????? !!! Sub can actually delete your journal? WHY? HOW? is he a RIU moderator and has the power? if it was the journal i was reading of yours i didn't think it was anti-sub at all. maybe i missed something.

good to hear from you. do you have a new location/site you are posting at?

thanks for the advice. i'm doing slight pruning each time i look in on them. i'm definitely not liking the half ROOTS soil but maybe that's because i'm used to the fox farm stuff. i just checked on them tonight and one of the narkush is like droopy thirtsy on one side and the other side looks just fine. weird. could that be due to soil not being uniformly damp? i got maybe 20 fungas gnats on the sticky traps over 2 days so it's not an infestation but it annoys me. i also saw some little potato bug type thing on a stem tonight and smashed it. i've never had bugs before. i guess they can show up anytime. maybe it's because it's spring time. maybe my soil was buggy.

Hey Dance whats going on. Haven't been on riu lately...still smarting from subcool deleting my journal.

You can chop those big babies right in half if hight is an issue. For that matter you can trim and prune them into any shape you want :) . also if you wanted to, you could replace the top few inches of soil with something better....they like it when you topdress with fresh soil. And one more tip....watch out for spider mites. They like heat and multiply fast

Good growing man!!

HookedOnChronic. hows it going brother?


Well-Known Member
yea either spring time or the soil cause there are tons of bugs everywhere right now

and the plant drooping on one side might be heat stress or to close to the light
or its jsut thirsty

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yeap everything cave said is also pretty good advice

im doing good cave, still truckin along, got a skunk going thats lookin really sativa but not at my pad so no pics

how are you doin? doin any outdoor or indy?
Still truckin along ha ha I love it. Ya I'm hanging in there too. Kinda up and down. Chicks man.

Got a skunk, huh? Nice!

Ya I got a crop of the sativa Vortex going out soon. Hoping they are quick finishers outside too. Got some cool stuff going on indoors...different growing techniques. Still blasting out as much dank as I can. Between 3 and 4 qtrs a month. Getting my Ice and Blueberry numbers back up...

Never got my act together to get any of Dr Greenthumb's auto flowerers for outside, but the other day my buddy gave me an auto flower clone of the most lemon tasting smoke I have ever had and told me how to clone it. Still haven't decided exactly what I'm going to grow this fall...leaning toward the Dr :)

WHAT????? !!! Sub can actually delete your journal? WHY? HOW? is he a RIU moderator and has the power? if it was the journal i was reading of yours i didn't think it was anti-sub at all. maybe i missed something.

good to hear from you. do you have a new location/site you are posting at?

thanks for the advice. i'm doing slight pruning each time i look in on them. i'm definitely not liking the half ROOTS soil but maybe that's because i'm used to the fox farm stuff. i just checked on them tonight and one of the narkush is like droopy thirtsy on one side and the other side looks just fine. weird. could that be due to soil not being uniformly damp? i got maybe 20 fungas gnats on the sticky traps over 2 days so it's not an infestation but it annoys me. i also saw some little potato bug type thing on a stem tonight and smashed it. i've never had bugs before. i guess they can show up anytime. maybe it's because it's spring time. maybe my soil was buggy.
Hey Danceman how are things in the Dakotas???

Ya censorship is alive and well here at riu. At least on subcools forum. I really did not have to many nice things to say about the 4 tga strains that I grew out, so I never did a smoke or grow report and kinda walked away from my tga journal. Well, poor subcool enlists a couple of his buddies to flood his threads with all kinds of praise. Kinda sad I thought and after a while rather transparent. So one of the kiss ass hijacks my journal. When I told him to stop kissing subcools ass in my journal and to also stop hijacking it, sub deletes my post. When I told subcool that it was not a good idea to edit my journal he deleted the entire thing. Guess he doesn't want the public to know hes a bullshit artist and not a breeder. My two distributors keep asking me when I am going to have the Ice and Blueberry back lol.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
And no I'm not posting anywhere else. I'm pretty anti-social and bullshit like what sub pulled didn't help that much :) Oh and I'm busy this time of year too with my legit business lol


Well-Known Member
right on cave i wish i had my license to grow lol

im thinkin about goin with white russian and try t oget some freebies from speedy if hes still kickin when the time comes
really wanna try a few other strains but fuckin gotta be legal to feel safe

and yea the skunk is like 90% sativa and my bud burnt one of the colas lol


Well-Known Member
thanks hooked for watching my thread and your advice and comments. i just think too much about this shit. i'll be sending pix early next week.
yea either spring time or the soil cause there are tons of bugs everywhere right now

and the plant drooping on one side might be heat stress or to close to the light
or its jsut thirsty


Well-Known Member
hi cave,

from all i've read on the forums, and subs book, and the you tube stuff...sub seems to be a great self promoter. and i suppose that's a good way to make money. i'm neither a breeder or a pro grower so what do i know, but it seems a little creepy a seed guy or his friends would delete posts they didn't like. hell, it's the internet, everybody has an opinion, valid or not. seems like sub had a falling out with ed rosenthall too.... i sure wish i knew the politics of all this.

maybe this post will get removed too! :-? if so that's just wrong!

my grow is going well except for the few fungas gnats (i've been watching the undersides of leaves for any other pests.)

as always, good to hear from you.


Hey Danceman how are things in the Dakotas???

Ya censorship is alive and well here at riu. At least on subcools forum. I really did not have to many nice things to say about the 4 tga strains that I grew out, so I never did a smoke or grow report and kinda walked away from my tga journal. Well, poor subcool enlists a couple of his buddies to flood his threads with all kinds of praise. Kinda sad I thought and after a while rather transparent. So one of the kiss ass hijacks my journal. When I told him to stop kissing subcools ass in my journal and to also stop hijacking it, sub deletes my post. When I told subcool that it was not a good idea to edit my journal he deleted the entire thing. Guess he doesn't want the public to know hes a bullshit artist and not a breeder. My two distributors keep asking me when I am going to have the Ice and Blueberry back lol.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
hi! tonight's pictures. experimenting on how many pics i could attach.

some of these are hard to make sense of. the white balance on my camera goes nuts sometimes. the tallest plants are 28" tall now. those are the k-trains and i may have to tie them down soon to even out the canopy.

i wish i had some side lighting but i gave up on the LED panel and don't want to fire up another HID.




Well-Known Member
just looked at my post. sorry....should have sorted through all the pix. the ones that look like dupes are not. i was fucking around with the camera settings. there's a few cool pics in there.


Well-Known Member
kinda hard to see from the pix but i took the 3 tall ones (left side of pictures) and bent the stems tonight using string. the third one snapped mid stem (well it wasn't really a SNAP! it was more like it gently folded over as i said "fuck!") so it's now an accidental supercrop. :dunce: (i didn't mess with it after it snapped and hopefully it will recover.)

i'll let them be for a couple of days and then i send better pix of the bends.

i thought about topping them but i've never done that and don't know when is too soon, or too late, or where on the plant to chop.




Well-Known Member
talking to myself here but the bending and supercropping worked great! i'm very pleased. the canopy is even and even the snapped stem looks great...the tops made a 90 degree angle overnight and are looking good. still have a few bugs around, more than i'm used to but nothing serious. anything i see on a stem or leaf i squish. i have a nice greenhouse very close to me, i could go get a bag of ladybugs. i've decided to just keep with the 400w light and the 3 gallon pots.