Budget Show Down. Tea Party Demands Government Shut Down

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
At what point is it also the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant? There are both male and female forms of contraceptive.
At what point is it irresponsible to hijack the government and risk a double dip recession to defund planned parenthood and the EPA?


Well-Known Member
I never said anything along any of those lines. I just found the statement that it should be legal to sue a man for impregnating a woman ridiculous. And I never said I don't believe a man should not help take care of his child. You are putting words in my mouth.


Well-Known Member
Anybody receiving any Vagisil-worthy, whiny cry-cry +rep from a member going by the rep-handle of 'sissy' should know that it's just Bongspit.

Hang it up, Bongspit. You are a loser in the virtual world, too. :cry:


Well-Known Member
I never said anything along any of those lines. I just found the statement that it should be legal to sue a man for impregnating a woman ridiculous. And I never said I don't believe a man should not help take care of his child. You are putting words in my mouth.
I'm only playing on the idea that when a man has to change his plans for the future men are upset but yet we men find it easy to do this to our woman.

Nothing on you personally.

I'm in favor of birth control.