Bush quits! Here's his resignation letter ...


Well-Known Member
i say yes the joke was in bad taste, but saddam should not have pretended he had the weapons, his fault, and trust me guys your nieve if you think they would let the americans find any of thier wmds if they had them they could have gotten rid of them if they had them.
What was stopping him from launching the nuke when we invaded, then?

They never existed. Don't give me that whole "absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence" bullshit. We've been looking for fucking YEARS and haven't found anything. Face it.


New Member
i say yes the joke was in bad taste, but saddam should not have pretended he had the weapons, his fault, and trust me guys your nieve if you think they would let the americans find any of thier wmds if they had them they could have gotten rid of them if they had them. just recenlty a few weeks ago Isrealy fighter jets destroyed a secret nucleur facility in syria which was crawling with north koreans, so dont be so sure of yourselves.

do you remember that when the troops invaded southern iraq, they found gas masks all over the place, one for every iraqi soldiier?

Saddam had to let his army think they had wmd even if he didnt have them or had them but didnt wanna use them, if he convinced them his own army that he had them, How can you guys be mad at us thier "official" enemy to think he had them too?

its like a bunch of vultures piling on being parrots but no one has actually took the time to investigate for themselves. read my sig.
i understand what you're saying panda, but...

1. if OUR intelligence was sooo wrong about Sadam (WMD's and a part of what happened on 9/11) we have to assume that they are completely incompetent. when you go to war over bad intelligence, someone shoud have got fired, court marshalled or something. but nothing happens.

2. remember bush, rumsfield and powel saying there was 'hard' evidence of these weapons and sadams involvement, and then later denying they had even said those words! that's not incompetence. that's bold face lieing, because if WMDs do not exist, there was no 'hard' evidence. it was a lie.

how can anyone support this administration after all their actions?

now they would have us believe that the scariest people in the word...are iranians. and why...our inteligence says so. get the fuck out of here, you lieing war mongerers!

as a matter of fact, the reports from the CIA intelligence were supressed. if you read them now they make it clear there is NO strong or conclusive evidence of any connection between 9/11 and al queda or sadam. CONCLUSION: THE PRESIDENT LIED. jesus man, that's why powel said he resigned! his conscience got the better of him. what does that say about our president's conscience.

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
I don't quite understand why people feel the need to bash a guy for writing this article. make points, and dispute facts. personal attacks are not called for. He may be wrong on most or all points...but the person took the time to start up a discussion.

I'm not gonna go point by point through the letter, cause it's nothin but a pile of Bush lovin propaganda. But I did get a good laugh. Thanks for that. I assume this was wrote with your tongue planted firmly in your cheek ViRedd....cause there is no fuckin way you could be serious with this.

Bush has broke more laws than any president in history. He makes Nixon look like a J-walker.

Bush(Cheney) is also not finished. They(Cheney) will be doing a bit more damage before they leave. They really want to make this an impossible task for the next administration(Democrats) to fix.

The only thing...and I mean the only thing this A-hole of a president is leaving office with as any kind of accomplishment is the fact as he states: He kept America safe. His words not mine. But.............. Who was the president during 9/11. But his only legacy is he kept us safe, right?



New Member
I don't quite understand why people feel the need to bash a guy for writing this article. make points, and dispute facts. personal attacks are not called for. He may be wrong on most or all points...but the person took the time to start up a discussion.

I'm not gonna go point by point through the letter, cause it's nothin but a pile of Bush lovin propaganda. But I did get a good laugh. Thanks for that. I assume this was wrote with your tongue planted firmly in your cheek ViRedd....cause there is no fuckin way you could be serious with this.

Bush has broke more laws than any president in history. He makes Nixon look like a J-walker.

Bush(Cheney) is also not finished. They(Cheney) will be doing a bit more damage before they leave. They really want to make this an impossible task for the next administration(Democrats) to fix.

The only thing...and I mean the only thing this A-hole of a president is leaving office with as any kind of accomplishment is the fact as he states: He kept America safe. His words not mine. But.............. Who was the president during 9/11. But his only legacy is he kept us safe, right?

Thanks FJ, it's refreshying to see that I'm not the only one that thinks VI is drinking too much Bush Koolaid. For a guy that claims he didn't vote for the asshole, he sure sticks up for him a lot. I'm pretty sure he is still worshiping the Bush tax cuts for the rich.


Smoke 'em out....If only Bush could even PHRASE himself as you viredd....maybe you'd have a point.

Lol house homeowner...ROFL

The housing market has burst....home prices are dropping and people who invested their hard earned money are losing them now.

Jobs are down.

The inflation is sky high. The US dollar is at its lowest point and about to break the record in US HISTORY!! Have you even seen that the Canadian dollar is now higher then the US dollar? Most people I know i scurrying to convert their cash to EU or GBP just to stop their money from deflating.

The world hates us more then it ever did before.

The opium fields in Afghanistan are flourishing more then ever before (they should flourish with ganja, not opium :)

There terrorist organizations in the mid-east are more powerful then ever before. Saudi Arabia AND ISRAEL both confirmed this.

Btw don't forget that accusing people is the #1 sign of a dictator....of course not his fault...the stupid people are at fault, they don't want to wait until Bush and Co fills up their greedy pockets with even more billions of Americans' money and blood. How dare they, ungrateful bastards.....he's the decider!!

I mean wake the hell up. This is the WORST president ever (and i'm not a democrat btw).

So praise King Bush and anxiously await a new war in Iran.....the new "enemy"....even though it's Pakistan which harbors the most terrorists and has a real nuclear weapon...


Well-Known Member
just recenlty a few weeks ago Isrealy fighter jets destroyed a secret nucleur facility in syria which was crawling with north koreans, so dont be so sure of yourselves.

its like a bunch of vultures piling on being parrots but no one has actually took the time to investigate for themselves. read my sig.
you need to take your own advice. first of all, there is no proof it was a nuclear facility. they said that it "resembled" a reactor building in north korea. that means basically shit because the design itself is such that it doesn't resemble a reactor building from space.

that is not the same thing as "north koreans crawling all over the place" as you so eloquently put it. you can find a link anywhere if you're zealous enough and wish to fool others.


New Member
I don't quite understand why people feel the need to bash a guy for writing this article. make points, and dispute facts. personal attacks are not called for. He may be wrong on most or all points...but the person took the time to start up a discussion.

I'm not gonna go point by point through the letter, cause it's nothin but a pile of Bush lovin propaganda. But I did get a good laugh. Thanks for that. I assume this was wrote with your tongue planted firmly in your cheek ViRedd....cause there is no fuckin way you could be serious with this.

Bush has broke more laws than any president in history. He makes Nixon look like a J-walker.

Bush(Cheney) is also not finished. They(Cheney) will be doing a bit more damage before they leave. They really want to make this an impossible task for the next administration(Democrats) to fix.

The only thing...and I mean the only thing this A-hole of a president is leaving office with as any kind of accomplishment is the fact as he states: He kept America safe. His words not mine. But.............. Who was the president during 9/11. But his only legacy is he kept us safe, right?

Geeze ... someone who finally gets it. ~lol~ :hump:



New Member
I have my moments. Nice job by the way. Much better than I would be able to pull off.

Oh no FJ, he was entirely serious. He praises Bush in every post, and then has the temerity to say he didn't vote for the guy. His opinions are way too transparent to let him get away with this. This is a Bush lover to the enth degree, and why you ask, nothing more than selfish greed and the Bush tax cuts for the rich. As long as Bush was responsible for the tax cuts, whatever else he has done has been forgiven by the fascist VI. In fact, not only forgiven, but in most instances, praised.

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
Thanks Medicine man. I am fairly new here, and I don't know anyone here, or there political views. But I just figured anyone that would of wrote that letter, and have at least a half a brain....must of been having a little fun. I know I enjoyed having a little chuckle while reading it.

I can't imagine there's a cunt breathing that actually believes anything Bush/Cheney have ever, or ever will say.

Impeach is the only answer to at least salvage something from this complete disaster of an administration.



New Member
For the two of you ... I didn't write that letter, I found it on a web site that I visit. I knew the Bush haters on this site would have multiple spasms if I posted it, so I did. A lot of what I post, I post to start a conversation. And I did not vote for GW either time he ran, nor did I vote for his daddy. Med keeps accusing me of being a Bush lover, when the facts are, I disagree with almost every position the man has. Yes, I think he did the right thing in cutting taxes as I do not belong to the devout liberal religion that teaches big government is good and that there is no limit on how high taxes should be raised. I am a liberal in the classic sense, which means that I believe in free markets, a small federal government, state's rights, sound money, liberty and individual responsibility. Kinda just the opposite of what Med believes. Classic liberalism is the furtherst thing from fascism. Med does not know of what he speaks.

And by the way, If Bush and Cheney were impeached and removed from office, we'd have Nancy Pelosi as president. I can't bear the thought. ~lol~


Father Jack

Well-Known Member
And by the way, If Bush and Cheney were impeached and removed from office, we'd have Nancy Pelosi as president. I can't bear the thought. ~lol~

You're right. That would be so much worse than the circus we have now.



New Member
You're right. That would be so much worse than the circus we have now.

I think you are one that understands the hypocrite VI. He says he didn't vote for Bush yet praises his tax cuts, the only thing he really cares about. You can never know a mans vote for sure and since Bush has fucked the country to tears, he won't admit it, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that if he voted, he voted for Bush.


Well-Known Member
I think you are one that understands the hypocrite VI. He says he didn't vote for Bush yet praises his tax cuts, the only thing he really cares about. You can never know a mans vote for sure and since Bush has fucked the country to tears, he won't admit it, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that if he voted, he voted for Bush.
bill clinton's criminally riddled presidency makes me want to vomit but i have to respect that he slashed some government spending. there are good aspects of -almost- every presidency in our history. tax cuts for the middle class are a good aspect of bush's presidency.



New Member
bill clinton's criminally riddled presidency makes me want to vomit but i have to respect that he slashed some government spending. there are good aspects of -almost- every presidency in our history. tax cuts for the middle class are a good aspect of bush's presidency.

for every penny slashed to the middle class, the elites got 5 dollars. Seems like you just want to argue with me, you know damn well Bush is the worst president in the history of the US. I've agreed with you on a # of subjects, yet you are always looking to disagree with me, are you just a disagreeable sort, or do you dislike me that much, either way, if I believe you are right, I'll agree with you, but if you are wrong, I'll also let you have my opinion.

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
tax cuts for the middle class are a good aspect of bush's presidency.
A few measly bones tossed the middleclassed way, does not make up for the fact that due to Bush's unwarranted tax breaks to the elite 1% of our nation, and the never ending cuts to social programs, the middle class is disappearing under this administration, The gap is widening between the poor and the rich...while the middle class slowly slides into the poor class.

For some reason...this fucknut of a president thinks it's OK to give a 94 billion tax break to the oil companies...when they have already recorded record profits. Spend 10 billion a month on a war that was on a premise of lies and deceit.....but 35 million to take care of middleclass children for a full year, of families that don't make quite enough to afford heathcare...is too expensive. Yea..thats what I call takin care of the middleclass.



Well-Known Member
it just makes sense that those who have more stolen from them would have less stolen from them when there is a tax cut. it's just basic math, i'm not trying to argue.

maybe you guys are super rich and it doesn't matter but even a small cut can help some people out when money is tight. lot's of people appreciate more money.

also, i'm sure the big corps would argue that they should have been given a larger cut too. all taxes need to be cut, that's the bottom line.



New Member
it just makes sense that those who have more stolen from them would have less stolen from them when there is a tax cut. it's just basic math, i'm not trying to argue.

maybe you guys are super rich and it doesn't matter but even a small cut can help some people out when money is tight. lot's of people appreciate more money.

also, i'm sure the big corps would argue that they should have been given a larger cut too. all taxes need to be cut, that's the bottom line.

If we cut all your taxes, and your child needed a $700,000 operation and your medikal ins. said no fucking way, Where would you turn? Do you really trust the Insurance companies and if so, why?


Well-Known Member
If we cut all your taxes, and your child needed a $700,000 operation and your medikal ins. said no fucking way, Where would you turn? Do you really trust the Insurance companies and if so, why?

i don't need "hypothetical" medical conditions for my child, i have real ones to deal with and our insurance company has never given us a hard time about anything.

if they didn't fulfill their contractual obligations i would ask the community and church for help. i'd make it happen. the government doesn't own my kid and i wouldn't hand him or his health over to those animals.
