Bushy Bush Art Thread (Drawing Under the Influence)


New Member
Bushy you are one amazing artist and outstanding person...I love you bro and dearly not queerly...feel so fortunate to have met you...your grow is looking sharp as well brother...keep being you:hug:



New Member
Can't take credit for that one MP! I have a character to the left I haven't posted yet. That is my right hand man/ partner in crime "The hamberger Man". Such a DOPE DOPE artist and one of the coolest motherfuckers you could ever hope to meet. I sent Doctor A. a time lapse video of us painting that spot....I'll send you the link.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yeah that piece is fresh all around! I especially like how he used different outline colors for the ER, something i havnt attempted yet myself.

Yes please do, look's like some tunnel's am i correct?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Word that's awesome! We used to have some tunnel's out here that got painted constantly with fresh pieces and what not, now they are just mad heated. It sucks.


New Member
All of ours are heated as fuck too....We are just stupid. Ha. At least we try to go at the buttcrack of dawn though.... :)

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ahhh i see hahaha, well sometimes heat makes the experience. Painting at the crack of dawn is always good though, generally really laid back... Although i will say this one time i was painting this freeway spot and i got rolled up on by some random tweaker at like 4:30 AM. I heard a twig break, looked back and saw some dude staring at me from no more the 5 feet away. What was funny is i think the guy was more terrified then i was because he took off running and i had to chase after him to make sure he wasnt going to call the cops on me. Once i caught up with him and started talking to him he honestly thought i was going to call the cop's on him... He was def tweaking hard, probably way paranoid to haha.


Well-Known Member
still havent had any time to paint anything.. too busy wiuth everything. but i do draw in class everyday. figure ill post a few of the more interesting ones.
even bushybushs snail stopped by one morning haha.. not sure what made me think of that, i drew the shroom first, and it just happened. 110425_0002.jpg110425_0001.jpg110425_0005.jpg110425_0004.jpg110425_0003.jpg

taken with a camera phone so thats why the crappy quality.


New Member
HA! Cowboy and space alien are rad!....Glad mr. snail could stop by for a shroomy trip!

Phelpster, isn't it SOOOO weird the random experiences you have while painting? At 3 am on the freeway, you see things the rest of the sleeping world misses out on. Once, we were on the back of one of those green freeway heavens and RIGHT underneath us a car flipped and caught fire! we had to come down half way done because cops, fire and everyone came.....Seeing bums fucking in the sewers....getting chased by cops and BURNING em HARD (lay off the donuts!)........sneaking through bushes like your a kid again......running across lanes of freeway......spilling a 5 gallon bucket of baby blue paint in your back seat.....bear macing people you have beef with.......writing silly punchlines......clogged caps.........The way OLLLLD krylon smells.......scribing gas pumps and feeling like you're winning just a little more.......being in creepy spots but knowing you have to finish.....drunk bombing that looks like SHIT the next morning.......I could go on and on..........All things that non-writers will just never get!


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
YES YES YES BUSHY!!!! You know how it is all to well hahaha! Damn dude some car fucking flipped right under you? That shit is fucking gnarly, glad it didnt spook any of you guy's into slipping and falling.

Bushy really i can relate to almost everything you said, fuck man. "bathroom" writters... you know what i mean, the kids that think they are graff head's and talk a big game on the internet but have never actually taken the time to get their name up. Those kid's have no idea what you see and the exilleration you feel.. Punch lines, YES! I used to alway's come up with the funniest shit.

Thing's like

Aliens Exist
I came on Sarah Palin
I shot the sheriff
I saw Bigfoot

To name a few hahah.

Yes bushy how could i forget the smell of old Krylon, hmmm how i miss it!

Drunk shitty bombing hahaha..

Freeway status

The night i got rolled on by that tweaker.... Fuck that's ugly hahaha

Downtown Status

Drunk and crawling through bushes haha


Moderatrix of Journals
nice work you guys!
in the mid-late 90's in vancouver there was a tagger who's mark was locally fondly known as "cunt n crossbones" -- that guy was *EVERYWHERE*.... high school kids (me) knew about him.

i did a google image search thinking *someone must have taken a pic but to no avail.... what i did find was this great knit graffiti (<- see now *this i could do) (i can't draw/paint worth shit):
(<-- LOL!)


New Member
YOOOOOOO! Those knitted things are from a "collective" of all girls. I can't remember what they call themselves. There's like 20 of them. They go to cities allllllllllllllll over the world (i mean REALLLLY) and crochet trees, stop signs, parking meters etc etc etc. they do it completely illegal and generally at night like writers. They have been arrested MULTIPLE times and charged with absurd shit like littering, causing a publi nuisance etc. They do it to make a statement. I am a HUGE admirer. THEN, on Sunday when I went to my favorite dive bar down the street from my house..... They crocheted a purple wrap around the "basket" on the bike sculpture outside the bar! It was like a little blessing. I guess they crocheted the entire handrail going up the stairs to the bar but some asshole took it. I'll get a pic today.

Phelpser!Those drunk bombing pics get me more jazzed up than 3 hour pieces! YES!