BY GOSH I THINK SHE's READY!!! What do you think???

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Iam going to the store and buy these ingredients tonight. Iam gonna whip up a batch and give her a run. Would adding some hukic acid help this recipe out? Would be even more like Sweet.
Good deal. I think you'll like the outcome.

Humic right - fat finger it? Hmm, For me, I add only at my soil build. I add a specific brand as not all humic's are made equal!
Bio Ag is the only brand I'll use! FUL HUMIX is my go to formula. They have others and you can review them all here.

I would not "add" that to the mix......That's Botanicare's deal. You see all those liquid and many dry forms are, well, weak and not as effective as FUL HUMIX for the result you want.....Best to use Humic acids as a stand alone supplement.....


Well-Known Member
Bioag ful power is what i use pretty much for the last couple years. Thanks fer the recipe. Yeah....stjpid phone.....its all i got. Getting a laptop soon.