California Tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Cali votes on it's legalization bill tomorrow...go to NORML and write the letter. NJ today for MMJ. California tomorrow to legalize regulate and tax Marijuana. LEGALIZE is the key word here...hope you Cali growers and MMJ users take action. CA has been the front runner so far so I'm sure you have all been doing your job!!! TAKE ACTION TONIGHT AND TOMORROW! Email your government.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Crossin my fingers for all you sun fried raisins.
Let the remainder of us fall like dominoes..


Well-Known Member
This may turn out to be a historic first - it would be the first legalization bill of any kind to get out of committee anywhere in the US - it needs 4 votes tomorrow...

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Cali votes on it's legalization bill tomorrow...go to NORML and write the letter. NJ today for MMJ. California tomorrow to legalize regulate and tax Marijuana. LEGALIZE is the key word here...hope you Cali growers and MMJ users take action. CA has been the front runner so far so I'm sure you have all been doing your job!!! TAKE ACTION TONIGHT AND TOMORROW! Email your government.:bigjoint:
You talking about AB390?
here is some news i found on this matter in the LA times

Marijuana legalization initiative headed for 2010 ballot, organizers say

December 14, 2009 | 3:16 pm
Supporters of an initiative that would legalize marijuana in California say they have collected enough signatures to ensure that it will be on the November 2010 ballot.
The petition drive, which was run by a professional signature-gathering firm, collected more than 680,000 signatures, 57% more than the 433,971 valid signatures needed to put it on the ballot, said Richard Lee, the measure's main proponent.
"It was so easy to get them," Lee said. "People were so eager to sign."
The initiative would also allow cities and counties to adopt their own laws to allow marijuana to be grown and sold, and the localities could impose taxes on any aspect of marijuana production and sales. It would make it legal for adults over 21 years old to possess up to an ounce of marijuana and to grow it in a 25-square-foot area for personal use.
It is one of four initiatives circulating that aim to legalize marijuana use.

Lee, who owns Coffeeshop Blue Sky, Oaksterdam University and other pot-related businesses, said he has spent at least $1.1 million so far to put the measure before California voters. He said he expects the campaign to cost between $7 million and $20 million, depending on how much opponents spend. He said he hopes to raise most of that from marijuana legalization supporters across the country and he has already set up an Internet fundraising operation.
"We feel like we've done our part," he said.
Polls have shown that a majority of California voters support legalization. A Field Poll taken in mid-April found that 56% of voters in the state and 60% in Los Angeles County want to make legalize and tax pot as a way to help solve the state's fiscal crisis. In October, a poll taken by a nonpartisan firm for the Marijuana Policy Project found 54% support in the county.
A poll taken for the initiative's proponents by EMC Research, an opinion research firm in Seattle, found that 51% of likely voters supported it based on language similar to what will be on the ballot, but support increased to 54% when they were read a more general synopsis.
Some marijuana legalization advocates initially criticized Lee for moving forward with his measure, arguing that they would have a better chance in 2012, a presidential election year.
"I think things have turned our way so much that we have a good chance of winning without having to wait to 2012," Lee said. "This is the time to bring up the issue and talk about it. Who knows what will be going on in 2012?"
Lee said that the increasing acceptance of medical marijuana has changed the political dynamic. Since the Obama administration announced it would not prosecute medical marijuana providers or users who follow state law, hundreds of dispensaries have opened in California.
"Medical marijuana in California has been accepted as legalization in some ways by a lot of the population," he said, noting the widespread awareness that it is easy to get a doctor's recommendation to use it. "To me this is codifying what it happening."
Lee said he did not think that the backlash against dispensaries, which in many cases have flouted local laws by opening in neighborhoods, would have much effect on his campaign. "It's tough to say whether it's more good or bad," he said. "On one hand, you have your bad apples, on the other hand, it shows the need for better regulation."
-- John Hoeffel


Well-Known Member
i still don't much like that initiative - why didn't everyone pour support into AB390 instead of being a bunch of splitters..!! ;)
my issue is that some counties will enforce that tiny garden area and 1oz maximum for everyone and there will be unrest i tell you what.. whole families moving to another county because someone needs a reasonable supply of medicine..?
and will the world end just before we legalize in 2012 or immediately after..?? i need to plan my party accordingly.. ;)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
i still don't much like that initiative - why didn't everyone pour support into AB390 instead of being a bunch of splitters..!! ;)
my issue is that some counties will enforce that tiny garden area and 1oz maximum for everyone and there will be unrest i tell you what.. whole families moving to another county because someone needs a reasonable supply of medicine..?
and will the world end just before we legalize in 2012 or immediately after..?? i need to plan my party accordingly.. ;)
I support all legalization bills. Which ever one is going to pass is the one I'm in favor of.


Well-Known Member
so if this pass's, what would be the next step ??
does that mean it just instantly legal ?
sorry for my stupidity on the subject


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Man I am crawling out of my skin with anticipation. I understand so little of any of this crap with passing it to the Health Committee or what it means that it will expire before it makes it to the floor.


Well-Known Member
The bill has passed but it never legalized weed. Everything will be the same tomorrow as it was yesterday. This bill will die at the end of the session (which is this week) HOWEVER there is another bill being introduced, in a month, that is very similiar to this bill..

MEANING.. no laws were changed with this passed bill... this is a test bill.. the real bill is going in a month and will have this same vote but then will be passed to the house for a final vote.. if its passed in the house then it goes to arnolds desk to be signed.. if he doesnt sign it then its not passed.. Im not familiar in Californias constitution but where Im from we can assign committes to override the govenors veto power
not to mention once the state passes the law then it will go to federal gov. and they will not pass it cause...... #1 reason they said it was bad to smoke pot..... then they said good then they said bad so now there not just goin to say yea ok smoke, grow, and sell marijuana...... sorry but the u.s federal gov. will prob. never pass that bill.... its come a long way but prob. will not be passed this or next generation...hope full thinking but BC will prob. be the first to go out of north america..... sad to say i would love pot to become DECRIMINALIZED!!! not legal....... it will prob. never happen try not to get your hopes to high :wall: but all you can do is keep on smokin and if you don't want to get cought don't do it, or just get your shit together...... thats just my two cents..... not tryin to offend anyone.......peace....:bigjoint: