Can you stress a Female to go Male?

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
So a feminized G13 Skunk #1, is showing sings of being a Male, there are no white pistols and showing small balls at the node's.

The plant had been in 12/12 for 10 days.

The plant had some issues early on in life, but recovered good, and was veg'd for 8 weeks.

Clones where taken from the plant, then it was put to 12/12. Is it possible that the plant was so stressed that it went from Female (being a feminized seed) to Male?

I was under the impression that a genuine feminized seed could only go hermaphrodite?


Well-Known Member
Your right, feminized seeds often turn hermie.Now female turning into an all out male? Not to sure on that one.Sex of a seed is determined when the seed is made. Did you order feminized seeds?

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
Your right, feminized seeds often turn hermie.Now female turning into an all out male? Not to sure on that one.Sex of a seed is determined when the seed is made. Did you order feminized seeds?
The seed was supposed to be feminized, during vegetative state, there was a big white "hair" coming from each node, and the main stem, which to me seemed to show early sex of a Female..


Well-Known Member
either u got the wrong seeds or its a hermie cant gor from full female to full male or the other way around the seeds are born male femal, or with hermie traits and fem seeds are hermie alot of the time a

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
I will give it a little more time to be 100% on the sex.

If we say that it is a hermaphrodite and not Male, does this mean that the clones are as well. Or could just the "mother" plant go hermi from stress?