Canadians not told about banned pesticide found in dispensary marijuana

yet you back up nothing you say even when asked so take a look at your own words!!

pick up your`s the kettle calling!
Weasel boy.....
Here's what will happen if Canada ever actually requires pesticide testing. Those big commercial grows can't get by without pesticides and fungicides. That will be their downfall. Any Canadian can easily win a court case to force LPs to provide those tests, being a medicine and all. They won't be able to get away with it much longer like they are now, if buyers apply pressure. The recent recalls are all the ammunition you need.

Also, those LP buds did look alright. I guess it'll be normal weed. And $8/g is not bad if you only buy a few. Of course how many medical buyers only buy a few at a time? If it's $225 an oz it's a little high. A reasonable price would be about $150. For 100 g or more, $4/g. Right now the price is double what's reasonable.
From what I've seen of some facilities they won't have too much trouble growing, again is a matter of approved substances. I am not advocating spraying anything on marijuana, but it's not going to end up any different than any other plant in production these days, medicinal or otherwise. We need to be realistic.

And yea, it's decent product. Redecan seems to be the cheapest producer so far, $5-$6.50/g but they only accept a limited number of customers.
I've seen of some facilities and they have way too much trouble growing, again is not a matter of approved substances. I am advocating spraying anything on marijuana, , medicinal or otherwise. We need to be realistic.

And yea, it's pure poison product.
Inbedwithtrudy seems to be the WORST POISON PRODUCER so far, $5-$6.50/g but they only can accept a limited number of customers to kill.

if you think it is OK to spray poison on medical ...YOUR MORE INSANE than I thought.

Truth is there bumwad, that patients CAN DO FOR THEMSELVES!
They dont need poison herb to make them any more sick,
Everyone dose it????... BWAHAHAHA No little man!!!!:weed: Only in your little world they need poisons to survive!

cheers oh not knowing ears.

you show how really naive you are each time you yap on about LP's
but dude...its only in your mind!!! Time to wake up. (:

Oh thats right..You are growing your own because you cannot afford LP shwag and know full well you can do far better and is why you want to grow your own like the true meds growers do! :weed:


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Got a stupid email from bio 9 or something..... lp anyways ...... loose leaf trim... they call it for under 5 bucks
What fuck no buds just shake bags
Another fucking lp Noone should get anything from
They did have a firecracker recipe. ... the only thing interesting in the so called news letter
if you think it is OK to spray poison on medical ..
Makes no sense.
Insecticides herbicides fungicides and all kinds of cides are used in ag

When does it become poison?
If I'm using say a natural plant extract or essential oil to kill mold is that ok? What if it's a terpene found in cannabis? Even if it's toxic to humans? (wow the irony)
Again. What is poison?

Its a dumb statement.

A terp found in cannabis used to kill mold on cannabis that you would smoke anyway? This is actually their purpose you know. And why they are only found in the trichs. They will induce apoptosis in plant tissue..anyway
But oh look. Alot of terps are caustic etc in concentration some quite toxic.

So when are we using poison?
if you think it is OK to spray poison on medical ...YOUR MORE INSANE than I thought.

Truth is there bumwad, that patients CAN DO FOR THEMSELVES!
They dont need poison herb to make them any more sick,
Everyone dose it????... BWAHAHAHA No little man!!!!:weed: Only in your little world they need poisons to survive!

cheers oh not knowing ears.

you show how really naive you are each time you yap on about LP's
but dude...its only in your mind!!! Time to wake up. (:

Oh thats right..You are growing your own because you cannot afford LP shwag and know full well you can do far better and is why you want to grow your own like the true meds growers do! :weed:


I like that you're so stupid that despite me saying the opposite in my post you write a novel about it anyways.
Lulz. I feel like you're actually mentally handicapped.
Again. What is poison?

Its a dumb statement.

A terp found in cannabis used to kill mold on cannabis that you would smoke anyway? This is actually their purpose you know. And why they are only found in the trichs. They will induce apoptosis in plant tissue..anyway
But oh look. Alot of terps are caustic etc in concentration some quite toxic.

So when are we using poison?
Oh, don't go using logic and reason, you'll just upset them : /
It's great that the advent of the Internet allowed people a place to congregate and share skewed views as if they were gospel.

Keeps them out of them public and saves them shaming.
ya fat chance any LP's would spray terps on their plants....since it would be that much closer to being real mmj....
lp's do use poisons though...its a hard fact .... So though you may want to enlist any help you can ...ahemait
see I like qwizo... he contributes to this board rather than in spite of it....
you on the other hand....are only here to schill....and try and disrupt....
the fact that we are all on to you ..and your motives...
Ya I know...No valid point.....
ya fat chance any LP's would spray terps on their plants....since it would be that much closer to being real mmj....
lp's do use poisons though...its a hard fact .... So though you may want to enlist any help you can ...ahemait
see I like qwizo... he contributes to this board rather than in spite of it....
you on the other hand....are only here to schill....
So you did read the topic yes?

Black market and dispensaries also spray poison as well.

You haven't made a valid point to contribute.
LP's spray poison on what THEY KNOW IS GOING TO THE SICK...
what part of that is good there boy!?

One knowing is selling to the sick.(LPS")
.the other doesnt care...its up to the sick to buy off them if they so wish.
LPs only produce for the sick and produce poison :dunce:
proof enough for anyone who is sick or healthy for that matter

even you want to grow...answers your silly logic now dont it (:

ps...its fun to show people just how bad LP's are. YOu do such a great job of that too
Cheers oh wanna destroy LP ears
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You haven't the foggiest idea of what the word logic even means bruh

I say I'm against spaying shit on weed and you go off on a tirade that I'm for it.

I'm sorry your reading comprehension limits you so greatly in your life.

I would strongly suggest you look into some constructive hobbies before you suffer a medical episode.