Cancel Rent?


If they qualify what the fuck should it matter to you if they do or not? Oh because they are not hobbled atm they should? Please.


People can turn a profit and not be soul-less 'capitalist' monsters.
If you saw what I saw today and day out you would understand
Sell the property and quit crying if thats how you feel about your tenants. Its college kids, they party. I'd say they helped you out. At least you get to keep the security deposit instead of being out any but of money you can get. Noones renting a college apartment for a minute lol
Hey man btw, I have been using flame furnace to do all of my plumbing needs (I live in a 200+ year old farm house that has had idiot after idiot expand on and the plumbing (and electric) is like some frankenstein monster), but figured I would toss it out there if you wanted the work and wanted to drive down to the Michigan ave/275 area to you if you wanted. I have a outside faucet that I left a hose on that exploded and turned out was not one of the easy fixes. If you are not allergic to dogs/cats I will toss it your way if you want the work.
This thread is a prime example of bitter hypocrisy. Its the worst sort of me-first-self-centered ignorance. Some people cant see past their own short-comings...and it has nothing to do with losses or gains -they just HATE that someone else might get a break they didnt.
Its as transparent as KY Jelly on Sunday morning sheets.
If you saw what I saw today and day out you would understand
Shit I have had a very nice lady in one of the wealthiest cities in the nation ask politely if she could use the restroom and shit all over the walls and floor, and then had to clean it up because I lost a game of paper, rock, scissors, with my employee, so don't question what I have seen and had to clean up.
This thread is a prime example of bitter hypocrisy. Its the worst sort of me-first-self-centered ignorance. Some people cant see past their own short-comings...and it has nothing to do with losses or gains -they just HATE that someone else might get a break they didnt.
Its as transparent as KY Jelly on Sunday morning sheets.

just b/c somebody can't afford something also doesnt' mean they deserve something. that's where you Bernouts fail.
This thread is a prime example of bitter hypocrisy. Its the worst sort of me-first-self-centered ignorance. Some people cant see past their own short-comings...and it has nothing to do with losses or gains -they just HATE that someone else might get a break they didnt.
Its as transparent as KY Jelly on Sunday morning sheets.
He’s already said he makes over $150,000 a year and is getting the mortgage payments waived. Then called them slums for asking for a break. He’s getting a free gift payment from the government alongside what they’re already giving him every month.
This thread is a prime example of bitter hypocrisy. Its the worst sort of me-first-self-centered ignorance. Some people cant see past their own short-comings...and it has nothing to do with losses or gains -they just HATE that someone else might get a break they didnt.
Its as transparent as KY Jelly on Sunday morning sheets.
Hey man btw, I have been using flame furnace to do all of my plumbing needs (I live in a 200+ year old farm house that has had idiot after idiot expand on and the plumbing (and electric) is like some frankenstein monster), but figured I would toss it out there if you wanted the work and wanted to drive down to the Michigan ave/275 area to you if you wanted. I have a outside faucet that I left a hose on that exploded and turned out was not one of the easy fixes. If you are not allergic to dogs/cats I will toss it your way if you want the work.
I'd do that just to help a brother out. How far is it from macomb county?
I'd do that just to help a brother out. How far is it from macomb county?
It took me about an hour to get to St Clair shores, but seriously no worries about cutting me a break, I am not looking to get a break on it. At the same time I was going to get my wife's bathroom shower/bath faucet fixed. Her shower pressure blows because the faucet leaks a lot (when on shower mode)....

Here is what the outside thingy looks like, it is a crawl space that is under a cat liter box (I put a layer of plastic garbage bags down so it won't be too disgusting). If you want the work I will gladly send it your way. Please don't geel obligated to allow me to buy a jar of your shrooms at the same time : )
no matter how many times you post my quote, you still aren't gonna get any free college. Bernie lost. Gotta pay for those CSU classes. You get the in-state rate now @schuylaar
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HUD, RD, LIHTC, market and commercial. Good mix of everything
Again, I am happy for you and yours that you will be financially fine, and I hope you and everyone you know stays healthy during this pandemic that you are upset you are not going to be fully profitable during. I am not as worried about you ability to gain during it however. That takes you putting skin in the game that is ultimately a gamble to try to get a return on.

That is the difference between the Haves and the have nots. They have enough money to spread over all of the market place to make sure that they profit off of everyone's misery, while you as a seemingly first generation money in America only have a chance to profit from.
Kids sit down we need to talk. We’re losing the house, the car, and my job. So even though we won’t have money for food, and I don’t know when you’re going back to school or see your friends again. BUT we’re all going to spend our time cleaning this place up so the 19 year old “student landlord” doesn’t have so much damn work to do.

Welcome to the bottom kid. Did he make you come here and defend him?

First off, I'm 60 years old...far from a kid !!

And you know what, if that were a case of job loss I'd work with them. I did have one young man who is NOT a student, and works, who called me a week before April 1 and said his hours were cut and asked if i would work with him. I told him "of course" and that we are all in this together. He actually was responsible, cashed in some savings bonds, and paid his rent in full, with no pressure from me.

I would totally understand if it were a case of the parent losing their income, but the decent thing to do would be to call the landlord, or send a text saying your intent. And they had plenty of time to clean the places up, but decided to have fun and say fuck it.

No one is giving me any breaks. My taxes, mortgage, water/sewer bills, insurance, and maintenance are all still due.

A pandemic doesn't mean all human decency's should be forgotten though, after being a Realtor for over 35 years, I have always said there are 2 different classes of people. Those who rent and those who own are typically 2 very different mindsets, which this thread thoroughly proves IMO !!
HUD, RD, LIHTC, market and commercial. Good mix of everything
Once those people are in they usually don’t lesve because they can’t afford to move you’re sitting on a gold mine. It’s cheaper to keep his mouth shut and collect that government assistance.
Shit I have had a very nice lady in one of the wealthiest cities in the nation ask politely if she could use the restroom and shit all over the walls and floor, and then had to clean it up because I lost a game of paper, rock, scissors, with my employee, so don't question what I have seen and had to clean up.

I have elderly housing and the government in all their wisdom decided to open it up with anybody with a disability. Also in order to streamline the process of receiving disability you no longer need a doctor to decide and now there is a spike in soft disabilities, things that cannot be proved one way or the other. So day in day out I have to turn away little old ladies that have nowhere to go because some punk 20 something has PTSD. Not a soldier mind you, just some kid who hounded his case worker and worked the system. I see so much fraud every day but there is literally nothing I can do about it. And I know they are scamming the system because they are idiots and tell me. I however cannot report that to anybody who cares, because they don't. Now I am from a country where the government hires people with disabilities and I am used to seeing people with walkers, cranes, wheelchairs all working because they can. Something is wrong with America where they decide they won't.
He’s already said he makes over $150,000 a year and is getting the mortgage payments waived. Then called them slums for asking for a break. He’s getting a free gift payment from the government alongside what they’re already giving him every month.
Not waived, deferred. Big difference. And yes, anybody who is living off the state and asking for free rent is a piece of shit. I stand by that.
First off, I'm 60 years old...far from a kid !!

And you know what, if that were a case of job loss I'd work with them. I did have one young man who is NOT a student, and works, who called me a week before April 1 and said his hours were cut and asked if i would work with him. I told him "of course" and that we are all in this together. He actually was responsible, cashed in some savings bonds, and paid his rent in full, with no pressure from me.

I would totally understand if it were a case of the parent losing their income, but the decent thing to do would be to call the landlord, or send a text saying your intent. And they had plenty of time to clean the places up, but decided to have fun and say fuck it.

No one is giving me any breaks. My taxes, mortgage, water/sewer bills, insurance, and maintenance are all still due.

A pandemic doesn't mean all human decency's should be forgotten though, after being a Realtor for over 35 years, I have always said there are 2 different classes of people. Those who rent and those who own are typically 2 very different mindsets, which this thread thoroughly proves IMO !!
60 year old student landlord? :hump: A little late no?

don’t worry the landlords are taken care of bud. Trump made sure you guys don’t sink. Last thing we need is all you landlords and student landlords falling by the wayside. Good luck sounds like this guy would hire you in a second.

I own my place but I can understand if I’m losing my apartment or home back to my slumlord I’m not cleaning it for him either. The LAST thing I’m worried about is telling some clown who won’t fix my stove that I’m leaving.
I have elderly housing, the government in all their wisdom decided that it should also be open to people with disabilities

I have elderly housing and the government in all their wisdom decided to open it up with anybody with a disability. Also in order to streamline the process of receiving disability you no longer need a doctor to decide and now there is a spike in soft disabilities, things that cannot be proved one way or the other. So day in day out I have to turn away little old ladies that have nowhere to go because some punk 20 something has PTSD. Not a soldier mind you, just some kid who hounded his case worker and worked the system. I see so much fraud every day but there is literally nothing I can do about it. And I know they are scamming the system because they are idiots and tell me. I however cannot report that to anybody who cares, because they don't. Now I am from a country where the government hires people w

Not waived, deferred. Big difference. And yes, anybody who is living off the state and asking for free rent is a piece of shit. I stand by that.
Then why aren’t you deferring theirs?