Canna coco pro first time feeding


Well-Known Member
Hi I have just switched from soil to canna coco pro but with it being my first coco grow I didn't know that I should have been feeding nutes from the start I'm now 15days from sprout and have just started using coco a&b at ec 0.6 ph 5.8 my problem is they are light green / yellow colour so will this be ok from this point and will they eventually catch up ??


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum @MR-GREEN666 nice to have you as part of the family

I myself only use Canna and have been for almost 2 years great product apart from the $ easy to use
as canna is a all in one but just use more as you go in to flower i recommend you use more of part A in veg and more of part B in flower so let's just say they recommend using 100ml of A and B use 110mls of A and 90ml of B in veg and the other day around in flower

as in Veg you need nitrogen
and if flower you need more phosphorous not a huge amount more but a little more but the change of 10% will be a nice start remember each stain is not the same so its hard and what ever canna recommend down it buy at least 10-20% and your plants will be happy if your running them with hard water and you are dealing with hot weather i recommend flushing once every 1-2 weeks with a 50% feed to bring the levels down (ALWAYS CHECK YOUR RUN OFF FOR PH AND EC ALWAYS!) if they start to go up its time to flush

I recommend rhizotonic so much that shit works really well smash them at the start with the recommend 4ml per liter or 20 ml per gallon and you will be rewarded with fat strong steams great root systems and a over all happy plant if you need anymore info just post and i am sure some of the others that grow with canna will help if your stuck just inbox me and ill message you back as soon as i am free

once again welcome to the forum i hope you enjoy your stay and i recommend not posting a how much will i yield post or you will be hammered plus its almost imposable to tell


Well-Known Member
PS: photos will help please you shouldn't need any food till your a couple of nodes high unless your using RO water with nothing added


Well-Known Member
Hi dirtynerd thanks for the warm welcome and taking the time to help me out

I've actually just order rhizotonic and plant magics cal-mag+ Which should be here within a few days :lol:

they are 15 days old today and I have feed them for the first time mixing up 10ltrs of water adding 5ml of Cana coco A and 5ml of canna coco B with a ph of 5.8 which give me an ec of 0.6 I'm hoping this will start them growing at a good speed I will get some photos up over the next few days. :peace:

Ps thanks for your help :leaf: