CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge


Well-Known Member
**lost my copy, got jacked by some old lady,. lmfao~ ruthless..

--gonna order another one prolly 2morrow, just gotta finish the last chapters


Well-Known Member
i got it on pdf. i didnt know there was a link to it.i was doing some research at my cal state.found a article from elaine and robert ingham way back in the early 80s.


Well-Known Member
*da da da da ..o_O...




Well-Known Member
I've split a branch all the way through and just picked it up and tapes it back on and it reattached itself it's fine man a kink is nothin wait til u do what I did super cropping and have to use toothpicks and tape to splint your plant for a few weeks lol that's fun ha ha
Thats Gnarly Bro. Lil too intense for me, I'll stick to the clothes hangars and plastic wire with an occasional twisty tie thrown in. I'm looking forward to a magical cola


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
So many good moments from the VS fashion show tonight just fucking killer. As well as the OccupyLA eviction. Shit is going down. I'm updating the blog with about 20 new pics. Also whats peoples consensus on getting donations for clones, teens that are extras (I don't have room to flower all these bitches)? As far as I can tell its completely legal patient to patient I read everything I could find on the laws.


RIU Bulldog
Damn foo you been up all night! Whatr you up to man? No good? Hahaha Do you rave bro? I got some cid coming in the mail. Should be here by the weekend-monday next week. It'll be my first time trippin...I'm super stoked.
**we don't sleep when the sun goes down
**we don't waste no precious time
**all my friends sing along
**making up for teenage crime


RIU Bulldog
U Trippin with someone bro? It's not good to do CID on ur own the first time. As for cuts and shit take no money give em away it's what I do and I received lots of love and met some real cool people just be straight up not shady in any way and go drop em off to whoever ur givin em to. Don't let anyone pick em up from ur grow unless u really trust em lol.
I asked my best friend to hang with me while I do it (I asked him to take it with me but he's scared...) but he got all self-righteous on me all of a sudden. Tried to talk me out of it and thinks it's a stupid idea. So I'm thinking he probably isn't the best person to trip with. I might have to do it by myself or else idk. None of my real friends do any drugs.