Can't Order Seeds WTF!!!!!

Dr. Indica

Active Member
OK, I've tried ordering beans from the tude and Nirv......I'm using my Wachovia Visa Check Card, not a prepaid.....and every time I try to pay it says payment failed.....shipping and billing information are the same, no name changes or address differences.......WTF am I doing wrong here ?

My card is locked now, and I am currently on the phone with Wachovia getting it unlocked......but why is nobody accepting my payments ?:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Maybe they declined you based on your grammar?

Seriously, I don't know why but I do see your bank charges 3% for international purchases!

Dr. Indica

Active Member
I'll just go get a prepaid then, never had a problem with those in the past.

its christmas and most places are closed
Most places still accept your payment and order, they just send it out after the holidays. Wal-Mart has prepaid's and they're open, so I guess I'll find out soon enough. I was just trying to save myself the trip down there, has anyone else tried to place a order with Nirvana or Attitude today ? Just trying to find out, it doesn't say anything about those two places being closed over the holidays. If I have to wait until after New Year I will just order from Speedy.