Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
I was talking to fumble looks like I need to send another pm haha! Man you norcal folks really got it goin on like we do down here! haha

Well-Known Member
JJ that latest shot of the Medi is a BEAUT!!!!!!!!!!!! mouth-watering. the leaves are in perfect shape. what a great grower you are! on a side note, it is great entertainment to throw large insects into those bug zappers... muahahaha...

wish i could get a clone of that Medi, but im in socal!!! fedex anyone? lol

cheers yall


Active Member
Curious.. whats a guy do with 100 gal hockey pucks once your done with them? I was thinking along same lines a lil while ago. but my biggest is only half wine barrel size. Each year you start out fresh.. Full of roots. I guess recycle them to a composter? Roll'em out to the car hauler and away they go.. haha I guess you can reuse them smart pots tho?


Well-Known Member
Fortunately there is a land fill only a few miles from my house. I have visions of emptying out the smart pots & reusing.
But if not, they are not that expensive to buy new ones.



Well-Known Member
The deed is done! fumble now has a new baby medijuana girl!
I sure hope fumble's old man has been good to her. Because judging by all the interest in the Medijuana, she's about to get real popular!:mrgreen:

Ok gents, you gonna have to talk nice to fumble if you would like a Medi clone.
She's real easy on the eyes & even easer to talk too, that's why I know her bf better be on his best game!;-)

Good luck guy's!



Well-Known Member
The deed is done! fumble now has a new baby medijuana girl!
I sure hope fumble's old man has been good to her. Because judging by all the interest in the Medijuana, she's about to get real popular!:mrgreen:

Ok gents, you gonna have to talk nice to fumble if you would like a Medi clone.
She's real easy on the eyes & even easer to talk too, that's why I know her bf better be on his best game!;-)

Good luck guy's!

JJ, glad your spreading the love. Pleasure to call you a friend.


Well-Known Member
thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Thank you DJJ from the bottom of my heart. I am honored and I will take care of her and grow her out. I see many babies in our futures. I have had a smile on my face since I left with my little baby. Thank you for the compliments *super blushing* . I will do you proud.


Man what I would do for even a single clone of that medijuana, I like what fumble said about the candles, that's exactly what I think about when I think of sharing clones, from a single one a thousand more can be created, and shared once more.

If anyone wants to bring the strain to the Los Angeles area, I'd love a clone c; aha


Well-Known Member
Hey doublejj i remember you told me about the cover for the carport but i gotta ask you again lol. Anyways the carport is here now i want to call farm tek and get that exact same cover you have. What do i call and order again? I am am just gonna do the top part this coming year and expand later. Thank you so much for your help! Its all coming together for a better future!


Well-Known Member
Thank you and you will be the first to see when it comes and get sets up. I am gonna have the guys from my thread my friends basically help me set it up and get it goin lol. Going to be a lot of fun! Fumble hit me up on the medi clones.. I see green norcal and maybe reno again coming in my near future! You the man Doublejj!


Well-Known Member
I just happened to be at my daughter's apt after I received my gift and she has a Budha poster with all these different sayings. I was like "wow, that is perfect!"

Sorry KMK. I still don't know either. lol


Well-Known Member
Cool saying fumble! Im still wondering what starins make the medijuana? Or is it top secret?lol
I think it's secret, all the add says is it's a Indica dominate strain? Can attest to it's potency and use as a pain relief. May do some deeper digging later, sorry!
Have about a lb trimmed and while it's about a week early, (worm damaged) stuff is pretty sweet.
JJ, will save all the trimmings to run thru your washer, should make for some killer hash?


Well-Known Member
thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Thank you DJJ from the bottom of my heart. I am honored and I will take care of her and grow her out. I see many babies in our futures. I have had a smile on my face since I left with my little baby. Thank you for the compliments *super blushing* . I will do you proud.
Did I hear lots of babies in "our" futures?!?!.......hmmmm......hint hint........