Caught stealin


Well-Known Member
I'm a terrible person, I just got caught stealin $100 from my girlfriend.

I feel really bad, but then I realize:

I didnt kill anyone
I didnt cheat on her
I just wanted weed

I know those are terrible excuses, but am i really a bad person?

I'm contemplating suicide from embarassment/shame. :spew:


Well-Known Member
LOL dont do it broseff, life is WAY WAY WAY more worthy than some petty crime embarassment...............................................................................

live, love, laugh


Well-Known Member
I know but I feel like utter-shame.

Ive stolen before but I never felt bad because I have never gotten caught, this time it was red-handed, bad timing.

I know there are alot of worse people in the world, but I still wanna feel bad and be told that Im not as bad as I imagined.


Well-Known Member
ahh...... quit bein a baby! >< make it up to your girl. go be romantic and what not, ask for forgivness and promise you wont do it again... if you will then idk what to say ;)


Well-Known Member
I feel like some feening Meth addict, i techincally didnt act too differently from one.

but then I think, in the simple world, a simple thing brings me joy, and If I went through this life stealing to make me happy, then im sorry to all those who i hurt but I had to do it.


Well-Known Member
come ON bro.

you can't be stealin for weed.

that's the kind of action that gets weed classed with meth and coke. why can't you just ask your girl to spot you some cash?


Well-Known Member
yeah... you need to do something if you have a problem with stealing... I hope you get caught more often if you keep doing it, maybe that will teach you... I doubt you'd really learn anything without consequences. You could lose your gf over it... you could lose your life over something stupid like stealing $100 from the wrong person at the wrong time... you need to get a grip on yourself


Well-Known Member
dont go killing yourself but yeah you're a bad person. stealing is wrong no matter who its from but from your girlfriend? thats just naughty man. and the fact that you didnt feel bad about stealing until you got caught well thats pretty damned bad as well


Well-Known Member
Ill admit I guess i got some issues, feelin like i need to change tho. I guess you could compare me to Joey on RealWorld's newest old season. Without alcohol.


Well-Known Member
just make sure you talk to her about it. and try to work shit out. your gonna have to prove that your.. okay

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I think coming here to try to get validation that what you did wasn't so bad....just adds to it man.

Any kind of stealing is wrong. Stealing from someone you are supposed to be close with and love is even worse. If she can't trust you with her personal belongings then how is she supposed to trust you with anything at all?

To add to it, weed seriously isn't that kind of substance. I don't know if it is a stealing problem or a weed problem but it sure as hell is a problem.

You might want to consider not smoking for a while. Whether or not weed is that kind of substance or not, it apparently is affecting you like those other substances.

It really isn't hard to fully think about your actions before you really isn't.

Sorry to come off as an ass, and I know you feel bad already. But dude...sugarcoating it won't help any.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck? You stole from your girlfriend and your expecting a pity party from us? Get a job for fucks sake, she should break up with your ass. Sorry bro, someone had to make you wake up and smell the roses instead of telling you stealing is OK. What the hell is wrong with people...


Well-Known Member
I'm a terrible person, I just got caught stealin $100 from my girlfriend.

I feel really bad, but then I realize:

I didnt kill anyone
I didnt cheat on her
I just wanted weed

I know those are terrible excuses, but am i really a bad person?

I'm contemplating suicide from embarassment/shame. :spew:

I stole weed from a friend of a friend one time when I was a kid. I'd never stolen anything in my life and I stole weed from this guy. I felt terrible about it for a long time. We all have moments of weakness. It's up to you to use this as a tool to make you a better person. Don't try and make excuses for it. Look yourself in the mirror, say "i'm a piece of shit thief" and never do it again.


Well-Known Member
OK if you say "you usually don't feel bad about it" it means you do it a lot. That is a problem that needs to be addressed. Don't steal, and don't steal from your girlfriend! If you have a partner who lies to you and steals from you (they go hand in hand) then it's abuse. She'll feel you're living a lie & abusing her trust. Everybody does make mistakes, so say sorry; tell her you feel ashamed. She'll probably appreciate your honesty and forgive you, but don't do it again. Oh and don't ever borrow money from her and not pay it back; that's nearly as bad.

Quit with the denial, and telling yourself it's not so bad. Just take it like a man, learn from it and move on.

If you need more money in general, you'll just have to be more industrious.


Well-Known Member
Smh. You're a fucking slime ball. You're suppossed to be sliding 100 bucks into her purse not lifting 100 from it. For some bud dude? Either you're a klepto or you have serious issues with addiction, and need to do some soul searching.