CFL grow startedd 9/11/10


Well-Known Member

Keep your head up man. You'll get those temps sorted out I'm sure and I can't wait to see your babies take off!


Well-Known Member
hey hey! not bad junior, especially the 8th pic looks great. no yellowing at all on that one. i'm bout to go check up on mine and give it water for the first time in 3 days. about 2/3 gallon of ph 6.8 and schultz's plant food with 1/4 strength bloom nutes. i'll get a picture later one.


Well-Known Member
alright man, as promised. i only ended up giving it 1/2 gallon cuz it didn't look too thirsty, but sucked up everything i gave it. i don't have a catch tray per se, but it's got a weird bottom thing that acts like a catch tray. pretty sweet though, i put up a little twistie tie net afterward so it'll be in the rest of the pictures. also, started lst today, used some nails i found to keep them down and grow outwards/give the undergrowth more light. also, found my first stipules! yay for healthy plant! cards are just there for comparison.



Well-Known Member
yo wut up Jr.grower if my opinion counts for any thing try starting some new seeds in some cheap dirt or something made for seedlings........idk but if i go to the first pick you put up and see your last ones they look the same.... i dont know why no one has told you that yet.... i started mines on 9-2 and these pixx are five days old.....dont mean to put you down but some times you got to know when to go back to the drawing board i know its hard to admit but and suck suck sooo bad



Active Member
im growing bag seeds bro, have you read my whole blog? im gettting an a/c in their in a few days with another fan. you don't think i can't just let this grow out? i totally im hearing you out, starting over has crossed my mind but one of the plants are starting to grow faster.


Well-Known Member
thanx thats bag seed too..... and im not sayin throw those out they still can come around and i know its hard to part with your babies...last grow i had five plants and five male my girl made fun of me cus i almost cryed lol


Well-Known Member
i think your soil was to hot as in to much fert or somthing..... my grow is like 85 degrees too the way i see it marijuana is a tropical plant why would a temp of 85 stunt its growth i dont get it..... start from the basics its a weed it should grow in anything dont add ferts till the first real leavs come out


Active Member
i haven't fed them a thing... if you read my first post, im only gunna use molasses when their flowering. i think it might be the ph, i need to check a tester. what kind of water do you use to water them with?


Well-Known Member
i was using regular tap water till three days ago when this happend to one of my plants a couple of people said it was ph so i let my water sit now i wasent even doing that before st8 out the tap lol but it ended up being a p deff but the plant is all fucked up now i got 1 42 watt bulb and 4 23watt bulbs



Well-Known Member
maybe your over watering them do you let the cup get totaly dry? i think its bad seeds if you havent given any fert?also get a ph tester kit its like 5 bux itll at least help you make sure its not a h issue so we can move on to the next idea about what is going on.........i reall wanna help you bro it frustrating me that your plants are stunted lol i can only imajin how you feel


Well-Known Member
i agree with lowrider, it pains me to think of how it would feel lol but i'd say throw out all your seedlings with only their first set of fan leaves and the cotyldons. they've been growing for 3 weeks, they should be on at least 5-6 nodes by now. if any have significant yellow damage (40% or more yellowing) throw those out too. grow your current plans alongside some bag seeds and veg em together.

lowrider- are you flowering yet? if so, how many days have you been flowering? if not, how long have you been in veg?

junior- i planted mary :) on 9/15


Well-Known Member
I had them in vegg from 9-2 till 10-3 i guess like 5 days in flower and i lst'ed mine i hope there not all male again if that happens i quit lol


Well-Known Member
ah. i wonder if i were to have vegged them for another week if they would've gotten that tall. mine's only about 3 or 4 inches tall but i'm lst'ing it too, so i guess that's a good thing? i hope it starts getting tall now that i switched it over to flowering few days ago.


Well-Known Member
they have grown like 3 inches sence i put them to flower and 1 week in vegg makes a world of difference i wanted to leave them longer but i wanna smoke a blunt of my own shit by christmas