cfl question

Fluff E

Active Member
i have one plant almost 3 weeks into flowering and a little over 2 1/2 feet tall. i have a 150 watt hps over it and my question is will it be okay to put some soft white 23 watt cfl's around the bottom of it to make sure there is sufficient light being provided to the bottom. i don't want to end up with popcorn buds at the bottom because there weren't recieving enough light. also they are 2700k. i don't know if that matters.


Active Member
I'm a newbie/stranger so take this for what it is, but I had 9 way overgrown plants under a 600hps and was worried about the bottom because of the distance i had the keep the hps, so i grabbed my old floro's (3X105w multi spec.) and pointed it towards the bottom to make sure they got enough light and it didn't do shit. I got a 1/4lb of popcorn. I made alot of mistakes though so thats really not all the floro's fault.


New Member
Just need to keep those floro's really close but Allout is correct. It make a little difference but not much. With 23w they need to be within a couple of inches of the bud you want to inprove. Also might be good to get a Y spliter and double up per location.

Fluff E

Active Member
were ur popcorn buds still good crystally shit at least? I've got 5 cfl's and a flourecent tube wrapped around the bottom of it now.

Fluff E

Active Member
i've got 5 cfl's and a tube flourescent wrapped around the bottom of it now. certainly that has to help, right?


Active Member
well good thing you got the 2700k cfl's cuz the 6500k ones r pretty much only goof for veg but 2700k is good for flowering. i cant really add anything else cuz im just starting my first grow myself.


Well-Known Member
i've got 5 cfl's and a tube flourescent wrapped around the bottom of it now. certainly that has to help, right?
This will indeed help. Just keep those lights as close to the plant as possible and check to make sure the whole plant is getting light. I'm not sure what else you've done but you may also want to trim back some leaves to get better light coverage.


New Member
Don't trim the whole fan leaves. Just trim the outer half of it if you can. The fan leaves are the solar collector for the plant and provide max growth rates. You can tuck and move the leaves around also. Just make sure the buds themselves are bathed in light. You can take some of the bottom grow tips that will never amount to anything. I use those for clones.