Change my mind please....

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ANyway.....good game kids. @Bublonichronic good luck in all of your trials my friend. If you need anything, please feel free to dm me if you'd like to have an actual conversation without the static.

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LOL. I have plenty of both logic and reason.

But there also is that old saying that once you've shared your opinion, and it seems largely disregarded, there is no longer need for public discussion. I think most of the folks here are probably leaning to the Left, and hey, that's fine.

Trying to continue a discussion with folks that have no obvious desire to look at the reality of a situation does nothing but waste both My time and yours.
You came in, planted your flag as 'right', then started your propaganda campaign against 'the left'. And now claiming you have 'reality' on your side and it is a 'waste of time' to try to have a discussion.

Sure, totally not a troll. But for real, if you are not one, you are reading from their playbook. You even ignored my very good advice about reading the AP to figure out what you are being shown is actually happening or not.


Cult logic.
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You came in, planted your flag as 'right', then started your propaganda campaign against 'the left'. And now claiming you have 'reality' on your side and it is a 'waste of time' to try to have a discussion.

Sure, totally not a troll. But for real, if you are not one, you are reading from their playbook. You even ignored my very good advice about reading the AP to figure out what you are being shown is actually happening or not.


Cult logic.
I’m sorry what is AP ?
I want to start by saying I use to be very far left..but recently I feel like I’m under attack and deemed a piece of shit for stuff Iv never personally done. And I feel like I can see the writing on the wall as to where this ends, and it’s not equality. For instance the lady who said all lives matter and was deemed racist. You back a house cat into a wall and they will fight back...anyway please help me understand and change my mind

Your first problem is your ego. Why do you feel threatened and backed into a corner? If you're white you are the majority, running the system and not in danger of anything. I mean if you are a sub par individual, sure given equality you'll have a tougher time. But that is your own fault as well as your parent's fault, not anyone else's.

As for all lives matter, yes exactly that's the entire point of BLM. You're just missing a key word so let me correct you: all lives matter EQUALLY. When you say it that way BLM will make more sense to you.
Your first problem is your ego. Why do you feel threatened and backed into a corner? If you're white you are the majority, running the system and not in danger of anything. I mean if you are a sub par individual, sure given equality you'll have a tougher time. But that is your own fault as well as your parent's fault, not anyone else's.

As for all lives matter, yes exactly that's the entire point of BLM. You're just missing a key word so let me correct you: all lives matter EQUALLY. When you say it that way BLM will make more sense to you.
Ok I guess there is some ego there, But I guess I feel threatened cause as a straight white male it seems like I’m now being generalized as a racist toxic masulenity piece of shit And that my opinion dosent matter cause Iv been so privileged(I work a shitty job living paycheck to paycheck, I don’t feel privileged)...i might be to sensitive but that’s just how it feels to me
The issue is that they are trying to strip the humanity away from us ALL. Asian, White, Black, Eskimo, Jew, Native American........I think that given the circumstances and the oposition that the POTUS is facing right now, for all it's worth, he's doing better than some I'd say. At least he wants America to be self reliant again.
The sooner we realize this, the sooner people will wake up.

You are witnessing the 'cheapening of humanity' and the rapid advances in the commoditization of humanity. The entire push of modern civilization is towards corporatization - and clearly there are organizations that openly advocate for a globalization of society. And why? Efficiency.

Go listen to some George Carlin and what he has to say about 'The Big Club'

You aint in it.

You will fall in line and obey. Today you will learn that black lives matter. Tomorrow you will learn that for *reasons* white lives matter a bit less.
How about yellow lives?
Soon, there will be no colours. There will only be soulless, grey people, all the same colour, all the same language, all consuming their happy lives away. Borrowing those fake dollars the central banks printed last year and now you pay back with interest in sweat and tears. Think about THAT.

To all the people out there upset because they feel they are owed something, because they belong to a group who was done wrong, I say don't expect meaning, or justice, or payback, or whatever you want to call it to come back into your lives from others. Trust me, you do not want to live in a world where living is convenient on the back of a all-providing government. Remember, what the government provides, has to come from someone else. They day there is no more "someone else" is the day the yoke is on your neck again, just by different owners.

Marxism kills humanity, make no mistake.

I stand with ALL LIVES MATTER. Black, white, green, orange. No excuses. There needs to be justice, yes, but humans are not the ones to deal out that justice.

Ok I guess there is some ego there, But I guess I feel threatened cause as a straight white male it seems like I’m now being generalized as a racist toxic masulenity piece of shit And that my opinion dosent matter cause Iv been so privileged(I work a shitty job living paycheck to paycheck, I don’t feel privileged)...i might be to sensitive but that’s just how it feels to me
BINGO. You and the vast majority of people out there who actually work, pay taxes and contribute something to society. Just think, they want you to go extinct, I wonder how that will work out for them in the long run :lol:
This seems like a good time to point to this too:

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Ok I guess there is some ego there, But I guess I feel threatened cause as a straight white male it seems like I’m now being generalized as a racist toxic masulenity piece of shit And that my opinion dosent matter cause Iv been so privileged(I work a shitty job living paycheck to paycheck, I don’t feel privileged)...i might be to sensitive but that’s just how it feels to me
It is important to understand that anyone going online is going to be attacked by trolls, especially if they 1. Have every had a major social media companies account. and 2. live in a battleground state.

It is designed to play to all sides of our emotions, pride, fear, etc. And with some sock puppet's of the Russian troll coming to attack and some coming to console.

The trick I found to get past my initial response to the 'toxic masculinity' is to try to consider it from a different perspective. Everyone is different and has the ability to be in the same situation and come out of it with a completely different and complex set of feelings.

Ever hear of 'just the tip'?

You are witnessing the 'cheapening of humanity' and the rapid advances in the commoditization of humanity. The entire push of modern civilization is towards corporatization - and clearly there are organizations that openly advocate for a globalization of society. And why? Efficiency.

Go listen to some George Carlin and what he has to say about 'The Big Club'

You aint in it.

You will fall in line and obey. Today you will learn that black lives matter. Tomorrow you will learn that for *reasons* white lives matter a bit less.
How about yellow lives?
Soon, there will be no colours. There will only be soulless, grey people, all the same colour, all the same language, all consuming their happy lives away. Borrowing those fake dollars the central banks printed last year and now you pay back with interest in sweat and tears. Think about THAT.

To all the people out there upset because they feel they are owed something, because they belong to a group who was done wrong, I say don't expect meaning, or justice, or payback, or whatever you want to call it to come back into your lives from others. Trust me, you do not want to live in a world where living is convenient on the back of a all-providing government. Remember, what the government provides, has to come from someone else. They day there is no more "someone else" is the day the yoke is on your neck again, just by different owners.

Marxism kills humanity, make no mistake.

I stand with ALL LIVES MATTER. Black, white, green, orange. No excuses. There needs to be justice, yes, but humans are not the ones to deal out that justice.

Nice rant, shame it is mostly all bullshit.
what a stupid fucking thing to say.
How so, if I’m not mistaken one of the main reasons behind starting America was to get away from an oppressive government, which we had to fight with weapons to achieve...if they take our guns how will we ever protect ourselves from a tyrannical government ? Or do you think it will never get that bad ? Again..
You are witnessing the 'cheapening of humanity' and the rapid advances in the commoditization of humanity. The entire push of modern civilization is towards corporatization - and clearly there are organizations that openly advocate for a globalization of society. And why? Efficiency.

Go listen to some George Carlin and what he has to say about 'The Big Club'

You aint in it.

You will fall in line and obey. Today you will learn that black lives matter. Tomorrow you will learn that for *reasons* white lives matter a bit less.
How about yellow lives?
Soon, there will be no colours. There will only be soulless, grey people, all the same colour, all the same language, all consuming their happy lives away. Borrowing those fake dollars the central banks printed last year and now you pay back with interest in sweat and tears. Think about THAT.

To all the people out there upset because they feel they are owed something, because they belong to a group who was done wrong, I say don't expect meaning, or justice, or payback, or whatever you want to call it to come back into your lives from others. Trust me, you do not want to live in a world where living is convenient on the back of a all-providing government. Remember, what the government provides, has to come from someone else. They day there is no more "someone else" is the day the yoke is on your neck again, just by different owners.

Marxism kills humanity, make no mistake.

I stand with ALL LIVES MATTER. Black, white, green, orange. No excuses. There needs to be justice, yes, but humans are not the ones to deal out that justice.


another george carlin genius here.
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