
Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
does Obama want "change" from his office sale?

illinois hasn't had a honest political system for over 100 years. the last great politician from illinois was Lincoln. wtf is going on up there?

and I thought he was doing so well, this will not look good upon him.


New Member
No NO!! hear him out!!

I read this somewhere in the Dale Carnagie's "How To Win Friends and Beat The Hell Out of Them". It was a best seller......

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I live in Illinois and the corruption runs so deep that a few weeks ago they actually found Lincoln's body trying to climb out of his grave with a gun in his hand........ :hump:

does Obama want "change" from his office sale?

illinois hasn't had a honest political system for over 100 years. the last great politician from illinois was Lincoln. wtf is going on up there?

and I thought he was doing so well, this will not look good upon him.


New Member
I live in Illinois and the corruption runs so deep that a few weeks ago they actually found Lincoln's body trying to climb out of his grave with a gun in his hand........ :hump:
So he's not out of the grave more than 2 seconds and he's violating the State of Illinois gun laws? Somebody shoot that a bastard a second time ....Dammit Abe!

Anyone wanna examine Obama political rise from the great state of Illinois? Anyone?...(wind blows) :mrgreen: Baaah baah baah....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
So he's not out of the grave more than 2 seconds and he's violating the State of Illinois gun laws? Somebody shoot that a bastard a second time ....Dammit Abe!

Anyone wanna examine Obama political rise from the great state of Illinois? Anyone?...(wind blows) :mrgreen: Baaah baah baah....

out. :blsmoke:
Sure...................while we're at it, why not examine, LBJ, BushI, Clinton, BushII just for starters then we can move on to others. Show me a lilly white clean POTUS, bullshit!


New Member
What's the point, it's too late anyways, he's in ... mission accomplished. So the corruption continues under the guise of change.... baah baah baah. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
What's the point, it's too late anyways, he's in ... mission accomplished. So the corruption continues under the guise of change.... baah baah baah. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:

The main changes I'm waiting for,
1.stop the Iraq war.
2.repeal the bush tax cuts for the rich (1.3 trillion in capital gains alone)
3.repeal the bush anti-freedom laws, IE patriot act, torture, suspension of Habeas-corpus etc.
4.put people to work instead of having massive lay-offs from the bad Bush economics.
5.Give our veterans the care they deserve.
6.pass legislation that actually helps things like the environment, workers rights, etc.
6.centralized (Socialized) medical. Single payer medical, elimination of for profit medical, an oxymoron if ever there were.

There are plenty more things that need change, but if this is all he accomplishes in the first term, I'll be ecstatic.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
The main changes I'm waiting for,
1.stop the Iraq war.
2.repeal the bush tax cuts for the rich (1.3 trillion in capital gains alone)-
3.repeal the bush anti-freedom laws, IE patriot act, torture, suspension of Habeas-corpus etc.
4.put people to work instead of having massive lay-offs from the bad Bush economics.
5.Give our veterans the care they deserve.
6.pass legislation that actually helps things like the environment, workers rights, etc.
6.centralized (Socialized) medical. Single payer medical, elimination of for profit medical, an oxymoron if ever there were.

There are plenty more things that need change, but if this is all he accomplishes in the first term, I'll be ecstatic.
1. ok i am not rich, i work for my father. some would say he is wealthy. i have never thought of us as rich and still do not. I think we are middle class, or use to be. see he filed for bankrupcy years and years ago and he learned from his mistakes and now owns a few businesses. he employs over 35 people and it use to be more until this recession we are in. I will tell you he does more with his money to build the economy than i would even think of. poor people don't want to admit it, but they piss the money they do have away. Hell, I piss my money away. I have not benifited from any capital gains ever. I use to make over 90K, but now it is looking more like 60K, which is still damn fine imo. unfortunatly I have racked the debt up like I made 90K and now it is crashing all around. I will not fail, and my father, perceived bad guy, is helping the economy by not letting me go under. and he helps many others. so people who have money are the ones who use it to create and stimulate the economy, not just flaunt there wealth like p diddy or some douche bag who says they are not going to wear bling because the regular people are suffering, what a fucking moron!

3.I am all for torturing anyone who is a terrorist. fuck em!

4.see item 2

5.i agree, both parents are marine veterans from the vietnam era, my father was there. they both have they best health care plan. because my mother worked for 33 years and they use both insurances and pay nothing. I wish I had such a sweet deal. at no cost to the taxpayer. but I don't care. I say help them all. but not all need help.

6.Unions are doing a pretty good job paying people for nothing. why not let capitalism work and not turn this country into communist russia. if you want socialism, there are plenty of countries who would love to take 60% plus of you rtaxes and pay your way through life, I.e. Sweden. That is the beauty of socialism, there are several socialist countries failing. And I love the environment, but we have plenty of legislation that protects the environment. what exactly need protecting?

7.once again with the socialism. we are not socialists, or at least we were before this election. and whatever you do for a living, we are going to cap that at what you can sell it for. how does that sound to you? You can only seel your dank buds for $20 a oz. or you get fined. does that sound like a good idea? Now I do believe $2 asprins in ER are too much, hell, my insurance doesn't even pay how much my dentist and doctor charge, but hey, they purchase goods from me and don't bitch at how much I charge them. I challenge you to find one medical advancement in the last 100 years that came from a socialist or communist country. please, enlighten me. sure, cuba has excellent doctors, but they do not create new drugs and diagnoses. companies spend millions on just looking for drugs. It is clear you re not in reality if you think we are just going to forget the last 235 years of our country, but then again kemosabe, your people might have been here first.

I can only speak from my personal experiences and not from others.:peace::blsmoke:


New Member
1. ok i am not rich, i work for my father. some would say he is wealthy. i have never thought of us as rich and still do not. I think we are middle class, or use to be. see he filed for bankrupcy years and years ago and he learned from his mistakes and now owns a few businesses. he employs over 35 people and it use to be more until this recession we are in. I will tell you he does more with his money to build the economy than i would even think of. poor people don't want to admit it, but they piss the money they do have away. Hell, I piss my money away. I have not benifited from any capital gains ever. I use to make over 90K, but now it is looking more like 60K, which is still damn fine imo. unfortunatly I have racked the debt up like I made 90K and now it is crashing all around. I will not fail, and my father, perceived bad guy, is helping the economy by not letting me go under. and he helps many others. so people who have money are the ones who use it to create and stimulate the economy, not just flaunt there wealth like p diddy or some douche bag who says they are not going to wear bling because the regular people are suffering, what a fucking moron!

3.I am all for torturing anyone who is a terrorist. fuck em!

4.see item 2

5.i agree, both parents are marine veterans from the vietnam era, my father was there. they both have they best health care plan. because my mother worked for 33 years and they use both insurances and pay nothing. I wish I had such a sweet deal. at no cost to the taxpayer. but I don't care. I say help them all. but not all need help.

6.Unions are doing a pretty good job paying people for nothing. why not let capitalism work and not turn this country into communist russia. if you want socialism, there are plenty of countries who would love to take 60% plus of you rtaxes and pay your way through life, I.e. Sweden. That is the beauty of socialism, there are several socialist countries failing. And I love the environment, but we have plenty of legislation that protects the environment. what exactly need protecting?

7.once again with the socialism. we are not socialists, or at least we were before this election. and whatever you do for a living, we are going to cap that at what you can sell it for. how does that sound to you? You can only seel your dank buds for $20 a oz. or you get fined. does that sound like a good idea? Now I do believe $2 asprins in ER are too much, hell, my insurance doesn't even pay how much my dentist and doctor charge, but hey, they purchase goods from me and don't bitch at how much I charge them. I challenge you to find one medical advancement in the last 100 years that came from a socialist or communist country. please, enlighten me. sure, cuba has excellent doctors, but they do not create new drugs and diagnoses. companies spend millions on just looking for drugs. It is clear you re not in reality if you think we are just going to forget the last 235 years of our country, but then again kemosabe, your people might have been here first.

I can only speak from my personal experiences and not from others.:peace::blsmoke:
I guess you call this a rebutal to what I want from Obama?? I Guess this is your opinion. There are many things I could argue but too boring. I did find one thing that got my attention. About the environment: what exactly need protecting? Well, how about we make a list.
1.air quality of the planets resources, IE water, trees, oceans, animals, Yeah, even the health and care of the people, no poisonous effluents being laid waste to the land and air and sea.
3.Global warming, yeah sparky, it's real.
4.Clean coal technology, a fucking Joke. There is no such thing as clean coal.
5.nuclear energy: a disaster just waiting to happen, somewhere, killing thousands if not hundrerds of thousands. Chernobyl anyone.
I saw a program that showed there is a way to treat nuclear waste to make it harmless, they should invest in that instead of transporting all that crap all over the US just waiting for a disaster.
Canada's reactors use heavy water that doesn't need enriched uranium, just regular old uranium, not very dangerous at all.
Oh, yawn, don't want to bore you with mundane things, like human interests and such, go on with your very profitable life, living like you're making 90K and only making 60K.


New Member
Just a side note and an update to medicine man, we already won the war in Iraq. Keep it under your hat, it's a big media secret shhhh!

:peace: thru Victory!

out. :blsmoke:

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
I guess you call this a rebutal to what I want from Obama?? I Guess this is your opinion. There are many things I could argue but too boring. I did find one thing that got my attention. About the environment:what exactly need protecting? Well, how about we make a list.
1.air quality of the planets resources, IE water, trees, oceans, animals, Yeah, even the health and care of the people, no poisonous effluents being laid waste to the land and air and sea.
3.Global warming, yeah sparky, it's real.
4.Clean coal technology, a fucking Joke. There is no such thing as clean coal.
5.nuclear energy: a disaster just waiting to happen, somewhere, killing thousands if not hundrerds of thousands. Chernobyl anyone.
I saw a program that showed there is a way to treat nuclear waste to make it harmless, they should invest in that instead of transporting all that crap all over the US just waiting for a disaster.
Canada's reactors use heavy water that doesn't need enriched uranium, just regular old uranium, not very dangerous at all.
Oh, yawn, don't want to bore you with mundane things, like human interests and such, go on with your very profitable life, living like you're making 90K and only making 60K.
I believe in global warming like I believe it the tooth fairy! Why don't you go check an almanac or something and look when the record temps are for each state. you might actually find something out by reading instead of believing what "shows" tell you. I believe what is on tv like I believe in santa claus. air quality pretty dammn good from where I am. you are a little too naive my friend. maybe you should check with the EPA on their policies. Once again that pesky reading thing again. you might know that they have policies, I know, they have affected my work. i never said anything about clean coal. is that you on that new clean coal commercial? what is clean coal. I don't really give a fuck how we energize our planet, but we need energy and i don't see you coming up with any solutions. i just see you bitching about everything. Last time I checked this isn' t the fucking USSR dude, you just compared the USA with Ukraine. but I can see how you would like to compare since you want to turn the US into a bunch of commie pinko bedwetters. good day asshole.


New Member
I believe in global warming like I believe it the tooth fairy! Why don't you go check an almanac or something and look when the record temps are for each state. you might actually find something out by reading instead of believing what "shows" tell you. I believe what is on tv like I believe in santa claus. air quality pretty dammn good from where I am. you are a little too naive my friend. maybe you should check with the EPA on their policies. Once again that pesky reading thing again. you might know that they have policies, I know, they have affected my work. i never said anything about clean coal. is that you on that new clean coal commercial? what is clean coal. I don't really give a fuck how we energize our planet, but we need energy and i don't see you coming up with any solutions. i just see you bitching about everything. Last time I checked this isn' t the fucking USSR dude, you just compared the USA with Ukraine. but I can see how you would like to compare since you want to turn the US into a bunch of commie pinko bedwetters. good day asshole.
Med Man wears political blinders on .. it must be frustrating to be earnest, wrong ,and blind...... I'm gonna prescribe some hash... :mrgreen:

One need only to look at the only reliable data interpretation when it comes to weather, and that is the sun. We are cooling, not warming. Of course I knew this as soon as Al Gore started talking about it. Whatever that man says, I just know it's the opposite .. :mrgreen:

This means we are working against ourselves with carbon, which is scientifically ridiculous. Oh wait, a consensus of hungry grant scientists say it's true.... rofl. Science ain't what it used to be..... Sir Isaac would be most displeased...

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Just a side note and an update to medicine man, we already won the war in Iraq. Keep it under your hat, it's a big media secret shhhh!

:peace: thru Victory!

out. :blsmoke:
when something starts out as a lie, there is no way you can win. the best possible thing that can happen is you just slowly back away while apologizing...


Active Member
obama is all talk. hes not even an american citizen. no one has seen his real birth certificate. I 100000000% guaranteed obama will make your life worse. one day, your life is going to be a shithole tipsknob and your going to think "im a ****ing idiot". lets see his real birth certificate. HOnestly, look at a comparison between hitler and obama. can you REALLY not see a resemblance? if you cant, your truly a FUCKING IDIOT


New Member
obama is all talk. hes not even an american citizen. no one has seen his real birth certificate. I 100000000% guaranteed obama will make your life worse. one day, your life is going to be a shithole tipsknob and your going to think "im a ****ing idiot". lets see his real birth certificate. HOnestly, look at a comparison between hitler and obama. can you REALLY not see a resemblance? if you cant, your truly a FUCKING IDIOT
welcome to rollitup nutty fuck....


Well-Known Member
tough guy with his .45 looking for Obama's birth certificate lol..........another fine conservative representative, welcome to RIU