

Well-Known Member
.......another fine conservative representative, welcome to RIU
I'd be more apt to say that he/she is more neo-con than conservative. Seeing as I'm a conservative, I do not prescribe to that mindset. You're not painting with too broad a brush, are you Natrone?


Well-Known Member
obama is all talk. hes not even an american citizen. no one has seen his real birth certificate. I 100000000% guaranteed obama will make your life worse. one day, your life is going to be a shithole tipsknob and your going to think "im a ****ing idiot". lets see his real birth certificate. HOnestly, look at a comparison between hitler and obama. can you REALLY not see a resemblance? if you cant, your truly a FUCKING IDIOT
Don't you think if Obama wasn't an American citizen the republican party would have been ALL OVER IT? If there was any doubt of him being a US citizen, they would have made a HUGE fucking deal about it, until it was resolved.

As for comparing Obama to Hitler...are you actually going to elaborate on that comparison, or did you just pull that right out your ass?

I hope you plan to elaborate, it should be amusing :razz:


Well-Known Member
Don't you think if Obama wasn't an American citizen the republican party would have been ALL OVER IT? If there was any doubt of him being a US citizen, they would have made a HUGE fucking deal about it, until it was resolved.

As for comparing Obama to Hitler...are you actually going to elaborate on that comparison, or did you just pull that right out your ass?

I hope you plan to elaborate, it should be amusing :razz:
More importantly, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. As Porky Pig used to say...

"That's all folks!" :lol:


New Member
when something starts out as a lie, there is no way you can win. the best possible thing that can happen is you just slowly back away while apologizing...

I hardly think the media is going to apologize, although I see newspapers tanking everywhere, coincidence?

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
you are sooo weird....
I guess to you I am and that's okay.

I am not willing to believe half truths from ANY source just so I can maintain a certain political perspective. This is where we differ sir.

Never in the history of the United States have our brave lads and gals in the armed forces accomplished SO MUCH with such AMAZINGLY low casualties. My hats off to them!! Well done!

So for 6 years our military professionals have held a large extremely violent country and accomplished more than I'll list but here goes.

Iraq - stable

Saddam - dead

Al Queda - defeated in front of everybody on what Osama even called the "central front"

Oil for food program - dead (remember that embarrassment?)

Dictatorship Govt. - gone

WMD - halted permanently (Saddam admitted to wanting to start right back up again, nice guy)

Kurds - alive

There's more but my cocoa is ready :lol:

So yes we won, get over it. It must be a disappointment to your politics. Your ideologies have rooted you in with no ability to maneuver
when the changes of real life events occur. Your stuck, I am not.....

When I see round holes, I pick up round blocks
When I see square holes, I pick up square blocks

You won't admit to even seeing square blocks

This is where we differ. I'm soooo weird.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I believe in global warming like I believe it the tooth fairy! Why don't you go check an almanac or something and look when the record temps are for each state. you might actually find something out by reading instead of believing what "shows" tell you. I believe what is on tv like I believe in santa claus. air quality pretty dammn good from where I am. you are a little too naive my friend. maybe you should check with the EPA on their policies. Once again that pesky reading thing again. you might know that they have policies, I know, they have affected my work. i never said anything about clean coal. is that you on that new clean coal commercial? what is clean coal. I don't really give a fuck how we energize our planet, but we need energy and i don't see you coming up with any solutions. i just see you bitching about everything. Last time I checked this isn' t the fucking USSR dude, you just compared the USA with Ukraine. but I can see how you would like to compare since you want to turn the US into a bunch of commie pinko bedwetters. good day asshole.
What a total asshole you are. You are the poster boy for a disgruntled Dick Cheney admirer. I can see trying to debate you is useless, so go on with your demented self righteous selfishness and live in your little warped world. you are definently not worth my time, adios asshole.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
some people are just not that bright. any person born to an american citizen is an american citizen. i don't get where people get that shit. his mom was from wichita. a us city. and hawaii has bee a state all his life. hawaii was annexed in 1898.

hey med man. i didn't vote for either party as i see BOTH parties being complete jackasses vying for power. if you believe either one sides bullshit, you do not deserve to debate me. it is obvious you would like to see socialism. so why don't you move your punk ass to sweden.

poster boy for dick cheney? i don't even think so. you got your blinders on pal.

and yeah, i can be a complete fucking asshole, thank you for noticing.

yeah, i live in a warped little world, it is modern day america as we see it.

you see i don't believe in the pussification of this country. grab your sack, quit compalining and do something instead of posting useless drivel anonymously on the internet.


Well-Known Member
some people are just not that bright. any person born to an american citizen is an american citizen. i don't get where people get that shit. his mom was from wichita. a us city. and hawaii has bee a state all his life. hawaii was annexed in 1898.

hey med man. i didn't vote for either party as i see BOTH parties being complete jackasses vying for power. if you believe either one sides bullshit, you do not deserve to debate me. it is obvious you would like to see socialism. so why don't you move your punk ass to sweden.

poster boy for dick cheney? i don't even think so. you got your blinders on pal.

and yeah, i can be a complete fucking asshole, thank you for noticing.

yeah, i live in a warped little world, it is modern day america as we see it.

you see i don't believe in the pussification of this country. grab your sack, quit compalining and do something instead of posting useless drivel anonymously on the internet.
Yeah, it'd be a lot better if parentage was used for citizenship, then location.

Then it wouldn't be possible for illegal immigrants to have anchor babies.


New Member
Yeah, it'd be a lot better if parentage was used for citizenship, then location.

Then it wouldn't be possible for illegal immigrants to have anchor babies.

We only need change the law that if a person has a baby in the States and the parent is not from the U.S., then the baby is declared a Canadian.

That'll stop it IN A HURRY!!! Hey buddy, eh? :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
We only need change the law that if a person has a baby in the States and the parent is not from the U.S., then the baby is declared a Canadian.

That'll stop it IN A HURRY!!! Hey buddy, eh? :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
Yo duuude it was like I was looking into my future haha:blsmoke:. I certainly like to know wth these people do in order to make it here.........been here for awhile.....lost thousands of dollars...and they still want more....:wall:......

Living on the street is going to suck lol, as long as I can keep rollin' cigs, I'll be good haha.

:peace: bro....had a good laugh




Well-Known Member
Yeah, it'd be a lot better if parentage was used for citizenship, then location.

Then it wouldn't be possible for illegal immigrants to have anchor babies.
Illegals children born here should have their citizenship revoked immediately and should be deported. They have caused alot of damage to our economy. because they were born here they should get citizenship? No one should profit from an illegal act. Although our horseshit politicians seem to.


New Member
The Govt.'s plan is working perfectly, so nothing to worry about. Congress figures if they wreck the economy, immigration will decrease dramatically. Well done!!! All the illegal immigrants should be gone by the time Congress gives us 20% unemployment. Thanks again to our "leaders", well done, so smart.

out. :blsmoke:

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
I guess to you I am and that's okay.

I am not willing to believe half truths from ANY source just so I can maintain a certain political perspective. This is where we differ sir.

Never in the history of the United States have our brave lads and gals in the armed forces accomplished SO MUCH with such AMAZINGLY low casualties. My hats off to them!! Well done!

So for 6 years our military professionals have held a large extremely violent country and accomplished more than I'll list but here goes.

Iraq - stable

Saddam - dead

Al Queda - defeated in front of everybody on what Osama even called the "central front"

Oil for food program - dead (remember that embarrassment?)

Dictatorship Govt. - gone

WMD - halted permanently (Saddam admitted to wanting to start right back up again, nice guy)

Kurds - alive

There's more but my cocoa is ready :lol:

So yes we won, get over it. It must be a disappointment to your politics. Your ideologies have rooted you in with no ability to maneuver
when the changes of real life events occur. Your stuck, I am not.....

When I see round holes, I pick up round blocks
When I see square holes, I pick up square blocks

You won't admit to even seeing square blocks

This is where we differ. I'm soooo weird.

out. :blsmoke:
so i guess you wouldn't mind taking a little trip over there with all those low casualties then right? sound pretty safe mission accomplished.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
seriously dude you need snap back to reality there dude. I served in the military during this shit . And i all i can say is quagmire. dude you should really pick up a few books sometime, But hey when your facts come from the tv and your ass who needs books right. oh , and by the way if you knew any thing about the middleast you would now that there is no al-queda. there was never a terrorist organization by that name. Al queda was in late 1980's a database and spy software use by the Cia in afganistan. Dont you remember the war in which we funded osama with money and weapons to fight the russians. This is noting more then propoganda being used by the USA in order to justify imperial conquest. This war is about terrorists not for the people of americas safety, but for money and power on a global scale. super power status but at what cost:confused:


Well-Known Member
seriously dude you need snap back to reality there dude. I served in the military during this shit . And i all i can say is quagmire. dude you should really pick up a few books sometime, But hey when your facts come from the tv and your ass who needs books right. oh , and by the way if you knew any thing about the middleast you would now that there is no al-queda. there was never a terrorist organization by that name. Al queda was in late 1980's a database and spy software use by the Cia in afganistan. Dont you remember the war in which we funded osama with money and weapons to fight the russians. This is noting more then propoganda being used by the USA in order to justify imperial conquest. This war is about terrorists not for the people of americas safety, but for money and power on a global scale. super power status but at what cost:confused:
Better US than the Chinese, or the Russians.