

Well-Known Member
Of coarse if you just want to look at commercial or industrial side of things...
BUT... I don't think the act is as clean now as they pretend... polution created manufacturing US products in asia, realy should count as US polution.

But I was alluding to the values and family life of the average man on the street.

I think it is time you look at your political system, and you will see the disconnect, I think the figures in power have such a disconnect from life in the average american home, it is just not funny...

Also ir is very hard to walk with your head held high after the policies of George Bush... Why just this week he decided to change envirnmental protection laws, so you guys can now go and fuck up nature for more oil WITHOUT even doing environmental studies...

I spent the first two thirds of my life living under a government that indoctrinated and lied to us, useing all the tools of state, from church to school to parents.
Then the Sout African cookie crumbled... like yours soon will.
The illusion masters dissapeared behind the curtains, and in some places managed to go against everything they claimed to stand for, to join the new government as token whites for fat salaries.

You see the great thing about good predictions is that they are predictable...
Either you wage war/genocide on the poor, or the rich has to step down to the middle ground... there is no other way this could ever work.
life in south africa is worse now than it has ever been..and declining still...thanks to the ANC...power outages...mines closing..what do you think south africa has become? other than a crime infested crap hole....?their government even supports mugabe under the table for christs sakes...everything is all better now? for who?:hump:


Well-Known Member
Alot of people suspect our government supports mugabe... me included... on the other hand, we are the ones who pay for medical services when their sick crosses the borders, we are the ones employing them, and suffeirng crime commited by those in desperation who could or would not get jobs here... Any disturbance there, is at our expense.

Remember these guys fought in a liberation war against an enemy directly supported by your governments, so they will always be suspicious of your motives. Africans just have a diffirent way of doing things... I have never seen an african chide another, The taxi driver can go over a red light at 60mph and noone will say a word.
Quite frankly I think the rest of us just need to get out of here and let africa be africa. There is no real middle ground.

However it is BIG place... and the government certainly don't walk in the streets where I live... nor do we have a crime problem where I stay.

To the north things are not as rosy and this is because the police and justice system is basicaly disfynctional after affirmative action placements... people are starting to wake up and politicians are starting to be brought to book.

As a pot smoker would I rather stay anywhere else? Doubt it...

This government has a mostly pro poor stance, and workers rights are enforced vigerously, sometimes, I think, counter to the greater good, but at least it is consistent.

I need to add, you didn't refute a single thing I said... just a sort of an attack by association... with no inquiry as to my position on our government...I am totaly anti ANC.. it has become an abomination, but a stupid, slow and clumsy one... :)


New Member
Of coarse if you just want to look at commercial or industrial side of things...
BUT... I don't think the act is as clean now as they pretend... polution created manufacturing US products in asia, realy should count as US polution.

But I was alluding to the values and family life of the average man on the street.

I think it is time you look at your political system, and you will see the disconnect, I think the figures in power have such a disconnect from life in the average american home, it is just not funny...

Also ir is very hard to walk with your head held high after the policies of George Bush... Why just this week he decided to change envirnmental protection laws, so you guys can now go and fuck up nature for more oil WITHOUT even doing environmental studies...

I spent the first two thirds of my life living under a government that indoctrinated and lied to us, useing all the tools of state, from church to school to parents.
Then the Sout African cookie crumbled... like yours soon will.
The illusion masters dissapeared behind the curtains, and in some places managed to go against everything they claimed to stand for, to join the new government as token whites for fat salaries.

You see the great thing about good predictions is that they are predictable...
Either you wage war/genocide on the poor, or the rich has to step down to the middle ground... there is no other way this could ever work.
The oil you are so adamant on blaming the environmentalists for, is a bloody drop in the bucket...

It would appear you are more interested in personal survival and enrichment than survival of the planet and the species.

I'll state it once again... you are living UNSUSTAINABLE lifestyles... wich RELIES on some people to be slaves and some to be masters... imagine everyone had a car or a house and a TV and all the other wonderfull things you "fill" your life with. what would you make it from? we have used almost all the metals in the earth core down to some sickening levels.

All the plastics and stuff you know come from petroleum products... what will you make that from?

Poluted rivers sustains no ecology, except that of the dead, so don;t think you can recover your losses.

And true, in the 50 and early 60's the world did think of america as a great place, filled with great people..... What a loss!
You can't eat money!

If society fails at this stage, we WILL regress to animals as there will not BE any of the materials needed to get back to this level of scientific
So now the United States is responsible for other countries pollution? I'll put that right up there with man made global warming.... :lol:

there is nothing wrong with being negative about long as you know that you are negative about things for a reason..a logical one..for every dollar that is being lost in the stock market.someone else is making a dollar..investors are getting rich right now..RICH..the working guy...joe six pack is getting positive..go make money on the stupidity of others..there is nothing immoral or wrong about it....:hump:
Since you are so logical on how your money is spent, let me clue oyu in to something. It takes $1.50 dollars to have the govt. produce $1.00. Of course everyone is just a twitter with anticipation of the new "infrastructure" govt. projects..... money well spent, but not efficiently. benefits but only in the long term. Wrong solution with the wrong time line. I'm sure you'll appreciate the irony.....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
So now the United States is responsible for other countries pollution? I'll put that right up there with man made global warming.... :lol:

Since you are so logical on how your money is spent, let me clue oyu in to something. It takes $1.50 dollars to have the govt. produce $1.00. Of course everyone is just a twitter with anticipation of the new "infrastructure" govt. projects..... money well spent, but not efficiently. benefits but only in the long term. Wrong solution with the wrong time line. I'm sure you'll appreciate the irony.....

out. :blsmoke:
Ya want to tell me how much it costs for government contractors to produce a dollars worth of work (Private enterprise)? Like Haliburton for example or Blackwater.


New Member
Maybe you should ask why the Govt. uses them at all..... ask them why. It's cheaper, that's why, even the Govt. knows this, how come not you? :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ya want to tell me how much it costs for government contractors to produce a dollars worth of work (Private enterprise)? Like Haliburton for example or Blackwater.
Thats 2 out of about 20,000 private contractors, probably more.
Its cheaper than the Govt. doing it. Not by much, thats the trick, just be a little cheaper is all it takes. I wouldn't let the govt build my dog house. It would cost twice as much, take twice as long and build for a chiuaua and I have a great dane.

Now private contractors only cost 1.9 and much, takes 1.9 times as long, but they do have to do it 3 times to get it right and get paid for all 3.

The Govt. is stupid, and easy to take advantage of, as long as the paper work is right, they get wallet raped.

Thats why I cannot see the logic in have the govt. nationalize anything thinking they will do a better job.


New Member
Haliburton is directly tied to Cheney. That's why they got the no bid contracts. If the governement was really interested in saving money maybe they'd open those contracts to bidding instead of just handing it over to the company that puts money back in their own pocket.

There should really be a rule that a governement official can NOT give any contracts to any company he is affiliated with.


New Member
Haliburton is directly tied to Cheney. That's why they got the no bid contracts. If the governement was really interested in saving money maybe they'd open those contracts to bidding instead of just handing it over to the company that puts money back in their own pocket.

There should really be a rule that a governement official can NOT give any contracts to any company he is affiliated with.
Hey Miss :lol: (waves)

First off, many contracts from the govt. are "no bids". It's not rare in contracting, althouh it's reported as such. One of the main reasons for no bids with Haliburton is because they are far and away the most qualified to perform in unstable environments.

As for private companies "taking advantage" .. pish tosh. It's the Govt. that "lets' them. I was once called up for a project, and this guy tells me he just wants to use my company as a front for this one job. He says the job wiill take 2 months and I won't have to even show. he offers me 30,000 to push paper on it, so he can qualify for the bid (I'm special :lol:).
Well, imagine if in the above scenario I represent Haliburton and the "GUY" was the Govt. What would you do as a business person? Would you take the money, pass a few documents and checks through your office and collect a free 30k?

And that's how it happens. If overpayments are being made, someone in the GOVT. is allowing it to happen. Don't blame Haliburton. It's some civil worker in a suit making 80k sticking it to the taxpayers. He may even be your neighbor. :-o

I have had Govt. employees subtly ask for bribes...... it's a human condition.
out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I doubt if it's my neighbor, I live in a house I can afford and don't have any credit cards. You're talking about those people across town that have sticks in their butts that were driving their giant SUVs at 15 mph yesterday because it snowed out.


New Member
I doubt if it's my neighbor, I live in a house I can afford and don't have any credit cards. You're talking about those people across town that have sticks in their butts that were driving their giant SUVs at 15 mph yesterday because it snowed out.
It snowed in Vegas Monday, can you believe that. I believe there were more than one crash attributed to the snow. Only snowed above 2700 ft, My place is about 2300, no snow here, just a bunch of rain. I know one thing, my dodge truck with a posi is scary to drive on slippery surfaces. My older 4 wheel drive was way better, I could floor it at the light and it would just take off, no spinning. BTW miss, last time I looked, there was no stick in my butt, I'm not going to deny that maybe I deserve one from past behavior, but none so far.


New Member
So far we've taken a government that doesn't listen to the people and changed it to a government that doesn't listen to the people......waaahhhh-laaaaaaaaa !


New Member
So far we've taken a government that doesn't listen to the people and changed it to a government that doesn't listen to the people......waaahhhh-laaaaaaaaa !
Actually, because we are a people who, for the past 76 years, has continually asked what government can do for us, we have changed from a system whereby government serves the people, into a system where the people serve the government.



New Member
Actually, because we are a people who, for the past 76 years, has continually asked what government can do for us, we have changed from a system whereby government serves the people, into a system where the people serve the government.

So, it's all our fault. Vi, those government scumbags have laws and guns to protect them from the people, Even if we really wanted to change it, it would be nigh on to impossible. Attacking a politician these days get you a cell in Guantanamo as a terrorist, basically life without parole, with a little waterboarding thrown in just for fun. Now please don't come back with "and these are the same people that you want to give our medical care to" ,No they are not. I want to give it to Doctors and medical professionals. The only dictate of government would be the funding.


New Member
Actually, because we are a people who, for the past 76 years, has continually asked what government can do for us, we have changed from a system whereby government serves the people, into a system where the people serve the government.

how patrician of you Vi.....