

New Member
Better US than the Chinese, or the Russians.
The Chinese have money, and the russians have oil, checkmate! Probably the chinese have oil also, they are just closed mouth about what they've got. We are on the downward spiral, it was good to be king, but those days are long gone. We live in a global community and the big players have oil and money. We have neither.


Well-Known Member
The Chinese have money, and the russians have oil, checkmate! Probably the chinese have oil also, they are just closed mouth about what they've got. We are on the downward spiral, it was good to be king, but those days are long gone. We live in a global community and the big players have oil and money. We have neither.
No, we have both, 7 Million Barrels/Day, that's Domestic Production.

Our problem isn't that we don't have oil, it's that we aren't producing enough.

We have it, it's there, all that needs to be done is to drill for it.

As far as money... No, we still have plenty of money, of course, the real value of that money is not as large as the government would have us believe.

Adjusted for inflation the US Economy is only $630 Billion Dollars in 1913 Dollars, but that's still plenty of money, especially considering that each one of those 1913 Dollars was worth 1/20th troy oz. gold. Of course, right now gold is trading at right around $36.36/troy oz (in 1913 dollars).

Plenty of money, and plenty of oil, if we'd tell the environmentalists to shove off, and drill for it.

We should worry about now, yes, we need to get away from fossil fuels, but we need to make sure that the United States is not reduced to the status of a third world country before we can worry about that.


New Member
No, we have both, 7 Million Barrels/Day, that's Domestic Production.

Our problem isn't that we don't have oil, it's that we aren't producing enough.

We have it, it's there, all that needs to be done is to drill for it.

As far as money... No, we still have plenty of money, of course, the real value of that money is not as large as the government would have us believe.

Adjusted for inflation the US Economy is only $630 Billion Dollars in 1913 Dollars, but that's still plenty of money, especially considering that each one of those 1913 Dollars was worth 1/20th troy oz. gold. Of course, right now gold is trading at right around $36.36/troy oz (in 1913 dollars).

Plenty of money, and plenty of oil, if we'd tell the environmentalists to shove off, and drill for it.

We should worry about now, yes, we need to get away from fossil fuels, but we need to make sure that the United States is not reduced to the status of a third world country before we can worry about that.
We are in debt to the tune of what, 50 Trillion if we count unfunded mandates, I'd certainly call that a lack of money, well, sure, we could sell all our assets, national parks, weapons, factories, etc. but where would that leave us, broke with no assets. I'm no economist, but it looks like we're broke to me. And as for the oil, we don't have enough to even keep us from buying on the world market, whereas Russia is exporting oil, I'd say we are checkmated. We may have the best weapons, but using them would be a catastrophe for our enemy and us.


New Member
We are in debt to the tune of what, 50 Trillion if we count unfunded mandates, I'd certainly call that a lack of money, well, sure, we could sell all our assets, national parks, weapons, factories, etc. but where would that leave us, broke with no assets. I'm no economist, but it looks like we're broke to me. And as for the oil, we don't have enough to even keep us from buying on the world market, whereas Russia is exporting oil, I'd say we are checkmated. We may have the best weapons, but using them would be a catastrophe for our enemy and us.
Are you actually complaining about the debt, Med? If so, why? Aren't you the one who's always in support of our unbacked fiat monetary system? And are you complaining about our oil shortage? Why is that, Med? Aren't you the one who supports radical environmental policies that continue to prevent drilling? Man ... do you have flexible principles, or what?



New Member
Are you actually complaining about the debt, Med? If so, why? Aren't you the one who's always in support of our unbacked fiat monetary system? And are you complaining about our oil shortage? Why is that, Med? Aren't you the one who supports radical environmental policies that continue to prevent drilling? Man ... do you have flexible principles, or what?

It's not my principles that are flexible here, I was just spelling it out for TBT. In a word, as a Nation, we are "Fucked". Low on oil and deeeeep in fucking debt, screwed. We cannot continue to bully the rest of the world. We can't afford it.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
the problem with oil is the environmentalists. and no one wants to build new refineries. it is a problem. we cannot refine the oil. we have a shitload. had an old timer retired fella at work and he worked for a chemical company that made a silicon somethingrather that they would pump into the salt mines in Louisana to protect the oil from coming up during a hurricane. he did this stuff in the 60's, really neat guy. from what i know, we don't use and of our oil we drill for. we reserve it for future use. am i wrong? the problem is refining the oil, not the amount of oil. and fuck those greedy bastards in there neck. i am glad a lot of fuckers lost a lot of money when oil dropped. should fuck with futures or you get burned.

and med, get ur facts strait about the country before you spout of incorrect information. we are in debt to the tune of 10 trillion dollars. but keep thinking up magic numbers pulled out of thin air. and then i ask, what others numbers does he pull directly out of his ass? it reminds me of a bar tender we met at my buddies wedding party earlier this year. he was saying that an oil company was making a hundred's of billions of dollars in the last quarter. which yeah, they were making record profits, but it was 11 billion, not hundreds of billions. so, it is all in context, i am not getting my financial information form some bar tender/high school football coach, because he doesn't know what the fuck he was talking about. and you need to use accurate information instead of words like "what, 50 trillion dollars." you are on a computer, use it and look something up.

china doesn't have more money, they just print it just like we do. now i don't want to go to war with china, but if you saw the olympics, i am glad i am not in that communist country. i hear they have great love for their citzens. china is known as a "flying geese." they manufacture multiple different industries so they are more diversified than the rest of the world. but it doesn't change the fact they allow one child, ignore human rights, and imo, have little man syndrome.

why must you denigrate the US so? Russia? we kicked communisms ass and you think they are now going to rule the world. pick up a world newspaper. that country is fucked. did you know oil is only purchased with US dollars? OPEC only sells oil for US dollars, nothing else. They are not selling it for Rubles or Rupies or whatever fucking stone age country currency is around. why? Because we are the big dog in the world. Deal with it. or leave. Everyone else's economy is directly related to our economy. It is called securities backed assets and they are not getting purchased right now and that is why we cannot free up the credit markets.

i would also like to know your backround med, so i can maybe understand where you are coming from. age, occupation, education, anything.


New Member
Hey I noticed some change that is linked with Obama ! Illinois is about to get a big CHANGE in state governers. The change has begun....... :bigjoint:

Oh yes and ALL countries are fucked. All of everyones everything is linked by the fact that we share this planet. It was a good run and now the downward spiral begins. So how about that 2012 thing? Sounding more believable yet?


New Member
I use to live close to a gas refinery and all the creeks and streams around town were always catching on fire. the harbor where we kept our boat always had a layer of gas. we had to put these pipes on the boat that made the exhaust go under water so the harbor would not catch on fire. oh yeah...then was that whole dead fish to love those refinerys.


New Member
the problem with oil is the environmentalists. and no one wants to build new refineries. it is a problem. we cannot refine the oil. we have a shitload. had an old timer retired fella at work and he worked for a chemical company that made a silicon somethingrather that they would pump into the salt mines in Louisana to protect the oil from coming up during a hurricane. he did this stuff in the 60's, really neat guy. from what i know, we don't use and of our oil we drill for. we reserve it for future use. am i wrong? the problem is refining the oil, not the amount of oil. and fuck those greedy bastards in there neck. i am glad a lot of fuckers lost a lot of money when oil dropped. should fuck with futures or you get burned.

and med, get ur facts strait about the country before you spout of incorrect information. we are in debt to the tune of 10 trillion dollars. but keep thinking up magic numbers pulled out of thin air. and then i ask, what others numbers does he pull directly out of his ass? it reminds me of a bar tender we met at my buddies wedding party earlier this year. he was saying that an oil company was making a hundred's of billions of dollars in the last quarter. which yeah, they were making record profits, but it was 11 billion, not hundreds of billions. so, it is all in context, i am not getting my financial information form some bar tender/high school football coach, because he doesn't know what the fuck he was talking about. and you need to use accurate information instead of words like "what, 50 trillion dollars." you are on a computer, use it and look something up.

china doesn't have more money, they just print it just like we do. now i don't want to go to war with china, but if you saw the olympics, i am glad i am not in that communist country. i hear they have great love for their citzens. china is known as a "flying geese." they manufacture multiple different industries so they are more diversified than the rest of the world. but it doesn't change the fact they allow one child, ignore human rights, and imo, have little man syndrome.

why must you denigrate the US so? Russia? we kicked communisms ass and you think they are now going to rule the world. pick up a world newspaper. that country is fucked. did you know oil is only purchased with US dollars? OPEC only sells oil for US dollars, nothing else. They are not selling it for Rubles or Rupies or whatever fucking stone age country currency is around. why? Because we are the big dog in the world. Deal with it. or leave. Everyone else's economy is directly related to our economy. It is called securities backed assets and they are not getting purchased right now and that is why we cannot free up the credit markets.

i would also like to know your backround med, so i can maybe understand where you are coming from. age, occupation, education, anything.
With over 10 TRILLION in current debt, another 7.5 TRILLION coming in 2009 from bailout after bailout and 50 TRILLION in unfunded mandate obligations (Social Security and Medicare), the die is cast. Now we just wait and see how this drama unfolds and how big a mess we’ll be in. There is no blueprint and we’re in unchartered waters. ( right from VIs' favorite hack, Dr. Walter Williams - A Prophet?)
Yup, right out of my ass. It seems you are misinformed. If you are interested in my age, background etc, read more RIU and talk less. I am free with my personal info, to a point.


New Member
I guess Da Kine hasn't heard about the constant devaluation of the dollar of how other countries want oil prices to not be based on the American dollar. Things were set up based on how things were then. Things aren't so peachy now. Even the big dog gets old and eventually loses leadership of the pack.


New Member
I guess Da Kine hasn't heard about the constant devaluation of the dollar of how other countries want oil prices to not be based on the American dollar. Things were set up based on how things were then. Things aren't so peachy now. Even the big dog gets old and eventually loses leadership of the pack.
True, every great civilization had its' day and then faded away. We're next. China will be the big dog. Looking at Geography in general, it makes sense that there must be massive oil reserves in China.


New Member
With over 10 TRILLION in current debt, another 7.5 TRILLION coming in 2009 from bailout after bailout and 50 TRILLION in unfunded mandate obligations (Social Security and Medicare), the die is cast. Now we just wait and see how this drama unfolds and how big a mess we’ll be in. There is no blueprint and we’re in unchartered waters. ( right from VIs' favorite hack, Dr. Walter Williams - A Prophet?)
Yup, right out of my ass. It seems you are misinformed. If you are interested in my age, background etc, read more RIU and talk less. I am free with my personal info, to a point.
Med ...

It does my heart well to see that you are learning from my posts. :lol:



New Member
Well I'll be darned. Med man just admitted that the U.S. is a GREAT civilization. Lawdy now I know everything is gonna be all right. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The oil you are so adamant on blaming the environmentalists for, is a bloody drop in the bucket...

It would appear you are more interested in personal survival and enrichment than survival of the planet and the species.

I'll state it once again... you are living UNSUSTAINABLE lifestyles... wich RELIES on some people to be slaves and some to be masters... imagine everyone had a car or a house and a TV and all the other wonderfull things you "fill" your life with. what would you make it from? we have used almost all the metals in the earth core down to some sickening levels.

All the plastics and stuff you know come from petroleum products... what will you make that from?

Poluted rivers sustains no ecology, except that of the dead, so don;t think you can recover your losses.

And true, in the 50 and early 60's the world did think of america as a great place, filled with great people..... What a loss!
You can't eat money!

If society fails at this stage, we WILL regress to animals as there will not BE any of the materials needed to get back to this level of scientific illumination.


New Member
50's/ 60's - United states was an environmental mess - Americans proud

Today - U.S. has made incredible achievements in being clean - Americans not proud

So what's the disconnect?

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Of coarse if you just want to look at commercial or industrial side of things...
BUT... I don't think the act is as clean now as they pretend... polution created manufacturing US products in asia, realy should count as US polution.

But I was alluding to the values and family life of the average man on the street.

I think it is time you look at your political system, and you will see the disconnect, I think the figures in power have such a disconnect from life in the average american home, it is just not funny...

Also ir is very hard to walk with your head held high after the policies of George Bush... Why just this week he decided to change envirnmental protection laws, so you guys can now go and fuck up nature for more oil WITHOUT even doing environmental studies...

I spent the first two thirds of my life living under a government that indoctrinated and lied to us, useing all the tools of state, from church to school to parents.
Then the Sout African cookie crumbled... like yours soon will.
The illusion masters dissapeared behind the curtains, and in some places managed to go against everything they claimed to stand for, to join the new government as token whites for fat salaries.

You see the great thing about good predictions is that they are predictable...
Either you wage war/genocide on the poor, or the rich has to step down to the middle ground... there is no other way this could ever work.


New Member
The american cookie is already crumbling. There are so many fingers in the pie that all we have left is the crust.

People are becoming more and more disgruntled, especially when it comes to "I was laid off so some fat cat could keep his million dollar bonus" gun sales are through the roof, that's one business that is making out like bandits.

Something is coming, it's just a matter of time. Not sure what it is yet, but it's going to be down right ugly........


Well-Known Member
there is nothing wrong with being negative about long as you know that you are negative about things for a reason..a logical one..for every dollar that is being lost in the stock market.someone else is making a dollar..investors are getting rich right now..RICH..the working guy...joe six pack is getting positive..go make money on the stupidity of others..there is nothing immoral or wrong about it....:hump:


New Member
Well I'll be darned. Med man just admitted that the U.S. is a GREAT civilization. Lawdy now I know everything is gonna be all right. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
Was, max, was. In comparison so were the Greeks, the Romans, the Mayans and on and on. All "were" great past civilizations. We are in freefall right now. look around. If the American Auto industry goes under, the rest will surely follow. When you have 3 million people in a tri-state area unemployed, with no chance of ever getting back what they've lost, the government better pull all their troops back here to protect themselves, as there will be bloodshed when they can't feed or house their families.