Cheapest way to grow shrooms...?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been looking into them online they aren't all that expensive. Just one of those things I've been putting off buying until I decide whether I actually want to make the jump to grains from BRF jars. I just finished my first PF Tek grow and pulled a little over 2 oz from 8 jars. Plus I have 20 more jars I'm going birth within the next day or two. That's more than enough for me and my friends. The only down side is the time involved. Don't really mind spending an hour or two making the jars, cooking, and knocking up really. The fanning, misting, dunking, rolling, etc. is what's a pain sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Great thing about mushroom grows is that most materials used are recyclable... a simple sterilization and jars, perlite and other necessities can be reused.. maximizing your profits :D