Christianity, Homosexuality, and the New Covenant

There is valid doctrine, I asked if you thought homosexuality was wrong logically.

Hot smoke is not a bad argument. Go ask any doctor. There is also tar deposit, again, talk to a doctor. You are plain wrong. If a study came out linking mj to some type of cancer would you change your mind? It's not settled yet scientifically, but I highly doubt it's a miracle drug in smoke form.

I don't fault your use of cannabis, but I know Christians personally that will unfriend you in real life for smoking weed. The stigma against weed transcends many communties.

Alcohol is horrible for your liver and body in general. The wine Jesus made wasn't alcoholic according to many denominations (the more conservative/literal ones). It is a sin yet our law allows it to ruin tens of millions of lives each year, and kill hundreds of thousands.

You argue that some things are bad because they harm society and the individual but then you draw the line somewhere. Why? Where does that slippery slope end? -->That's what the Bible teaches if you read it close enough.

In the Bible it says that pondering murder is just as bad as murder itself. It carries that logic to every sin. "All sin is equal."
If God were a vehicle, what kind of vehicle would he be?
An ice cream truck, because he brings joy to those who discover Him, but people who follow Him too closely are usually paedophiles.
Speaking of Jesus, are you familiar with Ohio's Touchdown Jesus?

A lightning strike took down that six-story tall Jesus.

I lived near that monstrosity and the one that replaced it...Five-dollar Footlong Jesus. I thought the lightning strike was a pretty clear message, but they made Jesus erect again.

Ohio is awesome!
dude, back away from the bong and the bible

still love it when people try to quote from a book of morality tails that is still not even complete....
its not complete? I bet you've never read yet your going to talk like you know his word already an are smarter than God .As matter of fact GTFO out of Texas because we got our land from God . You don't deserve to enjoy the blessings of our land . You better change your attitude real quick buddy or God's going thump your gourd . You don't represent America or Texas your a walking shame . Change your ways .Texas don't stand for bull shit athiest .We stand for God's word .
There is no such thing as sin. Everything in existence is a facet of God. Everything with a consciousness is a facet of God experiencing itself subjectively. You should look into Nondualism. Something like Advaita or Buddhism. That's what the truth is, and what your Christ was teaching.

The point of life is to realize that you are God, balance your karmic debt, and achieve Moksha/Nirvana, releasing yourself from Samsara.
your idle isn't a God . it don't amount to a hill of beans . Its nothing LMFAO .
Speaking of Jesus, are you familiar with Ohio's Touchdown Jesus?

A lightning strike took down that six-story tall Jesus.

I lived near that monstrosity and the one that replaced it...Five-dollar Footlong Jesus. I thought the lightning strike was a pretty clear message, but they made Jesus erect again.

Ohio is awesome!
that's evil you shall not make for yourself images of anything looking like heaven or angels or anything . Think about it thats wrong we don't need graven images . worshipping it or not . I think its wrong
Don't hate at all. Did your God teach you to hate?
I rebuke you (x1) why offend these little ones . you must live a messy sloppy life full of sin . strung out on weed you can't see clearly your the only fool I prefer mine organized and clean of filthiness . God's going to hurt you if you keep provoking anger
Many people in favor of gay marriage claim that homosexuality is not addressed directly by Jesus in the New Testament. So why is it still a sin? If you have never read the Bible, here is an explanation:

The Old Testament has many "contracts" with man. These are known as covenants. Some are permanent, but others are listed as temporary. It's the Old Covenant in the Old Testament that was fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament. The Old Covenant consists of the civil/ceremonial laws of the Jews. However, civil/ceremonial laws are very different from the moral laws in the Old Testament.

Examples of the civil or ceremonial laws might include this: Things like sacrificing lambs on Passover, it means they can't be eating pork or shellfish. Most of these civil or ceremonial laws are in the book of Exodus and Leviticus.

It is the moral laws, such as the 10 commandments and all other moral laws throughout the Old Testament that are still very, very, very intact to this day. These moral laws include murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

So, The reason why homosexuality in the Bible is still a sin is because the moral laws are still intact from the Old Testament. In addition to just the Old Testament, Jesus and Peter also preached against sexual immorality as a whole. Notice the root word of immorality is moral. That means that nothing I said is being taken out of context to support a messed-up "narrative".

This is pure bullshit made up by the Christians to enable them to pick and choose which laws they want to lord over everybody and which ones they want to ignore.

The law against homosexuality is VERY clear in Leviticus. It says that any man that lay with another man the way he would a woman should be put to death.

And the Christians hate gays, so they LOVE that verse and lord it over people.

But guess what? Anybody that lays mixed crops has to be put to death too. Well, there goes all the farmers that every partook in crop rotation. They all die. All of them. No exceptions. No matter what.

BUT WAIT!!! NO THEY DON'T!!! Because Jesus trumps that rule by way of magical, bullshit Christian interpretation even though Jesus never mentioned crop rotation either!

Guess who else dies?

Read a horoscope? You die.
Get your palm read? You die.
Commit adultery? You die...but only if you're female. Males can screw anybody they want except for other males.
Get a tattoo? You die.

UNLESS YOU'RE A CHRISTIAN - then you can magically make shit up as you go along and pick and choose ONLY those laws that suit your particular bigoted cause.

The list of hypocrisy is endless.

Christ is the only being who was both fully man and fully God. Since he was the only perfect person in history, he gives us a point of reference to do good. This is the "son" part of the holy trinity.

Man can harness the power of the Holy Spirit, which is God's power within all of us. But that doesn't mean that we are God in itself.
good job man letting these devils know about who Jesus is . I'm backing you up athiest want to gang up .an scoff but they won't be scoffing for very long . Because we are living in Revelation isn't it wonderful we will get a reign with Jesus and hes going knock satan over the head with his staff of correction .These devils in here will know who is God