Chronic Pain Thread


Active Member
I won't post the pic, but, I fell of my bike (BMX) and severed a nerve in my forehead/eyebrow. Doc was like "That'll grow back..." Like I don't watch enough DIscovery channel to know nerves don't grow back. I feel for you all, you have it worse than me....


Well-Known Member
loke my mum, her arm that doest work or have any feeling in it hurts her pretty bad at times cos your right they do regrow but in ma old chooks case not good only painful :(

ive been thinking about asking ma doc to kill some of the nerves in ma neck, theres a chance it may stop ma headaches a little bit.... butthese are drastic measures, so i just smoke the cronic and munch ma painkikllers as usual.... after all theres only a chance that it may help. plus it wont really help the rest of me will it lol..

i wish i could say ya lear to deal with it but ya dont every day its more and more of a piss off,

for me it is anyway....
especially when ya think of all the shit ya should be able to do....

i am of the belief everyone should be able to turn there head to talk to someone almost as fast as they want, or be able to kick and pick up a ball without pain or worrying your hoing to end up stuck on the ground in some fucked up position....

maybe one da in the future theyll stop this poxy war on drugs (obviosly it doesnt work) and focus on the real criminals that kill ppl 4 a living or making life more enjoyable for people...

or heres an idea how about they put even half that coin into finding cures and scientific breakthroughs to help sick people enjoy a more HIGH :) quality life


Well-Known Member
That is a common theme about not being able to do what you did .
That is the most common depressing thing to chronic pain people :)


Well-Known Member
sorry for the useless post here

but im cooked and you got 3333 posts diemdepyro...
thats cool.
tried to rep ya but i gotta spread some love. just thought you deserved it.... nice thread ya got here :)

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Something that often gets overlooked is the signifigance of good sleep/rest. During the week with routines and such the pain can be worse. Stuff needs to get done. I sometimes have to force myself toward extra sleep/rest. There are already plenty of days that you cannot get good rest/sleep because of the pain. I have learned to force myself toward rest and good sleep when I am feeling good. This can pay dividends on the days when the pain does not allow for either. I have times when I am exhausted and cannot find a position that is comfortable for me to sleep. The recliner in my living room has been a good friend to me. It takes what it takes. Today is a pretty good day. I will celebrate it as such..... (doing the Snoopy happy dance).


Well-Known Member
I love my good days and remember them. I try to forget the bad ones. Every day I begin again. Clean slate:)


Well-Known Member
clean slate, more pain killers and a new bud.... thats how i gotta start each new day lol ;) ..


Well-Known Member
I know coffee and painkillers :) I stopped the pain killers a year ago.
Seems as they did not work. I was afraid not to take them :)


Well-Known Member
true they work..... but its not like some magic cure the pains still there but nowhere near as bad..... i think theyre taken theyre toll on ma insides now tho.... make ma guts hurt and shit :(


Well-Known Member
L1 & t2 Compression fracture, shearing corners off crushed cartlidge etc, Moto X acciedent 2 1/2 yrs ago now....... Pain is my friend, tells me im alive.. EVERY GOD DAM FUCKING MINUTE OF THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!..... sorry just venting.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... stoned again! Dank just helps me think of other things.....


Well-Known Member
L1 & t2 Compression fracture, shearing corners off crushed cartlidge etc, Moto X acciedent 2 1/2 yrs ago now....... Pain is my friend, tells me im alive.. EVERY GOD DAM FUCKING MINUTE OF THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!..... sorry just venting.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... stoned again! Dank just helps me think of other things.....
That is why the thread exists. Thanks for the post :) feel better now?


Well-Known Member
Yep, we aussie will never tell you were in pain, but we will bleed in our beloved RIU!
TOKEN ON THIS..bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I would say `legally quiet a few, Chronic .... not so many ..... Count me for


Well-Known Member
Doctors suck in all countries and imo none of them really give a fcuk about any of us.
Save your cash and get some stemm cell injections on the black market.
This is the only "miracle cure" that i know of anyway for severe injury's.
Its illegal but works in many cases,so i heard anywaybongsmilie