Chronic Pain Thread


Well-Known Member
Doctor do suck. If you have a decent one keep them. I have embarrassed mine by living and getting better.


Well-Known Member
Doctor do suck. If you have a decent one keep them. I have embarrassed mine by living and getting better.
Try asking them for stem cell injections in your spine to repair it and see what they say.
When they refuse,ask them why.
Then ask them why they are available to the filthy richbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I have bone in the cord injections won't help. Surgery is too dangerous so they say. Cash cures most problems. Ask Majik Johnson.


Well-Known Member
I have bone in the cord injections won't help. Surgery is too dangerous so they say. Cash cures most problems. Ask Majik Johnson.
Surely they can remove the bone with micro surgery and then use stem cell injections to repair the damage.
Thats what i would do but then im just a dumb pot head:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member

Main article: Stem cell treatments
Medical researchers believe that stem cell therapy has the potential to dramatically change the treatment of human disease. A number of adult stem cell therapies already exist, particularly bone marrow transplants that are used to treat leukemia.[29] In the future, medical researchers anticipate being able to use technologies derived from stem cell research to treat a wider variety of diseases including cancer, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and muscle damage, amongst a number of other impairments and conditions.[30][31] However, there still exists a great deal of social and scientific uncertainty surrounding stem cell research, which could possibly be overcome through public debate and future research, and further education of the public.
Stem cells, however, are already used extensively in research, and some scientists do not see cell therapy as the first goal of the research, but see the investigation of stem cells as a goal worthy in itself.[32]


Well-Known Member
Above C-3 this is a high risk thing. What do they know? They tell me I cant walk. I walk all the time.
They ask me "where is your wheelchair"?. I told a smart assed neurosurgeon my wheelchair was next to his mommies bed>:)


Well-Known Member
Above C-3 this is a high risk thing. What do they know? They tell me I cant walk. I walk all the time.
They ask me "where is your wheelchair"?. I told a smart assed neurosurgeon my wheelchair was next to his mommies bed>:)
Sounds like your already in a high risk situation just by every day living.
I think the reality is that they don't want to operate on a high risk patient as they are worried that it will affect their stats and budget and you don't have enough cash to fund a private opbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
That is it "their" stats. The pain is bad. I can deal with it most days. Who gets the credit for me walking? Marijuana is who.


Well-Known Member
I was born with spina bifida occulta, which is a milder form of the disease, but my L4 and L5 are unformed. Thus, I get pinched disks and nerves at that locations all the time! I wouldn't say the pain is chronic in that it's an unbearable amount every day, but I will have crippling back pain for the rest of my life due to the unformed vertebrae. Doctors will no longer prescribe me pain pills because I've been on them for year. So now I rely on weed. I'm thinking of trying yoga. Did it help anyone?


Well-Known Member
For the country song your old lady has to leave you. Then you wreck your car with your dog in the trunk. After the DUI.


Well-Known Member
For the country song your old lady has to leave you. Then you wreck your car with your dog in the trunk. After the DUI.
Wait, isn't tractor sex somehow involved in country music? Or beating you wife...perhaps kicking your dog...

I to hear about your knee and everyone else's ailments. Most days, I just continue to hope and pray for some miracle spinal cure. Perhaps stem cells will help...


Well-Known Member
i blew-out my knee and i cant run or walk long distances. i never got surgery(cant afford it) so its still really messed up, one wrong step and im on my ass for 3-6 months. i came down from over 8 feet with my knee locked and it went ostrich style about 50degrees the opposite way than its supposed to. im only 18 too so it kinda robbed me of my best athletic years. i wish sc would decriminalize so i cud get a mj card


Well-Known Member
Too bad about the knee sittinherebored. I have no ACL. The repair wont work because the cartilage is gone. You need to get that fixed or you will be in the same shape later. Peace


Well-Known Member
well had to get so more blood tests and due for ANOTHER lot of cat scans (long ones) and visit to the doctor lol (im not sure how to spell rheumatologist lol). dont know where were goin to go from there :(

to top it off i got a tooth ache ( i lost half a tooth a bit over a month ago that shit hurts) i got an outstanding dentist bill i gotta pay and then wait to get the mother fucker pulled so not only am i goin thrue ma usual pains i got a fucking tooth thats makig me piss. lol its not just ma mouth that mother fuckers making ma whole left side of my face hurt making my migrains worse.... ITS EVEN AKING MY EYEBALL HURT DAMMIT " i mean what the fuck its supposed to be a toothache man.... fuckit.


Well-Known Member
Jester 88, I hate them scans especially when the pump you full of dye. Leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. Last time they blew a vein. Burned like hell.


Well-Known Member
true fuck that. i woulda just grabbed it off them and did it myself j.j
(i recon i could do better than some of the rookie nurses and shit ive had to see it cant be that hard to do a better job ehy..) im not a human pin cushion after all..

yeah well im due ta go for some scans tomorrow anyways :( so i wont be on the forum for a great deal of the day :(.... it sux id much preffer to be talking to the fellow rollitupers and helping some noobs if i can... beats pain and boredom any day.

sorry for dribblin so much shit dude but it was time for another vent lol